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Everything posted by doradox

  1. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm "lucky" on the point. My garage is old and has small double doors so the only way her '03 Suburban can fit is if the mirrors are folded in. That's too tight for her. My driver gets to park inside most of the time during winter if I don't have a project spread out all over the place. Steve
  2. I had a friend that bracket raced an old beater station wagon. Slow but consistent and he would regularly place in the top 3. That guy could cut a good light. Steve
  3. doradox replied to beachieb's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    A 3.8 V6 and 5 speed from late model Camaro. Dead nuts reliable with a substantial boost in HP but not so much you'll worry about breaking things. Do you have Camaros in Australia? Is there a Holden that uses that combo? Steve
  4. doradox replied to Sailor Bob's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Nice pics and car. I almost had a little dance with a deer last week on my way to work. One of the few days I've driven the Z to work and the sucker jumps out right in front of me from a wooded area on my road. I live out in the corn fields and they jump out from nowhere several times a year. I drive pretty slowly once the corn is too tall to see them anymore. It's scary and they're no where near as big as a moose. I can't wait for the harvest. Steve
  5. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Doesn't that prove my point? Me one way, you another, and possibly a combination of both? Whatever, it's not like it's important. Steve
  6. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Could be one way or the other or both for that matter. Steve
  7. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This has gotten interesting. Threats of violence, even torture. Wasn't Bond being tortured? It's not funny. If someone posted a picture of a burning cross would that be funny as long as it was a "long-standing cinematic stereotype". The white flag thing. It's great fun to call the French Surrender Monkeys, but I seem to recall them helping us out way back 230 years ago or so. http://people.csail.mit.edu/sfelshin/saintonge/frhist.html You've got to wonder what kind of world we might be living in had they not. Steve
  8. Then I'm just preaching to the choir. It must be nice not to have to wonder if the guy behind you has 'em or not cause you're gonna stop way faster than him if he doesn't. I'm partial to the G35 Coupe. Steve
  9. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The Z's been kicked out the garage and has to spend the winter in the tractor, Uh, I mean Z shed with the '73 Deere 1530 and the Deere 111 lawn tractor. I promised the wife a kitchen remodel and I need the space in the garage to bring out the woodworking tools and room to build the cabinets. Steve
  10. Nice! I especially like the hood scoop. It really looks at home on that hood. Awesome job. Steve
  11. doradox replied to the_cafe's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Since no one else seems able to resist, I'll chime in too. Steve
  12. If you need to drive in the snow invest in a set of winter tires. I run them on my 240SX and the difference compared to all seasons, not to mention performance tires, is night and day. I live down 1.5 miles of rural gravel road that only gets plowed intermittently and have never been close to getting stuck. Traction control is nice but if there isn't any traction to control, well, you get the idea. Steve
  13. doradox replied to fixitman's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Looks nice! Steve
  14. doradox replied to fixitman's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Very nice. I've always had a soft spot for white Zs. Steve
  15. I think ktm was making a generalization, he did say approximate, about the hp gained by displacement change. As your example shows that generalization is fairly accurate for the small displacement changes. One could nit pick about rod length, port size, etc but the basic premise is valid unless you go crazy on the displacement change. It's unlikely the l24 head could flow enough to keep up if say you could go to 4.0 liters. But that's just speculation. Steve
  16. doradox replied to fixitman's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Exactly, it just doesn't look like it's pointing all that much down. Ok, at least to me. I was looking at the bends further back and they seemed to be correct for clearance. I suggested longer links so the front bend would point down more, although it would take a lot of link to make much difference. Steve
  17. doradox replied to fixitman's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    What's the correct orientation for that bar? On the car as in the picture or flipped over. He's been having clearance issues and I don't think anyone has really nailed down if his bar is on upside down or not. My recollection, which ain't worth too much as it's been 10 years since I mounted one is that he has his on correctly. Steve
  18. doradox replied to mikewags's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Yes, lead free, exact metering, elimination of rotor and cap, in some cases even wires, AND spark plugs that don’t wear. I’ve seen ground electrodes virtually gone on cars way overdue for a tune up. The ignitions would be pumping out over 20,000 volts at idle and they still ran fine. Everything upstream would be fried. If your plug gap stays consistent everything else lasts longer. Iridium plugs just last longer and I see that as the key to long ignition life. By long I mean 60-100K miles. Kind of pointless in a car that needs points, condenser, cap and rotor serviced at best every 10-15K and is so easy to R&R plugs. Larger gaps? 350Z is .043 in. Toyota Tundra .031. Chevy Suburban .040. Not really significantly larger. Now by modern if you meant the 1980’s…. Steve
  19. Our Sub is flex fuel and it even states in the owners manual the reduced fuel mileage. Steve
  20. doradox replied to mikewags's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Iridiums can be an advantage in vehicles that have difficult to replace plugs. The extended change interval can offset the initial cost if you value your time at all. Of course, since it takes about 2 minutes to change plugs on an L6, there's no value to that. Steve
  21. I used a plate shaped like the outline of the stock filter to replace the outer cover of the stock air box on one of my old 73's. It opens things up, and keeps the stock air horns. Other than the sound I don't think it really made any difference though. Steve
  22. doradox replied to mikewags's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    They were stock in my wife's car. I replaced the plugs with Bosch Platinums around 65,000 miles. At about 110,000 I put OEM spec iridiums back in and other than a slightly smoother idle, which could be explained just by the fact that the plugs were new, there was no discernible difference. Of course this was on a late model V8 so this may be irrelevant to a Z motor. Steve
  23. doradox replied to johncdeere's post in a topic in Interior
    If you don't mind cutting.. McMaster Carr 8541K12 Black Nylon 6/6 Rod 1/8" Diameter In stock at $0.33 per Ft. This product is sold in Lengths of 4 Ft. They also have rivets in the Z style, as well as many other, but I think only in white IIRC. Try page 3230 of their online catalog. http://www.mcmaster.com/ Steve
  24. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The wall collage would be kinda cool but I agree that the price is steep. I can't say I don't think someone else shouldn't be able to purchase it for that purpose though. Assuming legality in whatever country/state they may reside. Who knows, in another 50-100 years that may be the only part of a car anyone will be allowed to own. I applaud your efforts to take steps to help prevent one of the other uses for those items. Ebay was a stupid place to try to sell IF one were thinking only crooks would buy. The exposure reduces the value by increasing the risk to those who stand to lose if caught skirting the law. I think an argument could be made that because they were offered out in the open that the seller did not, as he claims, have bad intent. Who knows. Steve
  25. doradox replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There is a limited supply of the item in question. There will always be a demand for it. Purchasing and destroying them can be a solution. If there was an unlimited supply of the thing, as in the hookers you mentioned, this would be a useless venture. There were a lot of people raising a ruckus possibly creating an even larger market for what he sells. There's no bad publicity in this case. He's not ashamed. He'll sell now off the radar and someone will get suckered. Someone did say that "in order for "evil" to triumph all that is required is for good men to do nothing". If one good man had stepped up and purchased the real VIN package and destroyed it there would be one less person duped later by a faked low number car. I am, of course, assuming the real evil to be the one who uses the VIN pack to dupe. One less of the limited number of fake VIN packages to turn up later. Talking and reporting this guy to Ebay ain't exactly stepping up if you want to invoke that quote. Oh, and I personally prefer these definitions of OMGWTFBBQ http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/OMGWTFBBQ

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