Zedy, The critical thing to keep straight is, to match the clutch to the throw out bearing collar, and to match the fork to the slave cylinder. If you use the stock 240Z Clutch and pressure plate, use the L24 throw out bearing collar. You say you have an A-Type 4 spd. now, so you probably have a fork with the hole in it for an adjustable slave cylinder. That will work, but you will have to periodically adjust it. Some people like the adjustment. To others, it is a pain in the neck. My personal preference, especially for a street car, would be to switch to the later fork, without the hole, and to switch to the self adjusting slave. As Dieaszd stated, and I concur based upon talking with a couple of Z Racers, the stock Nissan L-24 clutch is plenty strong for use with an L-28. The other thing to consider is, what diff are you going to use? The stock 3.36 R180 will work. However, you will not get the most out of the new L-28. You would get much more satisfying performance with a 3.9 or 4.11 diff. Diffs can be had in R180 or R200. An R180 will bolt right up. To go to an R200, you will need to switch to a 280Z moustashe bar and drive shaft. Again, this assumes that you have an early '71. For what it is worth, I put the following into my early '71: F54 block, L-28, bored .40 over '83 5 spd. 240 mm stock flywheel and Nissan clutch from a 280Z 2+2 Switched to self adjustable slave R180 (open diff) with 4.11 gears. Picked it for the gearing, lower weight, and not having to deal with the R200 changes. This was my track car. It had as you say very "peppy" performance. The stock clutch withstood plenty of abuse and was never a problem. Another consideration, with that new found horse power, is to upgrade the brakes!! Hope this helps, Marty