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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Ah! But did you notice that the girl didn't go for the door handle? She only put her hand on the door knock grommet, and we all inferred that she was going to unlock the door.
  2. I assumed that, but I'm afraid to remove the undercoating, to reveal what's under it :paranoid:
  3. I waws thinking about doing the same thing as I did before, but with a shifter knob from a T-Bird. Does anybody know ifthe earlier T-Birds (2000 - 2003) had mecanical shifters or were they all electronic? the 2004 one was a button with wires going down to the transmission. The Z needs one with a pushrod in the shaft. thx
  4. Is the underside of the hood supposed to paint? (somebody) coated the underside of mine with undercoating. Probably turns most people off & loses me major points at car shows.
  5. From all the cars I've seen, the engine compartment is body color. Just clean everything. De-rust screws, clean & polish shiny parts. Don't forget to clean the cooling fan, radiator tanks are satin black, and be careful of the plastic clips/holders.
  6. I doubt you will see that car again. It belonged to the killer, and next week they will have a new killer. It's just a new show like CSI, but this one uses profilers to 'get into the killer's mind' hence the name of the show. In away, I was expecting to see Agent Mulder, who was an FBI profiler.
  7. The girl didn't call him. From what I saw, they met in some Internet chat room, and he showed her a picture of the car as they started talked about him selling it, and he got her to meet him for the test drive.
  8. Like 240Zdragon72 said before: "Would be interesting to see if any of it will be right."How could he even lock the door if the door lock knob was missing? I only saw him open the door for the girl to get in. Plus, he couldn't have locked the door and taken the knob off- he wouldn't have been able to open the door then. BUT... it's TV, so the writers don't care about accuracy, only the suspense and terror. And like there's dozens of guys with 3 PhDs, an IQ if 167, photographic memory and reads 20,000 words per minute. And how about that profiler character?
  9. I was out cruising to a flea market (outdoor mall) today, and I was going kind of slow down the parking lot along the stores, and some people were like, staring, so I started to get a weird feeling like they all saw that show, and they thought I was looking for a victim. :paranoid:
  10. I saw three humps in the dash... But when the girl tried to grab the door lock button, it wasn't on the top of the door panel- more like on the side. But the wipers did stutter a little as they went across. That must have been some fragile girl, that the guy knocked her out with a punch from the driver's seat.
  11. All I saw was the end was round with a single exit. Maybe it was a ricer can of some sort. I was dissappointed in the she show. there was only about 60 seconds total of the car- no chases or anything. Even the wipers were slow...
  12. Gary, Even with the one glasspack on my car, it's not loud. Your theories might not agree, but I have the facts on my side. The only thing missing isthe dual tips.
  13. Is there a website for Sports Car International Magazine? I ordered a free issue in MAY (it had a Z in it), never got it, but I got the BILL! thxe
  14. The muffler guy put the glasspack on backwards for my car. He said it would be better flowing and still be kind of quiet.
  15. I took mine out since it wasn't working. It weighed about 100 Lbs. altogether.
  16. Dilute bleach sounds like a good idea. Even after using the soapy solution, mine were a little yellow. thx
  17. I was thinking of leaving mine off and covering the pillars with vinyl, or even padded vinyl ( headliner material). What you think? thx
  18. I don't use the whole handle, just the knnob part. I had to make an adapter tube from two pieces of brass tubing, one fits inside the other for strength. Then I had to cut the pushrod to the right length. I don't think there's anything you can just put on there, except another oem part. Why didn't you just ask for more details?
  19. You know- those knobs with the cut in letters and graphics like on the windshield washer switch, trip odomoter reset, ilumination reostat... What kind of cleaning solution works best for you? I ussume you're using a troothbrush to get into the grooves. I like to use the orange cleaner from the dollar store for everything, but havent gotten to try it yet; only used water so far. Also what wouldn't you use, or what stuff would dissolve the white paint? thx
  20. Take Another lesson from somebody who didn't take a picture, or made a drawing, of the stuff before or while is was coming apart. NEVER trust your memory (well... almost never.) Make the record for yourself, not only for what you're doing, but for the next time, or to share with others in this kind of situation. You can even scan it to your computer, and save the shelf space!
  21. What do you expect to accomplish by removing the BCDD?
  22. Have you had any success with thr SeaFoam? I see a number of products on the shelf at the auto parts store that "guarantee " to clean out your engine, some with only one bottle! I wouldn't mind adding a bottle of cheaper stuff once a month or so to clean it out & ckeep it nice & clean thereafter..
  23. The first thing thast comes to mind for me is that the one or more injectors are going nuts- meaning an AFM problem. ECUs rarely go bad too.So something is telling the ECU to keep pouring fuel in like crazy.
  24. I'll bet the girl took the car to a place that has 'SAE certified Mechanics,' meaning they treat an old car like a new one. The guy may have even told the girl the "engine computer might be bad."
  25. Since when is Florida in the rust belt?? I will have to go look some more to see what happened.thx
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