Ive seen those TV blurbs where you see some poor lost person saying, "Where's the food?? The water?? Why can't they get us out of here?? The government stinks!!" GREED, GREED, GREED. They are only thinking of themselves. true they have personal needs to remain healthy & survive, but obviously these uninfirmed people don't know how bad things are. I hope they receive the faith they need that help will come. Not only the job they had, but the employer is gone, and the place where they used to work. Talk about losing local jobs.... I empathize with you & them, that this historical city, with its hundreds of years of history, is now basically gone. I think if they do get the city dried out & excavated from whatever mud will be left, that the only 'historic quarter' with be in history books. But I'll hope for better to happen, of course.