PrOxLaMuS, Do you think you could post a sketch of the wiring diagram for that VB headlight harness? I called VB to ask then if I could get a copy to see if it was right for my car, by they don't have that info... From what I know of the VB headlight harness, it's probably very similar to Dave's. It uses new connectors that plug directly into the back of the headlamp,totally bypassing the OEM wiring. Only there's just the one relay to power both lights. One relay should be adequate though, as a 60W lamp uses only 5 amps @12V, andthe relays go up to 20 amps. The 280Z uses a 10 Amp fuse for each headlamp, which is a little overkill, but maybe the Nissan engineers had a reason for that (like 7 amp fuses weren't cheap or common). You still have to get in under the fender and unscrew the back plate to the lamp to get at the back of the lamp tho. I always wondered about plugging into the headlamp plug that's just behind the radiator support. I mean the round plug (on 280Z) with the three round pins. I haven't had a chance to measure the voltage at that plug, but I assume it's not at the 13 volts the battery has. Since the headlamp power comes straight off the battery, I wonder where the voltage loss is from. In that circuit you only have the one fuse link, with its two (connections). Maybe just replacing that segment would be a significant improvement.