New Photos of Car
I am sorry if you couldn't see the photos and thank you all for all of your support. The car has sold!!!!! Thank you all. Stacey
Today is Last Day
$1500.00 Need To Sell Now Stacey
New Photos of Car
Hey Everyone. Check out new photos of the 77 at my sisters house. Total milage: 47,300 Stacey
Today is Last Day
I have other photos. The car is in great shape. 0 to little rust on her. Yes I would be able to buy her back from you. I am not at home right now but I will be there soon & send you the photos and thanx.
Today is Last Day
:nervous: Today is the last day for me to sell this car so i don't get evicted. PLEASE SOMEONE $1,800. OBO. Stacey
On My Own
This is an update on my '75 280. If you don't know I had a knocking noise in the front of my engine so I took her apart. Timing chain guide was chewed up. Replaced it and now I am in tthe process of putting her back together. Last night I got up to the fan belts and with God willing by tonight I should be able to fire her up and hit her with a timing light. Cross your fingers!!!! Stacey Pike- Cornish El Cajon, CA 1975 280 Z 1977 280 Z 1988 325is BMW "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
My Knight in Shining Z
Don't be sad. I have lived a full life in 5 years with Michael(my husband). I am still finding things that he did for me after he was gone. He is always with me no matter what, when or where I go. Stacey
Who has a 77 280z
Hey Sailor, You do know that it isn't about the size of the tail-pipe- it is all about what is under the hood! My '77 280 Z has only 1 thing that has been changed under the hood. One fuel injector. That is all. Your Z is very nice and when I saw the photo of it in the work yard next to the boat it looked like a toy. Then I saw the rest of your photos. Your other ride is very impressive. Captain huh? Stacey "Drive Fast- Take Chances" '75 280 Z '77 280 Z '88 325is BMW
Photoshop skillz...
I have that program. I wished I could have someone show me how to use it. Can you do some with my '75 photo? I have different photos of her also. Better than that one. Stacey
My Knight in Shining Z
Dave, I'm sorry too. I used to love the e's we send all about the cars. Those were the days. Tell Leah I had all of mine pulled about 4 years ago. It will hurt for a while and alot of getting used to going out in public. Yes everyone still loves her for her- teeth are accessories. A nice grill is rad tho. I will get in touch with you and Baby is Gorgeous!!!!!!! I love thee photos! You are going big time. That is great. I wish I could with Car-Car but not yet. Anyway GTG, TC, Glad to be back Give Leah my best. Stacey Pike- Cornish El Cajon, CA "Drive Fast- Take Chances" 1975 280 Z- MINE, MINE, MINE 1977 280 Z- FOR SALE 1988 325is BMW 2 door( my everyday car)
Who has a 77 280z
I wasn't offended it just sounded petty.You are too funny. With or without lip prints? Stacey '75 280 '77 280
My Knight in Shining Z
Thanx so much for the replies. See the photo of my '75? Well she is down right now because all of a sudden she had something knocking real bad at the front of the engine. I had to take her apart to find out what was up. I have the photos for documentation and I took her apart to find out that the timing chain guide was all chewed up. I have 4 spare engines so I took the guide off of one to replace the broken one. Now I am putting her together and just last night I put in the oil pump & distributor. One good thing is that my husband had already thought of things like this. He got a folder and put all of the gaskets & seals & material to make them in there. I love that man. I have been ok the last 6 months but it is getting harder. We were married Jan. 26th, 2007. 17 days later(Feb. 13th-day before Valentines day) I was in a head-on collision. Impact was over 120 m.p.h. & I had no airbag. I was in my '89 Cougar & she was in a '99 Maxima. I have the police photos. The lady was passing out at the wheel-pills. We were supposed to go on our honeymoon the next day. We never made it. I had a shattered left elbow, fractured right elbow, left collar bone broken, 7 ribs and left knee. She had scratches and handcuffs. 2 months later April 13th, 2007 Michael(my husband) died. Then on June 26th my father(born 1914) passed away. It has been one hell of a year. Sorry if this is too long but it is the truth. Thank God for my Z. It helps me take my mind off of everything for a while. GTG Happy Trails "Drive Fast- Take Chances"
Who has a 77 280z
Hey Sailor, Sorry I was wrong by 2 years. Besides have you heard of: Kiss My Tail-Pipe! Sorry Everyone. I don't take to criticism very well right now. If you want to pick on someone let me see your Z first then we will talk. Ha! Ha! Ha! Stacey Pike- Cornish El Cajon, CA "Drive Fast- Take Chances" 1975 280 Z 1977 280 Z
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
I live in San Diego, Calif. In my neighborhood I am known as "the Z family". In the last 6 years my husband and I have owned 7 Z's. 3 for parts and 4 forr the road. The '73 240 screamed. Previous owned had a "cherrybomb" on the end of the tail-pipe. Over 100 decibles. The guy next door hated it. Sold it. My '74 260 was my workhorse. That car would drive me to hell & back. 280 head, 280 block, 240 SU's( the good ones) and all the power I would ever need. Sold her. Now the '77 I am selling has more power than I can use. She is like right off the showroom floor. A little over 47,000 original miles. She is what we call a "low flyer". 135 so far(up hill and picking up speed). And last but not least my '75 280 Z is my beauty. I named her "Car-Car". She is the best of them all even with the Toyota Gray paint. I can take her into a 45 m.p.h. turn at 100 + and she won't budge or squeal. She hugs the turns just like I hug my pillows! !!! She always turns heads. Stacey Pike- Cornish "Drive Fast- Take Chances" San Diego, Calif
My Knight in Shining Z
::classic: As a kid I used to love going to my boyfriends auto shops & hang out with everyone, clean parts, hand them tools or just watch them do jobs. I would get dirtier than they would. I was living at my fathers best friends house and there were 2 Z cars in the back yard. Sitting there just rotting away, getting hit with floods every year(4 ft. water). My room-mate was going to get rid of the cars so I told him to give them to me & I will make 1 good car out of both of them so I pulled out the tools & started doing just that. 2 weeks to the day the owner of the cars came over and started doing the same thing. I asked him what he was doing with "My cars"? He said they were his cars and he was there to get them. I said that I was going to get the paperwork on them & he said "Too late missy" and held up the papers on both cars. His birthday was May 31st and asked me if I would spend it with him so I said yes but I was working. I got off of work 30 minutes after he left so I called him and told him to come get me in 30 minutes. He was there in 20. He was driving this beautiful gray 280 Z. The second night I was at home & told him I loved him & he told me the same so when I woke up the next morning that beautiful gray cars was sitting outside my front door and it was fate. I ended up with the 260 2+2 Z in the back yard, and him and his beautiful Z and the best 5 years of my life. Now it has been over 5 years and we have owned 7 Z cars total. I ended up becoming his wife, he has passed away with liver cancer and I have all of the tools, cars and everything he left to me. My knight in shining armor passed away but now I am driving in his "Shining Armor". And when things go wrong with my Z thank god I have the knowledge, tools and know how to use them.