Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
Amazing, logic does work! Thanks, Mike.
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
WHOOPEE! Found it! It's L28 vs. the original L24 ... Thanks a trillion times over. Actually photographed all of the research and stuff here: http://www.dropshots.com/AstaCCS We thought it was worth the original asking price of $4100, but due to the wiper action dying on us, took it down and now at $2500. How do you ever know the true worth of a 240z classic that is a California native and is now with an L28 engine (whatever that means)? I thought it would be the 260z engine, but logic tells me that if L24 = 240z original, a 260z engine should be an L26 (or?) Forget logic! It's FAST, sounds GREAT, and turns heads! You're all TOO MUCH! Brilliant help all the way!
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
:stupid: I sent this off to my brother who set me straight. I sure misunderstood the timing on the engine upgrade. He said "I don't recall when the 240 was swapped for a 260, but it was long after I bought the car; the engine swap was done by the Z-Doctor and was prompted by the fact the an engine overhaul seemed appropriate and a rebuilt 260 was available and ready to install. " Hats off to all of you; thanks lots.:classic:
What is this component on a 1971 240z?
Thank you, Carl.
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
Thanks, Carl. Printed the info, and will get back when my hubby and I can inspect further. Much appreciated.
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
My brother's car, and I thought I knew it all. Aparently more questions to ask him. Will do and get back. Thanks.
What is this component on a 1971 240z?
One side is GREAT, the other cracked.... how come? What would have caused this?
What is this component on a 1971 240z?
BRILLIANT! Thanks, although I'm not sure what to do next, will share with the family tonight. We started smelling fumes when we'd get around 80 or so MPH (which of course we shouldn't), but that was also right after we chipped off the tar mats to check floors. Thought that was the cause of the fumes we smelled when the windows were closed.... probably as you said this one cracked hose. Couldn't I tape that closed to stop the smells?
What is this component on a 1971 240z?
:eek: One side looks great, the other cracked .... what is this and how important is it to the performance of this Z ? AND if it's important, what is the impact and how do you fix it? Is it fixable?? Sorry for the multiplexed question, but we're total novice-types, who do love their Z. We may or may not sell it, as we continue to learn from you with gratitude.
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
Thanks, Carl. Would this have been updated by the dealer/installer when they made this upgrade happen? Or it could just be that the pictures I've taken are in the wrong spot. Your info here should help us zero in on the right spot this weekend, unless I can convince my hubby to do it after work tonight (poor hubby). These pics are "before" your info, but don't see anything like what you've said. SO, I'm thinking they're just not the right photos of the right spot. Again, so much to learn.
Engine Number question on 1971 240z with 260z engine
:stupid: So much to learn ... My brother had his 1971 240z engine replaced by the dealer at purchase time in 1971 with a 260z engine. He has lots of maintenance records and paperwork through the years, but not anything about the engine upgrade. I found this tag on our Z, but it looks like the original manufacturer info in Japan from 1971. How would you know by looking at the engine what it is? Sounds great, turns heads everywhere we roll, but I'm baffled and hopeful you can clue us in. I was thinking that since the original purchase said Datsun on the tags, but one of the components says Nissan, that might be the 260z clue. Whew, feeling kinda dumb, but wanting to learn. Once I get your input, we'll know where to look and what pictures to take to update things. As you'll note, the pics aren't great, had the camera on the wrong settings and hadn't yet done any dusting/cleaning inside the engine area, but hope it'll suffice for this question.
WHAT?? Hard to imagine what you said ... Lost to a 55 Ford Pickup truck. How could ANY Z lose to ... well, you get my gist!
Title/pink slip says 1971 but some Qs
Since you've all answered my question, should I delete it or should it be kept in case it helps others? :bulb: Will try and attach the pic with the mfg date, if it works.
Title/pink slip says 1971 but some Qs
F A N T A S T I C stuff, thanks beandip. It's definitely a '71, does have the vertical defroster lines in the hatch glass, and found many labels on the car one of which also says that mfg date is 1971. I've taken many more pictures of the great/good and areas that will need more work, given it' 37 almost 38 years old! Amazing Zs withstand curbside parking amazingly well over the years. Wish we were more mechanically inclined, but help from this site is top notch! I was going to post the photo with all the labels, but having problems uploading it, so sent it up to another link on Dropshots here: http://www.dropshots.com/astaccs Thank you again and again.
Your Z looks GREAT! How does it survive those cold winters? Thanks for showing your pics...