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  1. what a beeeautifuL car! ; ) thanks4sharin......... :cheeky: -J
  2. jillh1987 replied to midgez's post in a topic in Introductions
    i just joined a week or so ago and have really enjoyed the membership... i have found that folks who have been around 4 a while are quick to give tips on how to navigate the site... i've really appreciated that... seems like EVERYBODY just loves their Zcars... it's so cooL like that... i bet you'LL reaLLy enjoy the technicaL forums... folKs be taLkin about stuff i have no cLue about! oh, and i have needed my dad many times w/ my zcar here lateLy [he owned one (71 240) and has passed as well]... many many "fathers" wiLL pop up here 4 u too... you'LL see... enJoy! ; ) Jill
  3. jillh1987 replied to HDC's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    ...ditto... :lick: :stupid: :lick: :stupid: :lick: :stupid:
  4. Darbji, you wiLL see maiL from JillH1987@yahoo.com ; ) J
  5. Darbji! i finaLLy hear from the infamous YOU! ...i was so rocked out (sounds so "gay" yet the onLy phrase that describes my joY) to see that there was aLreadY a (hot, nonetheless) chick involved heaviLy w/ the cLassics : ) BACK OFF, GUYS, I'M NOT A LESBIAN, OKAAY! you are SO "aLright" by me... dang, GirL, the bug bit you YOUNG! :laugh: myself, as well... k. got your EmaiL and will maiL you in a min... strombizzle! i saw my punkin waiting patientLy for paint today... i feLt so bad for her... it's Like sending the dog to the kenneL... they don't reaLLy know if they're coming home... she's amaZing, tho... not a bump to be seen... great to see her. aLright, Sweetie... thanks for the "welcome" ...chaZat soon :cheeky: -JiLL P.S... i've looked at your Zpics... you're car is HOT darlin... HeeeeeeeLL yeaH! Loooove the BLue... ...btw, i'm keepin my CLunKY (i like the darned thangs) 280 bumpers ... KbyE -JiLL
  6. jillh1987 replied to HDC's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    it goes both ways... i'm new... ...and i'm all... EVERYBODY want to know if i'm gonna convert... ONE person said to me if you want that a$$ end you should have 240. oh. okay. i didn't know. 240's will always be my first love... ...so anyway... i got it. it's easy... 4 me, at least... but... but... but... being questioned on continuous basis almost makes me want to... just go stick my head in a hole... right? like... am i doing some horribly WRONG??? by wanting to keep my 280 bumpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLROFLROFL sounds so funny noW! but that ole' head'LL start talkin to me... esPECIALLY when they're (bumpers are) off right now... ...and my baby's bein primed... oKAY!? ...anywho... opinions are like a$$holes, right? eeeeeeeverybody's got one... love you guys, JiLL
  7. jillh1987 replied to HDC's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    AMEN to the brotha's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yooooooooooooooooooooooooooou i'm not gettin no COMPLEX 'bout them "nasty"???? thangs that hang off MY BABY!!!!!!!!! to PROTECT HER! ...and there's mine, as well... count 'em ONE - - - - - - - TWO - - - - - - copper 'uns ...you may proceed... -J
  8. jillh1987 replied to CANDYBLUE2+2's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    ...............made me tear up....................................
  9. jillh1987 replied to jillh1987's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    gracias, MikE... hopefuLLy Vic's in the Bahama's... ...kickiN iT... ...it'S aLL good, anywaY... :classic: hopE hE turNs uP -J
  10. i talked to my paint/body guy this afternoon on this exact topic... ...and quite frankLy, from our discussion... it seems to be pretty much a crap shoot depending on a bunch of factors... i picked a metallic paint and he still hem-hawed about doors on/off for paint. he finally went with keeping them on... ...and after the doors are painted on, weLL then... he would remove doors to paint the jambs... what do i know? i serve diet coke for a living...................... ...and i don't want ANYBODY tellin me how! ... mi 2 centavos
  11. jillh1987 replied to e_racer1999's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    26th-z gave me the date/time specifics i was looking for... what a heck of a time it was looking for a new 300 back then. i knew what i wanted and would NOT settle for less... dead end after dead end. anywho... after that is when i decided to restore my 76, who (blessed be mybaby) had collected dust in my garage for ten years. Robert Clary of ZCar World did all the work... ...and/or directed me to the right place (for non-mechanicaL stuff)... ... more questions for the Zbrains later... you guys r good... -J
  12. jillh1987 replied to e_racer1999's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bankston Nissan? ..................................what? heh? i dunno... just my personaL opinion, but... who in their right mind would allow Bankston Nissan to restore their Datsun? personally... i was in Dallas at that time... ...we are talking late 90's right? ...and NO dealerships were restoring vintage Z's... i was here... .............hmmmmmmmmm.........................
  13. jillh1987 replied to e_racer1999's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    guys... while on the topic of the restoration program... ...pleeease excuse me if i speak out of line... bu bu but... can i have a leg up here? what year are we talking... i was affected in 97 when i went to purchase a new 300... ...and came up w/ a fat fart/dud. ...b/c Nissan came up w/ this new program... ...so... uh. what year(s) did this go on. this is where i decided to restore my '76 280 (ran out of $ when it came to paint) ...and i have more questions after that. -J
  14. jillh1987 replied to jillh1987's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    :classic: that was a nice thing to say... k. went to your z restoration site. ...am SO envious of your 'lectric blue int. ...re-did mine w/ cloth back in 97... uh... was looking at the thread re: vintage z................... is that that program back in 97? guess i'll go there and ask... i have some personal experience w/ that... :eek: wild story. -J
  15. wonder what defines collector? must be for another thread! :cheeky: from here looks like your paint man knows what he's doin. i'm not sure what's under the hood on the 810... L24E insteadof L28E? hmmm. :stupid: again... another thread. alright. if i had the elbow grease i'd strip my own car as well. enjoy your night. nice chattin w/ya.............................. btw, made a finaL decision on colour today. MATADOR RED MICA................ can be seen on the '07 Lexus GS350.............. i'm keepin all my chrome... ...and it's (colour is) tight w/ chrome and black. i'm in. they prime tomorrow... i'll have pics. late, JiLL

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