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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Yeah, I hope that inspiration from Above gets to ALL the politicians and gets them to turn around this "culture of death" that we live in and support with our hard work. NOTHING wrong with that. If we can conquer tobacco, we can also conquer cocaine ( and other drugs), homosexuality, the high divorce rate, unemployment, and who knows what else! :classic: Remember to pray- for the whole world.
  2. I have some good mates down your way, even right now on holiday. I also remember that an early settlement in Australia was a penile colony (at Botany Bay, for the Star Trek fans)
  3. TomoHawk

    Map Light

    You'd need about 30 of them to light up the area under the lamp. Ifthe wiring was up to par, it would be bright. But since I've never seen a primo example, I don't know how bright
  4. It's the pads. You squeeze them together, and they make heat, which is a kind of energy. This energy has an equivalence in vibration/sound, so it makes a noise which is transferred to the brake caliper. Using the shims or anti-squeal compound is like a layer of sound-deadening insulation.
  5. Ooooooooooo.... I like that thought. i'm sure it's probably in the Constitutional Amendments.
  6. I tried some of the anti-squeal compound, and it is working for now. How lond does the liquid stuff (from a tube applicator) last? I also saw spray-on stuff, what is that like? From the Haynes book, the anti-squeal shims in the pictures look like a very thin paper-like material, is that what it's made of? I'm wondering because another person here used cloth-backed duct tape, but it didn't last more than several years. thx
  7. Really? "America" was invented in 1507, and named after Amerigo Vespucci! So when you talk about "Americans," which are you referring to- North or South?
  8. Be careful you don't confuse Patriotism with Nationalism, as most people do. There's a BIG difference. Your flag-burning attitude is the same as for people who are Christians, and yet the U.S. Gubmint won't let them be one ( i.e. displaying Christian symbols like a nativity scene during Christmas). I thought we were allowed religious freedom here? So why is it wrong to show you be lieve in God, just like it says on the money? The separation of Church & State GUARANTEES everyone the opportunity to select and practive their (Christian) faith, and the gubmint has NO right to say you can't! P.C. stands for Personal Computer, and I will defend ones's right to say "Merry Christmas" or have their nativity scene in this country. tyvm
  9. Maybe it is "kinda" like street races. Before a race, the two racers/teams talk or negotiate any offset in starts, then race, and more negotiating. This is what the show is about. Usually one guy has a big advantage, like nitrous or a trurbo, compated to the other car, without. Maybe one car will have a problem, giving the other an advantage. So in all "fairness," the negotiating is allowed ( and takes up time!) and there's your drama; the one ca's advantage, some breakdowns, negotiating, and 3 18 second races. Without all the "extra stuff" the whole show would last (3x20 seconds) or 1 minute! Obviously, the HybridZ turbo-V8 Z has a perfect day, unless they depended on the car's clock to get time places on time.
  10. TomoHawk

    Map Light

    I just wish I could get a map light that has enough light for reading a map!
  11. And God bless the Queen Mother!! You can't forget her; if it wasn't for the Queen (Big Q), none of us Yanks would have rebelled against Mother England way back then (230 years ago).
  12. Drifting.... What a stupid, useless thing to do: drive your car recklessly sideways, while burning up your tires & give cancer to the people watching. I'll bet the people that go drifting are in favor of smoke-free buildings...
  13. In case you want more info on the SHOW: http://www.speedtv.com/pinks/ Do you think we can at least know the name of the guys racing? You can look up the time it shows. From the Shows Schedule page: 07/04/06 7:30 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/05/06 9:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/05/06 9:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/05/06 11:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/05/06 11:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/05/06 1:00 am Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/05/06 1:30 am An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/06/06 8:00 am Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/06/06 8:30 am An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/08/06 5:00 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/08/06 5:30 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/11/06 7:30 pm Brian Bassone vs. Mike Boccella TV-14 07/12/06 9:00 pm An Unexpected Offer TV-PG 07/12/06 9:30 pm 07/12/06 11:30 pm 07/12/06 1:30 am fwiw...
  14. For real? Did you see it happen? I'm talking about the Speed Racer movie based on the cartoon from the late '60s (Speed Racer, Pops Racer, Trixie, Racer X, Spritle, Chim-Chim, Sparky...) thx
  15. Still wondering what lame thing they were up against. Probably a blown SuperStock Camaro that had the engine blow upon the last run, and the Z ran out of gas on the second run because the gas gauge was 1/4 tank off... I'd like to see some REAL drag cars like a '65 Merc Comet 390 (dual quads) and a Honda with an engine "blown-supercharged" by 4-18 inch subwoofers powered by a 25,000 Watt stereo (almost 1 PSI!!) & dual PSP. tyvfm
  16. They try to equilize things by having the faster guy turn off the Nitrous (or whatever) on race day, but he was selected in the first place even though his winning reputation was BECAUSE OF that stuff! It's like having Micheal Schumacher having to win an F1 race on a bicycle instead of using his Ferrari! Or like being at a "Battle of the Bands" and having a losing band say "We want some time because Ted can't get the high notes on his guitar solo." So you have two racers on the track, one with an advantage, and they argue about it to get one to give it up? I think not. If the show sponsors want to make the show interesting, they should first give the (underdog) some $$ to equalize the cars, and on race day, you either RACE OR LOSE. Unless they can think up a REAL way to make things fair or even. thx
  17. Don't delete this thread, Mike, we can use it for other comments, like PINKS SUCKS!!! All they have is a bunch of attitude-saturated jerks, who aren't even ready to race! Even on TV shows like Junkyard Wars they are ready to go on race day, and with the exception of a little pre-race tinkering, they go at it with whatever is left. Even that tuner-racing show was better. At least they were ready by race day. If you went to the local drag strip, would you get a 40-minute delay because something was wrong? NO!! If you got 5 minute from an extended commercial break you'd be lucky. I don't care if they gotta fill the whole 30- minute time slot with whatever junk they can get, the show is about "run what ya brung" and not "No wait... My engine is not right..." And they try to act like professional racers or people serious about winning. I'm sure "our" team is serious- or at least properly prepared. I'm almost afraid to watch the July 12th show because the car our guys prepared is probably better tuned than the one by "the other guys." and who knows what dramatic crap the shows "script writers" made up that you wouldn't see on any drag strip- let alone a road course. In fact, I BET any of the road racers here could drive their car to that drag site, race & WIN, and drive home straight away! Next...
  18. What ever happened to the Movie Speed racer? I did a search on blockbuster.com, and they only had DVDs of the cartoon.
  19. Sblake is correct, in that your 280Z doesn't ( or shouldn't) be able to flash the high beams with the headlamps off. If you can, then you probably have some kind of short or problem in the switch. Sometimes I need to flick my lever forward to get the high beam switch to click in totally, so I can pull it back again, but it otherwise works OK. (I'll put one of those on the To-Do list.) There are many more other more important things to do until then, since I (almost) never use the high beams.
  20. Where's Bill Ramsey? Maybe he learned hisself ta spell? Bigger hat? Yeah, I looked up some of my first postings... I learned a LOT of stuff from all you BOZOS....
  21. I got mine from a place in FL called ZDocs. www.zdocs.com
  22. Yeah, you can see on the wiring diagram with there are ground leads, but that doesn't mean you can find them on the car, even though I've even found a graphic of the wiring harness in a Mitchell's book. That's where all your experiences can help greately. I'm making a map of the ground points. Right now, the battery's main ground is through a bolt on the starter. I think I'll try to put in a ground lead for the battery-chassis, then one for the taillights and see what happens. thx
  23. Dude- You gotta get a copy of the book " "How to restore Your Z Car" by Wick Humble. It explains so many of those little things like you're wondering. Even though the project car is a 240Z, most of the body stuff is the same through 1978. I just did the top-front and window frame weatherstrip pieces on my doors. BTW- I had mine rebound with the coiled wire after the spine dried up & fell apart. Now I can open the pages flat and see the pages better. What's it take to get permission to Digitize the book to make a PDF file? Question: Is BLACK weatherstrip adhesive more appropriate, or will the TAN stuff be OK? thx
  24. There is also a coolant bypass line from the head to the lower bock near the #1 spark plug (IRC). This could also be ready to replace
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