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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I'll have another look from the bottom the next time I ge the car on a lift. There may have been something else there, and fell off (Florida car- all the plastic & rubber stuff is brittle). I never had any fumes smell inside the car, but it does get a little odor if you leave it in the sun a long time (which is normal) thanks
  2. Don't forget to check the area behind the rear wheels. the plastic rear 1/4 pieces are open to the air, believe it or not, and these pieces are supposed to keep the water and fumes out of the car. Mine ewere MUDDY on the back when I took them out, andthere were a few leaves in there. One overs the evaporation tank, and the other one covers the antenna.
  3. There is one more REALLY BIG opening you need to check- the bottom is the rear quarters. I took out the plastic rear 1/4 panels from the inside of my 78 280Z, and I sould see clear to the ground. I don't know why theengineers left it open and relied on those pastic interior pices to keep the water out. I thought the air pressure alone would push them in after so many years of getting brittle. So I thought somebody would have noticed it in these 30 years gone, and formed a plastic, metal, or fiberglass piece to fit in there. thx
  4. The fuel pressure regulator is on top of the intake, and in the middle of the fuel rail (oval-shaped tubing connected to the injectors). It is around cannister with a vacuum hose on one end, and two tubes coming off, one is bent, that are connected to the fuel rail with rubber hoses. They were about $40 at AutoZone. It's not too hard to change it. Just takes time to take all the parts/hoses/etc. apart. Also get yourself some 5/16 inch fuel injection hose and 5/16 FUEL INJECTION CLAMPS- not those cheap water hose clamps! See the picture. It's the round thing in the upper-right corner.
  5. Do you mind posting your VIN? Maybe it's a CA car, but with non-CA emmissions, like Federal or something. BTW, I got the VIN code information from the Haynes book. The VB catalog doesn't have it. thx
  6. I got that information from the Haynes book. It's supposed to be part of the VIN tag. Obviously, it should be printed on the car's original paperwork that it has California emmissions equipment.
  7. That is the piece in the picture, Steven. If it breaks loose or the screw is loose, the arm will swing over and touch the side of the steer wheel hub, get grounded, and the horn will go off. I was able to get mine to stay put this long, but it needs to be repaired properly now. I will get mine apart, and see if gool ol' GOOP will handle it. So hold on if you were thinking og packing it up for me. thx
  8. Vicky, My 78 has the light on the dash, but not the floor sensor, which is (supposed to be) mounted just in front of the LR taillight.
  9. inside the 280Z steering column, there is a plastic part with a spring metal feeler that touches the horn ring, behind the sterering wheel. It's part of the turnsignal-headlight switch assembly. You may know of this part. The problem is that mine has broken off, and the horn goes on when you don't expect it to. The question is, can you get a replacement for this part with the metal feeler, or can it be repaired? thx
  10. Usually, the CA cars have a letter in the VIN. For example, 280Z will have a VIN that has a V after the S30-, with the V for CA spec. There might be others letters before the V tho.
  11. Do you think that carbon replacements for the bumpers could be made? I've seen the ones on my Escort, and ther look a lot like the 280Z bumpers- heavy box beams. I think then the question would be: how much would carbon 280Z bumpers weigh?
  12. I thought we were talking about the fender seals and vent ducts under the hood, no? thx
  13. Only the 240Z and earlier models of 260/280Z ( up to 1976) had the air channels in the inner fender. After 1976 the air vents went to the cowl area. But according to the VB catalogue, that part (59-122, 1 req'd) and the associated clips (59-170, 12 req'd) are for S30 70-78.
  14. So if there had actually been enough forewarning which EVERYONE had heeded, and then made for the higher ground, then the only casualties would have been some cars/trucks, the buildings & their contents, and the face of the city. And maybe just a few people who needed rescuing because they were the last to get out as the hurricane was moving in, Judging from how many people were moved by the buses, but those with cars or trucks should have been able to get themselves out, like the people in FL do. Those left could have easily been handled, and the citizens of New Orleans would all be safe with relatives, friends or where ever.
  15. The same thing happens in NYC probably every day. A crowd of people will stand by looking on as another gets robbed (or worse?) on the sidewalk, sometimes in broad daylight! It's one time I would like to see some groups of vigilantes just patroling, but it also makes you wonder how many of those 'bad guys' are packing weapons.
  16. I wonder how many people are actually prepared for a disaster that could happen in their area- like tornado, or power/gas outage, snow blizzard, or whatever. I also agree that it does take a lot of time to mount a domestic movement of the troops; they're mostly geared toward foreign movements, and with the amount of stuff involved, it will take a lot of time to gather it, deliver it to the general area, and then get it to the people who need it. Blaming anyone is totally out of order! The President has done his job correctly and to the best of his ability AS president. Remember we live in a beurocratic country. FYI, the TV networks ( in my area at least) have all recommended that you do NOT go there to help. I agree. More people will only create more chaos. If you choose to give, give what you can to the appropriate organization(s) and they will deliver it to those in need. there will be a time to go later, when it's safe and appropriate.
  17. Ive seen those TV blurbs where you see some poor lost person saying, "Where's the food?? The water?? Why can't they get us out of here?? The government stinks!!" GREED, GREED, GREED. They are only thinking of themselves. true they have personal needs to remain healthy & survive, but obviously these uninfirmed people don't know how bad things are. I hope they receive the faith they need that help will come. Not only the job they had, but the employer is gone, and the place where they used to work. Talk about losing local jobs.... I empathize with you & them, that this historical city, with its hundreds of years of history, is now basically gone. I think if they do get the city dried out & excavated from whatever mud will be left, that the only 'historic quarter' with be in history books. But I'll hope for better to happen, of course.
  18. So you want people to just hold in all the feelings of loss of friends & family for weeks or months until the city is dried out enough to go home and prepare a formal memorial service? I think that is insensitive. I have a friend who used to live in South La, and we ( group of friends up here in OH) had a memorial for him. It helps rest the feelings you have since they can't bury the guy yet, if ever. Yes, these people need food & clothes and a SAFE place to go, but you gotta worry about more than just the bodies. I'm sure the TV networks or religious organizations would be happy to do a memorial. And yes, a little government money could help that happen. Most of the money is going through the churches and other organizations like Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. I'm sure these organizations offer DAILY prayer, worship and even memorial services.
  19. Sure, that's your side of it. I don't think the gubmint need to erect a giant monument or hire the Pope to do a memorial, but there should be one, and a little money to the right organization (like the EWTN Network, for one, or the mormons, et al.) could do it easily. The TV Networks could do it just as easily.
  20. The tragedy in New Orleans is done. Only the cleanup is part way through. There have obviously been many, many deaths already- they just don't have an idea on the number of deaths like they did for the WTC. A memorial service for those lost is VERY appropriate at this point. So is one for the live people. The cleanup of the WTC took a long time too, so why didn't they wait weeks for that memorial service? The others affected in New Orleans have the same need for hope. All they have now is a bus ride to the middle of Texas. It'll be weeks before the water gets down enough to go looking for bodies, and aid money, clothes, a bed, food & water isn't all that's important right now. Looking in the attics doesn't happen until the water level goes down, so they probably won't find many more bodies for a while. So you think people should just wait weeks until the gubmint feels like things are settled?
  21. 240Zdragon72- It's verry obvious you don't have any front protection. Even new cars have something up front plus the big grilles... Don't you think you might gett stopped by police for not having a bumper? What's the law say on that stuff? thx
  22. I think the front bumper on a 280z helps the aerodynamics. Without the bumper, the front is like a big box ( like a pickup). Good for getting air through ther radiator, but not very aerodynamic. Doesn't MSA have fiberglass things that replace for the bumpers? I would also suggest to keep the bumper on for protection, because the insurance companies would be just too happy to take your car away after a minor bump on the front, and trash the whole thing. At least you can still get replacement bumpers, but the sheet metal is harder to replace- at least until Z cars really become CLASSICS enough to get ALL aftermarket body parts. thx
  23. I'm still wondering why there hasn't been a memorial service for those that were lost so far. After the attack on the WTC, the bubmint so quick to have a memorial to show the people that "it cared." So what's holding them up? It was so important to have the service right away in 2001, but it doesn't matter that there are people with low hopes today? Not only do they need food & water, but they need to know there's more than the gubmint to look to for hope & help. thx
  24. I think the only thing that could fail to make the lights not 'fail-safe' is the single wire from the Pos. side of the battery to the lights/relays. If this single wire was broken or developed a short, neither low or high beams would work. How would you get around that? Independent power wires from the battery for each circuit?
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