280ZX distributor mount needed!
I'm not sure if you'll be able to see this, but if you do, will you please send me any info you might have on where to find a ZX Distributor mount and plate. Thank you- Troy
280ZX distributor mount needed!
Thanks for the info, I'm new to forums. A nissan dealer would still carry these? I will start a new thread, but if there is anyway you could get me part numbers I would be very greatful. Thanks for the response. -Troy
280ZX distributor mount needed!
I'm so glad I found this post. If anyone happens to look at this I also need these 2 items to complete my upgrade. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find them. It seems these are the only items not for sale on ebay. - Troy
260z alt upgrade problems! help
I got the info from this site mostly.
260z alt upgrade problems! help
Not a bad idea, but I would much rather keep the pump operational and figure out how to wire the thing right. Can anyone out there tell me if there is a great advantage of running both elec pump and mechanical or if I would see a big difference if I disconnected the elec fuel pump? Thank you guys for all your input, I've only had my z for about 6 months and you've been tons of help.
260z alt upgrade problems! help
My voltage regulator plug was round not a rectangle, but it seems to contain the same # of wires and color. I cut the plug off and connected the white w/blck stripe wire to the black w/ white stripe wire using the diode and then I connected the solid white to the solid yellow. The only wire left is a solid black. The solid black must have to connect to something to allow the elec fuel pump to turn on only while the engine is running. Right now the fuel pump turns on as soon as the ignition is in the on position. Any ideas?
How to Convert 240Z to Internally Regulated Alternator
It all seems to be the same, but somehow the fuel pump is connected. I don't want to start the car until I get this fixed. I may just be able to disconnect the electronic fuel pump and run just off the mechanical. I didn't even know it had an elec fuel pump until this happened. I'm hoping someone in the z world has done this conversion for a 260 and can help. Thanks- Troy
260z alt upgrade problems! help
I have an early 260z and I just swapped the alt for a zx one and wired it all in. I followed the instructions for the 240 and now when I turn the ignition to on my fuel pump runs and clicks. What do I need to do on the 260 to wire this alt correctly. I have been searching forever and everyone says the info is out there, but nobody posts it. Please help!
How to Convert 240Z to Internally Regulated Alternator
I have an early 260z and I'm upgrading to the zx alt. I have done the wiring as described for the 240z and when all complete I turned the car in the on position and I get a clicking from my fuel pump I believe. I heard theres something different that has to be done for the 260, but I can't find it anywhere. Please can someone help me so I can get it running and check out the benefits of the new alternator. Thanks- Troy