Onmy '78 280Z, the door lock tumblers are fine, but the arm connecting the barrel to the locking thing seems to have worn out the hole in the arm where it attaches to the lock barrel. To unlock the door, you need to turn the key, then wiggle it up & down a some to get the lock knob to come up. Sound familiar? I've looked at it when I got the car, and the door panel was off, and it (the lock machanism layout) does't look a lot like the parts diagram, so I think the lock might be a later style ('79?) unit. the car is supposed to be an 11/78 build.
My idea is to make a new arm of steel or whatever to replace the one with the worn-out hole(s). Can anyone tell me if the lock mechanism is made of steel or aluminum? If aluminum, it would explain the wear & looseness.
Getting in there would be fun too.