Everything posted by mgmoreau
Zcar S30 Microfiche issues?? Help!!
Dave, Don't feel bad, the CD does not autoload on my PC either. Marc
'71 240Z almost done
Very nice job. Is that paint a single stage urethane?
Replacement Seat Belts
Steve, Did you replace just the belts or the entire mechanism? Are these new belts three way retractable as opposed to the seperate lap and shoulder belts found on the 240Z's? Did you consider the set MSA sells to replace the stock two piece belts?
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
Jared, Seeing the time and dedication you have put into this restoration and now the results has inspired me to work even harder on my 72 Z refresh! Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
Howdy from MA! Not-so-new Z owner
Hi Corey, welcome to this site. There are more Z cars in New England than you might think. Glad to hear you plan to come to our ZCCNE events this year. Keep an eye on our website. We are planning our first winter meeting which should take place sometime in January.
Got into and accident... What to do :(
Do you have any friends who are a lawyer? It may be worth getting a lawyer to send them a letter telling them you want to file suit against them and the other driver. Then you need to consider how much a legal battle would cost you vs how much you have invested in the car at this point. Good luck!
Got into and accident... What to do :(
I would recommend that anyone with a classic car that they have invested a lot of time and money into, (basically all the members on this site I would guess!) should secure a "Stated Value" insurance policy. Hagerty and Grundy are two of the biggest classic car insurers. These policies allow you to insure your car for what you believe would be the market price to replace the car with a car in similar condition. I have my 72 Z insured with Hagerty for $25,000. When I applied for the policy I had to provide them with pictures of the car and they accepted the value without any question. They can require an appraisal if they feel the value you want to insure a car for is over stated. This policy only costs me $230.00 a year. That rate is based on the car being garaged and driven less than 3000 miles a year. It also includes towing coverage to get your classic home in the event of a breakdown. You can't go wrong for that price!
I have purchased all the decals from Mike at Banzai. They have been in the engine bay for two summers and are holding up extremely well. Mike is a great guy to work with. I highly recommend him.
love my '72 240z
Joe, Welcome to the site. Everyone is going to ask you to post some pictures of your Z. Good luck with the refresh.
240Z Auction - Barrett Jackson
Adam, this post should be moved to its own thread.
Just bought a 1973 240Z, won't start
Good original thread though!
73 240z out of the garage after 20 years
Hi Lou, Before you rebuild your flattop carbs do a search in the carb forum on the 1973 flatops. They were prone to vapor lock issues and other problems. Many folks on this forum that have a 73 Z have replaced the flattops with the round top 3 screw 72 carbs. You will notice a major improvement in how the car runs if you make this carb swap. Good luck with the refresh. Marc
Oldest Z
The current owner is very aware of what he has and the significance of this car. He has kept it all these years because he knew it was a very special Z car. After meeting him I am confident that he will do the right thing for this car. He has been talking a lot to Carl Beck as well. You know Carl will be providing him with good advice.
Would like your guys opinion
Jan, Go over the area with a steel brush to remove any loose rust. Take a pocket knife and poke at all area's with surface rust to validate that the metal is still solid. If the knife does not puncture any of the rusted metal surface you should not need to weld in new metal. Go to an auto paint supply shop and buy a pint of POR-15. It is expensive, about $45.00 a pint but the stuff is worth every penny. It forms a permanent bond to any rusted metal (this is why it is important to remove any loose rust particles). Once it dries you will have a hard acrylic finish that can be painted and undercoated. I did this under my battery tray and the results were awesome. Follow the directions on the can carefully. You will not need much to treat the battery area. Do NOT pour back any unused paint back into the can. Once it is exposed to air it will contaminate the rest of the paint in the can. Seal the cover of the can with a sheet of saran wrap and store the can in a refrigerator. I was given these tips by my body shop who use this product all the time. Do a search on this forum for POR-15 and you will find a lot of other guys that have used this product with great success.
Oldest Z
Chris, the owner is very well aware of what is original and what things were modified by the PO. Keep in mind this car was only discovered a month ago and has not been touched for over 35 years. The current owner acquired the car from a guy in NC that put 90,000 miles in three years on the car. The current owner drove the car and put another 10,000 miles on it before putting it in moth balls for all those years with 100,000+ miles on the odometer. He has not decided what to do with the car yet. He does have the original radio and faceplate. This truly was a "barn find" and has not been touched since 1973 with the exception of being towed to this show on Saturday.
Oldest Z
Here are some more pictures of #13 The owners are pictured with Jim Frederick who traveled with Carl Beck from Florida to attend this show. The green Z is serial number 171 owned by the same couple. They have one other low vin# Z which was not brought to the show.
New Z owner in Orange, CA
Welcome Todd and congratulations on acquiring you 70 Z. You won't regret it. Rust and rot is the biggist downside of these cars. If you plan to keep the car a long time I would find a good shop that has had experience doing body work on Z's Good luck with your car.
Garage floor decal
Steve, Do you have any pics you can post of the garage floor? I am thinking of doing the same thing. How expensive was it and how big is your garage??
Hagerty's Collector Car magazine has a 240Z in it
Do you have to be a customer to get the magazine?
Trying to find carpet/ seat cover replacements!
Try calling Mike McGinnis at Banzai Motorworks. He restores Z's and sells top quality parts. He also sells the seat foam. Check out his site: http://zzxdatsun.com/catSoftTrim.php Good luck! Marc
repro window sticker
Hi Rich, The sticker looks awesome! Thanks again. So we still don't know the port number for Los Angeles do we? Can you please email me the attachment as a pdf file to mgmoreau@cox.net Marc
repro window sticker
Rich, guys like you and all the other members of this site are one of the main reasons that owning one of these old Z's is so enjoyable. It ceases to amaze me how everyone is willing to do what ever to help a fellow Z owner. Thanks Rich and Arne.
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Jim, I would think it would be best to see how well the car can be cleaned up without a full restoration. To me that would make this low vin number car more valuable. The old cliche "its only original once" seems to fit with this car. As to the question of what is it worth, the only limit to the value of this car is how much money someone is willing to spend to be able to claim they own this low vin HLS30. When I first posted to this thread, there were only 25 replies. This is the first chance I have had to catch up on this thread. I have to admit I am disappointed to see that no more facts or information about HLS30 00013 have been shared despite the number of posts made to this thread. Can we bring this discussion back on topic please?
repro window sticker
Hi rdefabri, I sent you a PM with the information for the sticker. I am not sure what should go under the equipment section. Thanks again, Marc
repro window sticker
Hi rdefabri, Would you be willing to do one for my 72 240Z? What information would you need? Thanks, Marc M