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Marty Rogan

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Everything posted by Marty Rogan

  1. Derk, I see that you are in Southern Indiana. I am in chicago and will be going to the Show in Indy on 8/17. I have a dash out of 72 in my basement. It was 1 minor impection at the very forward lip where it meets the metal strip around the window. It is a crack about 3/4" X 1/4". If you have a late 71, you coul swap parts over with not much trouble. I would let it go for $350. If you are intersted, I could bring it to the show and meet you there. Marty
  2. George, It all depends on where you live. That might work for you if you live in California or Texas. I live in Chicago, where rust is enemy #1 to Z cars. I have not seen a 240Z in a junk yard for 20 years. The internet is a big help though. Check this list and others such as Zcar.com or Zdriver.com Using a passenger seat may be a short term fix though, as it is still going to be 30 years old. It depends on what your needs are. Marty
  3. Lee, If you are looking for originality, go with the Classic Datsun Motorsport covers. I got to visit their shop on vacation a couple of weeks ago. Their covers have the original pattern and texture. Others I have seen do not have the correct texture. Marty
  4. I have a 70, blt 6/70. The fuse box melted on the tail light circuit. I bought a very mint spare, with the short pigtal wires. Turns out, I need the long pigtail fuse box. Anyone have a mint long pigtail box to trade of sell? Looks like I'll be limited to daytime driving until this is fixed. Let me know what you have. TIA, Marty
  5. My dash lights and tail light went out the other night. It turns out that it is the dreaded fused box melt down on the inner fuse holder prongs on that circuit. The plastic has melted to the point where I can't get a good connection any more. I bought a spare fuse box a while back in case this happened. My car is a 1970, HLS30-05341 blt 6/70. I always thought that the 70 model had the short pigtail wires. When Iwent to put the spare in I found the original one with the long pigtail wires. Well I guess I have 2 choices: 1) fix the old one, anyone have a methods of fixing these???; or 2) find another long pigtail fuse box. Anyone out there have a really mint long pigtail fuse box, they would trade for a really mint short pigtail box? TIA, Marty
  6. The "D" hubcaps are definately for the70 and early 71 models. The steel wheels were originally 14' x 4 1/2'. If he wants to sell them, I would be interested for a reasoanble price. I have a 70. Let me know if he does want to sell them. Marty
  7. Alan, My apologies. I mis-understood the meaning of a personal message. I thought you meant that you would send me a separate email. I will respond back directly to you personal message. Regards, Marty Rogan
  8. Hi Alan, Did you send me a message? I have not received anything yet. I would like to find out the cost and ordering info about that decal. You can contact me directly at: marty.rogan@motorola.com thanks, Marty
  9. Rick, I sent you an email to the address listed on your post. We can work out the details off-list. thanks, Marty
  10. Thanks Rick. I'll do some checking to see if they are the same and get back to you. Marty
  11. Alan, That's the one I am looking for. Can you forward the source it can be purchased from and the approximate cost? Thanks. George, the decal goes on the top of the brake booster, right in the center. Marty
  12. Mike was the first guy I called. I bought all of his other decals, but he did not have this one. So, I am still looking. figured it would be easier to find one on a parts car then finding someone who made new ones. Thanks for the ideas. Keep 'em coming! Still haven't located one yet. Marty
  13. I had the same problem a couple months ago. It turned out to be a loose connection ar the fuse clamps. Take the fues out. Gently bend them toward each other until you get a tighter fit when the fuse is installed. I learned this trick just before I started to tear into the wiring loom. Has worked fine since. Glad I dodged the wiring bullet. Hope yours is this easy to fix. Marty
  14. Hi All, I have show coming up in a couple of week. Need a couple of obscure parts to avoid getting deducted points, like last year. So, anybody with parts cars out there have the following parts that they could, ah, er, part with (no pun intended): Towing hooks and mounting bolts for a '70 240Z Red and silver "Bendix" label off the top of the brake booster Let me know if you have these. Thanks, Marty
  15. Classic Datsun Motorsport has the correct grain and correct pattern. These are the seat covers used for the Nissan Program cars. MSA's grain is not correct and the pattern in a little off too. But if you don't care about those things, they fit decent and the price is good. Marty http://www.classicdatsun.com/
  16. The block is Datsun blue. You can buy it from Classic Datsun Motorsports. That is the same paint they used on the Nissan restoration cars. http://www.classicdatsun.com/ Marty
  17. 2MZ, Thanks for checking. From what others have said and a call to Carl Beck, Nissan did not put there part number on the coils. They appear to be manufactured by Hitachi. The cars originally came with a Nissan Blue coil, but later replacements seem to be black. Thanks for checking. Marty
  18. Does a coil from Nissan have a Nissan Part # printed on it? I want to get a stock coil to swap for my MSD coil so I don't get dinged points in a show. Courtesy Nissan has them for $50. I have been talking to this guy Doctor Z, who sells a lot of parts on Zcar.com. He said he has a used one that looks brand new for $25, but it does not say Nissan or have any recognizable part numbers. He said it says Hitachi on it and had the marking ECH IN IC-12 printed on it. It is painted black also. Anybody got a stock Nissan coil they could take a look at quickly? TIA, Marty
  19. Check out the Z Therapy website. They have a very comprehensive description on how to ID SU's. http://www.ztherapy.com/ Marty
  20. I am looking for a decent sent of OEM spark plug wires to use at shows. I am tired of gettting dinged for having aftermarket wires, but not tired enough to pay Nissan $126 for new ones! So, if you have a set that you replaced with new high performance wires, that can be cleaned up to be presentable, let me know. Please send me a description (pictues would be nice) and the asking price. Thanks, Marty
  21. Michael, SEM goes on like a spray paint. If you follow the process that I have, it will penetrate and bond with the vinyl. I painted light blue over black and had no problems at all covering the black. Email me at marty.rogan@motorola.com and I will forward the instructions to you. Marty
  22. I know Andy. He's a good guy. I am sure that his prices are for black. They are Nissan panels, with the backer board. However, you could buy them and use SEM vinyl dye to make them butterscotch. I have a blue interior, which is impossible to find door panels for. I used SEM and you can't tell which was an original panel from a dyed one. It has held up great after 4 years use. You can get SEM at some parts stores or an auto paint supplier. If you go that route, email me and I can send you some good instructions. Marty
  23. If you are talking about black interior door panels, I think you can still get them new from Nissan for about $155 each. MSA should have them also. I would check with Courtesy Nissan in Richardson. http://www.courtesynissan.com/ Marty
  24. Those are the fresh air vents. Pull on them and they open up a small door to get a breeze into the car. That was common on cars in the '60's. One of those quaint little features of an old Z. Open 'em up and enjoy! Marty
  25. Mike, Your suggestion is one that I could probably live with. I rely heavily on the mail list for information and secondarily to the forums. The nice thing about the forums is tha you can pick and choose what you want to read. I think there are many more differences in the cars though. The bodies are different: bumpers, doors, interiors, engine compartment differences, and aren't the suspension different to handle the extra weight? Probably a bunch of other stuff that I don't know about, 'cause I'm a 240 guy. Well anyway, if that will help keep the club alive an healthy, I'll bow to your wisdom. I do appreciate keeping the mailing list pure 240Z though. Marty
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