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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I was going to order my new ones, and MSA is the only place that has them listed in the catalog. the only thing is that they were $220 each, and are out of stock for 3 or 4 months!
  2. I'll have to get the tail lamps out over the winter to look at it, and if it's not draining well, probably give the parts exposed (to water) a coating of bedliner stuff. IMO, if you just wanted to extend the little gutter-thing that goes down the sides of the hatch opening, you'd also have to cut out the lower corners of the hatch or at least trim off the lip, so the water will drain off the back to the ground, instead of going around/behind/through the tail lamps.
  3. Aren't shade-tree mechanics just wonderful? The kind with the side-clippers and open-end spanners?
  4. We're pretty much just preservationists and restorationists here, so you may not find all that you want. But you are welcome to hang out here and learn about all the rest of the car.
  5. Is this the video that some mentioned last Spring, when somebody (a music video director) was looking for Zs?
  6. Mine were not working last night because the fuse was just slightly loose, (playing with radio fuse) so make sure your fusebox has a good grip on the fuses and give it a light hosing with DeOxit 100 and/or 50.
  7. for the AFM, I would suggest buying carefully from eBay, unless you have a more trusted source, like a local Z boneyard or auto salvage. I got my FSM from Courtesy Parts. It wasn't too expensive, and comes on a beautifully- made CD with a good case. I printed out the sections as I needed them (rear axle/suspension, frt. axle/suspension, body, electrical, etc.) and bound them with spiral wire so it will lay flat. I keep a copy of the files on the computer so I can search them. Don't forget a spare notebook from the dollar store to write your own notes, sketch electrical circuits, etc.
  8. Wow- All classic or antique cars. It's good to see that this historic race (rally?) is still going on. Are they required to wear body armor or bullet-proof glass?
  9. That's how billboards are built. You could change the design or the colour at will, or maybe to blend in with the surroundings? Maybe even make the car look like a different car?
  10. SMD is for Surface Mount(ed) Device, which is what all the little resistor & capacitor (and L.E.D.) 'chips' and ICs are on circuit boards lately, instead of being soldered the usual way. for reference: http://led.linear1.org/surface-mount-leds/
  11. I looked into hiding the brake lamp behind the cabin lamp, but since I can see the black rubber window gasket, I don't think it will be possible. Having a single row of L.E.D.s looks to be the smallest design so far. thxZ
  12. If you do try an L.E.D. in the map lamp, please let us know how well it works.
  13. If you used all L.E.D.s inside a headlamp case, you could probably make a beam that "turns" by lighting or dimming the lights in certain areas on the assembly. The optics would then bend the beam in a certain direction. I don't think L.E.D. technology is improved enough to provide enough light for that yet, IMO.
  14. What is or would the sideways illumination be like with those? I'd appreciate some cornering light in the outback areas. thxZ
  15. The timing with a warm idle on a 280Z should only be 10 degrees.
  16. The L28 engine (at least on a '78) has a timing indicator plate with advance markings in 5-degree increments, so you don't need the timing tape like V-8 engines usually use. If you can locate the timing notch on the balancer pulley, and give it a little dab of white paint, you'll be fine. You might clean off the timing indicator a little (passenger side of the big bottom pulley.)
  17. If you any great pictures or views of fall foliage, you gotta come to Ohio...
  18. I thought you were on two wheels for a second there.
  19. Where do you get a map lamp with L.E.D.s in it?
  20. They use diamond-coated wheels for cutting & carving glass, and GOOP will hold it very well.
  21. Is the Step Lamp the one that goes in the door?
  22. FastWoman, There is no drain, per se, but more of just a path for the water to drain. See a7dz's photos in #5
  23. My mirror paint seems to have worn off. What would you use to repaint those mirrors? The SEM satin black stuff? I have a can of the black bumper paint on the shelf.
  24. On my 280Z, it seems there are raised areas on the shelf there that direct the water to the corner and it drains behind the brake lamp assembly.
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