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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. So there's something like a cam or lever in the shaft to advance the top section of the rotor shaft, and the vacuum advance advances it some more? My weights are 9 degrees, btw.
  2. The dizzy on my 280Z has the centrifugal weights inside, but I don't see how they connect to the breaker plate to affect the spark advance? Any explanation on that before I reassemble? ( got my breaker plate- it's the "last one left in the U.S.") thx
  3. Oh come on! you can fit 9 stiff bodies in the back EASY with the hatch open!
  4. I wasn't expecting that one! I thought the first reply would be "An S30 seats 2." :surprised It probably wouldn't make a difference on how many 'bodies' you can fit, but I think there would be significantly less (as in none others) if there was a dead one in there somewhere.
  5. OK, S30 2-seater. No convertible top, etc. Maybe try it both ways.
  6. Remember stuffing 15 people into a VW beetle? How many can you stuff into a Z? OK, which Z? I think I would go with an S30. Should the hatch be up or down? thx
  7. Is it normal for a remanufactured alternator to not fit the oem bracket? The bracket on my L28 engine is about 1/8 - 1/4 inch too big to fit between the ears on the alternator. Reman ufactured alternator is from NAPA. thx
  8. Do you think there might be a vapor tank replacement made of HDPE that will last? Maybe not the exact Ysame size & shape. your oem plastic tank must be reaady to disintegrate if it's like the rest of the plastic on that car.
  9. If you removed the letters "ISSAN" from the top (later models, I think), it would just say "Z"
  10. Just wondering... If you wanted to fabricste some bumpers, say to go under a body kit/front clip, what would you need ofr the bumper part? special steel? carbon fibre?
  11. The vapor tank and vapr canister work together. The vapor tank condenses the majority of gas vapor right off the fuel tank, and the vapor canistor gets what little is left, so you don't have the fumes. Search for other threads on this topic to see what people have done.
  12. My 280Z (11/78) center console has a rectangular hole at the back. Is there supposed to be an ashtray there too? There already is one just ahead of the armrest, between it and the shifter? I don't mind having another ashtray; it's a good place to stash coins. But would it be correct? thx
  13. TomoHawk


    Don't forget to get yourself some spares for in the future. They seem to get brittle on their own.
  14. TomoHawk


    If the link is bad ( or burned) it will be brittle inside if you try to flex it. The green colored ones might turn to black ( burned outside). Make sure the connectors are clean too. Use a little dielectric grease and make sure the cover fits well. Just don't forget to find out why things weren't working! Even if it's just a loose connection. If the link was burned, you have a potentially serious problem and need to be diagnosed.
  15. The second one had some good pics of how it goes together. thx
  16. I talked to Rod at Rod's Discount Datsun Parts in CA, and he said that you can use a 79-83 ZX distributor on the L28E engine with some re-wiring. The EI unit is on the cap. Is there ant info on that? From what I'm told when I try to order, the various pices are getting more and more scarce, so substitutes will be good to have. thx
  17. On the side, The FSM says to put grease on the governor weights, etc. What kind of grease is that? Probably something that will take high RPMs (3000-5000) for long durations.
  18. Oh- I didn't mention that I have the original 280Z distributor. Same thing?
  19. I just had a visit to the Nissan dealer to see if I could get him to rebuilt the distributor, and the guy wanted $400 bucks!!! $200 for the vacuum pot, $100 for the breaker plate assembly, and $50 for the reluctor, plus $200 to assemble it. I got the toothed wheel of OK with a little heat, but the rest looks scary (springs!) MSA wants $175 + core for a rebuilt, is that better than trying it myself? I don't do a lot of these. I'd be happy to ship it off to a friendly mate with the parts & some $ for the help. I'd like to keep as many original parts on there as possible. thx
  20. I thought 240Z was pronounced "Twenty-four Ounce?"
  21. Were there any plastic tool bin liners for the 280Z? I saw something like it on eBay, but in Vinyl?? OEM ToolBox Liners
  22. The front tire on my 280Z hits the frame rail when I turn it all the way right. The body shop guy said to just grind the flange of the frame rail so the tire isn't hitting. Are there any alternatives? I was thinking about putting a clamping stop thing on the steering rack to limit the movement. Something like a hose clamp. thx
  23. I always say "everything is simple." I just hate it when people decide to complicate it. Simple, like a broken fuse...
  24. there is (was) a company in Chicago that will build you a replica 250 GTO with the ali body & tube frame like the original, but with Chevy a engine.
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