Is that where the high pressure air can be found? With the bumper partially blocking the front, how much pressure (absolute or relative) do you think you can find? Otherwise, anything we can dream up here is no better than the stock airbox, located in front of the radiator support and drawing air from the underside of the hood. I read something about how to locate the higherpressure areas on, using a DIY pressure switch setup ( the latter is true, you'd be better off cutting the hood to install an NACA-style air scoop near the forward lip, and sealing it to a similar hole in the stock airbox. The alternative would be to measure the air pressure in different areas around and in front of the radiator ( anywhere else?) to find the best place for an intake- probably where the stock airbox was. And possibly adding a little more pressure with either an air dam, spook spoiler, et al, (best idea IMO, but modifies the look of the nose), or an air scoop/funnel of some kind under the hood behind the bumper (block air to the radiator) to increase air pressure. You'd have to put together a pressure measuring device, and measure the air pressure in areas in front of the radiator while the car is moving. I don't know of any device like that; like something that plugs into a VOM, so you can take reading while driving.