No problem, arg. I think you are 'on the path to enlightenment' here. I like to break things down in to the engine mechanical, the ignition, and the fuel injection systems. Then break it down further from there (battery/charging, vacuum, etc.) After working on mine for so many summers, I've found that the 280Z fuel injection Bible can help you keep things in top working order. I just go through the trouble-shooting section to verify that every input to the ECU is right and assuming the ECU itself is OK, then the engine should be just fine. If not then go after that item. If you really do have a problem with the ignition system, there are trouble-shooting documents for that too. IMO, All the talk about oxygen sensors is just not appropriate right now, until you have an engine that is working just right. Most people come equipped with their own AFR sensor, and it should get you headed in the right direction. Otherwise, just check all the wiring & connections, clean everything, and try not to overdo your driving until everything is just right. Don't forget to keep a detailed maintenance log of maintenance, repairs and upgrades/replacements- of everything, even wiper blades!