Everything posted by doradox
Avoiding warped rotors
DTV and warped are not different terms for the same thing. Warped rotors cause DTV but are not DTV. Perpetuating the use of the phrase "warped rotors" when one means DTV doesn't help clear up the confusion. Maybe you meant to say "The root CAUSE of warped rotors and consequently DTV, which causes pedal pulsation, is runout in the ROTOR itself". It's not hub run-out that is the most likely cause but a mismatch between the mating surface of the rotor and hub due to dirt, rust, or whatever between the hub and rotor. Hub run-out is not measured at the rotor it's measured at the hub. Rotor run-out is measured at the rotor. Yes, I am being pedantic, but this is the internet and inaccurate information gets regurgitated over and over in the blink of an eye. Steve
seatbelt is killing me
License and Registration Please
$12.00 excise tax + $21.05 registration for a standard plate.
Initial review of MSA weber 40 DCOE carb kit
Your high idle is exacerbated by the high initial timing you are running. I wouldn't recommend dropping it back down though. Nice job on the install. Looks great! Steve
Properly Removing Interior Clips
You can purchase black plastic rod from McMaster Carr and make your own pins for next to nothing.
If I were designing a modern 240Z......
Just using the manufacturers numbers for a BASE model. MSM is far from that. You said..."Given today's safety requirements and customer's content expectations its probably impossible to make a car like the original 240Z that weighs less then 2700 lbs". I gave an example of car produced today that illustrates my point. Subaru BRZ Is claimed to weigh in just over 2700 lbs. But it's a bigger car than a 240Z. Impossible? Steve
Have to jumper ballast resister for car to rev past 4.5 K RMP
Have you checked the voltage on both sides of the ballast resistor? I think madkaw already asked that in the thread you linked to. You should have full charging voltage ( about 13.5-14.5 , check the fsm if you want "exact" numbers) on the side away from the coil while the engine is running at ALL rpm. This is one of the first things, if not the first, to check when diagnosing a running problem. Have you checked the resistance of the ballast? Steve
HLS30-00721 will soon be razor blades.
Maybe he did and didn't like the price.
Strut angle Question
Absolutely. Steve
Strut angle Question
Nope. Has nothing to do with the wheel or tire centerline. Included angle might be what you are thinking of. That has something to do with camber angle. KPI does not. His included angle will certainly be different. Steve
popping through the exhaust at 4500 rpm or so.. HELP!
Don't call 911, call 1911. Steve
Strut angle Question
Are you sure about that? He is not changing the pivot points. KPI is measured in relation to the vertical. Steve
popping through the exhaust at 4500 rpm or so.. HELP!
Yes you will.
popping through the exhaust at 4500 rpm or so.. HELP!
Remember that the WBO2 won't read accurately once there is a miss fire. It reads oxygen content of the exhaust and calculates fuel mixture and not actual fuel mixture. Is it actually leaning out or is it missing and making it look like it's leaning out? Steve
Finally found a series 1 (56k beware)
With scrap steel prices high right now it might be worth a couple hundred bucks. Steve
- seat foam
headlight relays
I would suggest separately fusing the left and right light circuits. Losing both lights at just the wrong time might not be much fun. Even with a circuit breaker. Steve
Carb Tune up tool
The Colortune can also be useful if you extend it's use beyond automotive ICEs. Steve
Carb Tune up tool
I don't think anyone disagrees that a Colortune can't take the place of a WBO2 but it can provide some useful information. Steve
Carb Tune up tool
Colortune is a simple way to balance all 6 idle circuits of a triple setup. Unisyn works fine. Mine's over 30 years old and it's construction has held up fine. Both are simple but effective if you understand how to use them and the information they supply. Steve
CAI for triple Mikunis
I like it. Definitely unique. Steve
popping through the exhaust at 4500 rpm or so.. HELP!
Think about what might accompany that air if they were indeed leaking enough to make any kind of difference. Steve
What makes the rear wheels sit forward in their wells?
Isn't thrust angle a function rear toe alone? The hub will move for and aft if you only move one LCA bushing location. The whole LCA pivots about the fixed bushing swinging the wheel side of the LCA. A small amount but it will move approximately by.. (the amount the rear bushing was moved ) * ((Distance from LCA shaft to hub)/(distance front to rear of the LCA bushings)) Steve
Please confirm the error of my ways:
Lip towards the oil. Steve
Z's at the Barrett Jackson auction.....OPINIONS
Or just go to the source. http://www.barrett-jackson.com/tickets/ http://www.barrett-jackson.com/bid/info.asp Steve