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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Right, pg. 36. I don't have that control either.
  2. That's what I was referring to.
  3. Great scan! the description really helps too. Now that I know exactly what you are talking about, I can look for it myself, or keep an eye out for it when I'm working under there. ADD: By golly, my owner's manual has ther vent control too (p. 10) just like yours. If you look at pg. 31, the top-middle picture shows the air flow patterns, and you'll see that the air to the floor vent comes from the cowl intake. thx
  4. When I go to the bigger airshows, there is always a tent where they demonstrate how to hammer metalby making prop cones & ash trays, etc.
  5. Are there any suitable mufflers with dual tailpipes that would work on a S30 with the L28 engine besides the ones you can get from MSA or VB, but as a complete system? I'd like to get just the muffler, as the rest is new, and there's a glasspack in the middle. thx
  6. Very excellent synopsis of the technique, Enrique. the only think you couldn't do is to send out some experience to those reading it. Practice makes perfect-- on a spare piece of metal.
  7. When you think about the advanced courses... You should remember that they're only there to help you develop skills to deal with those situations where you need to dodge something, or a panic brake, slipping on a wet road or some kind of un-ordinary driving situation, and taking the advanced course is NOT supposed to be some kind of license to drive faster, or take risks while driving, and it's NOT a racing school. thx
  8. Thanks, Lance I about forgot about the SCSA schools.
  9. Yes, Mrs. Chino's charity work is commendable nonetheless, although it's a different topic, and I certainly hope she doesn't attract any trouble if she's sporting a church sticker, or one for the charity work, or whatever. That's when I really hope that law enforcement will take a better look at things, and make a right decision- If there is ever an occasion to mistake things for the illegal activity group. I doubt she will ever see any trouble. thx
  10. In my area, we recently hasd a pro football (NFL) player trash himself while hotdogging for friends in a parking lot on a racey motorbike. What do you think makes these athletes think they can do the dangerous stuff and get away with it? thx
  11. That's the big picture, and it seems difficult to get others to see your point of view. On the other hand, how do the police work against those circumstances- having to wait to catch racers in the act, and by then they could just race away and be gone ( another illegal act). I think that's a problem with society in general. Just about everybody has a cell phone now, it seems, and the same people feel they need to be using it constantly. Remember the time before cell phones? We all got along just fine using pay phones, or no phone at all. All that money used to establish cell phone systems could be used to fix up the regular phone system or other usefull stuff. I'll leave that up to them. A race car as a daily driver doesn't sound too comfortable, or efficient, but I get to could get in a 'quick trip to the store!'
  12. Chino- I commend your wife on her admirable ways. I'm not a care-giver, except for my old mom & dad), but I do my share of charity to local geoups. Good for her. Steven- I agree that the overall goal is to stop the street racing, but all this business about stickers, spoilers, and exhaust should get a little more organized. You need to understand it from the policeman's point of view- they only have so much to go on for now. If you don't agree with it, then organize yourselves and petition for change. Complaining about it, or ignoring it won't make change. I don't care how people adorn their cars. They can paint it bright blue with a set of Texan longhorns on the hood. Cover it with pink shag and a big dog's face on the front if it suits you. Done right, the wildest of ideas can be cool-looking. You're probably right that this web site isn't the place for making public policy, but it's sad that you can say your opinions without people taking it like that's what you want to force other to do. OPINIONS ARE JUST OPINIONS!! They have no value, except to the person making them. Otherwise, it really spoilsthings if you happen to meet that person 'on the street' one day. I say that especially because I want to cruise the country (route 66, PCH, etc) after I finish with my plan for the Z, and I might be able to visit some of you people on the way. I assume most of your enjoy an occasional beer? ("official currency of the U.S.")
  13. Narrow-mindedness goes both ways, Seerex. That's probably why the whole problem with ricers and street-racing, etc., started. I could care less what you think. I'll hold to my own good habits, you can do what you want. Remember this is an OPEN forum, and you are allowed to say your opinion! I am NOT the government, nor the penal system, nor any other offical department in charge of making policies. If you get irritated, maybe YOU should get some help! Or at least some fresh air!
  14. NO, it shouldn't. BUT when it says "I'm faster than you and I'll prove it on the streets any day." OR, "I use brand X racing tyres" on a street car, I would probably put a bet on that guy that he'll be racing soon.I own an import car, and I never race it on the street, or anything close. I'm happy driving around and I'm too far above petty stuff like street racing. It's a much higher moral quality, and more people should do the same. I'm too busy looking good.
  15. Not MY style, but kids should dress like they have intelligence, and pride in themselves. I'll bet most of them, if not all, don't know how to put on a necktie. As for the stickers, AGAIN, "ricers" put so many strickers on the car, insinuating that they are racers, and is about the same as doing the actual racing. This means that these people put on the stickers to taunt others into the actual racing. If these people were so proud of the cars, they wouldn't have the need for so many stickers or spoilers or whatever, and they would just be happy to hang out with the others, like the Z people do.
  16. Again, by stickers, the article was referring to the ones that are related to street racing & such. Like the difference between a "Hell's Angel" leather jacket , and one worn by a WWII pilot. The latter was meant for the more honorable type. As for the Moroso/Edelbrock sticker, "most" people that sport those are driving a classic muscle car, or domestic. They usually don't do a lot of street racing- probably just an occasional spurt for fun. I don't think poodles or honor students would draw much attention- except from the rival school. thx
  17. Sorry about that. But the point stands for whomever owns the yellow car, or something like it.
  18. Those kids are really in trouble- they can't even dress right!! I'm talking about the T-shirts that go down to their knees, and their pants are about a foot too long or hang off the thigh instead of the waist. Winter jackets the size that would fit a guy 150 lbs heavier. Some kids Don't even have enough sense to wear clean clothes or when the knees are torn, they need to be patched.
  19. Not just "a sticker." these ricers are putting lots of stickers all over. R-type stickers. It's possible that a certain sticker would mean that you're in a certain club or group, that's popular for illegal racing & such. Some tattoos do that in Asian groups. Like DatsunZGuy mentioned, his car has chrome & flares & such, but it's in the spirit of the classic sportscar ad not to insinuate that he's doing street racing or other illegal stuff. thx
  20. Has anybody ever heard of a performance or safety driving school that's given locally in their area? I mean like for the ordinary driver, not somebody that wants to race, like the Bondurant school). Who would be doing that kind of stuff, Insurance companies? I think I once saw a TV commercial for an insurance company showing a teen driver/student doing somethingh like that. I think it would be a good thing for everybody to go to, especially when you move to an area with difference weather (like a Floridian moving to Ohio or Maine), or just to give yourself a refresher for your reflexes, physically & mentally. thx.
  21. Did you ever see a Hells Angel's club? You probablty think they're a bunch of bikers who are borderline criminals. Most people do. Some of them are. To me, it's not the Asians, or the Mexican's. These people are mostly 'Americans' doing something that is isn't. Most people in this country probably think that the U.S. is the best country in the world and other countries should take cues from the U.S. Hopefully not the kind that we're talking about in this topic. thx
  22. FREEDOM comes with a price. the kind of freedom that lets EVERYBODY live in peace with others in the area, and the stuff these ricers ( and maybe others, even) are doing is taking away fthe AFREEDOM of everybody. That's why it should stop. Vans with groovy paint and Greatful Dead logos, marijuana leaves, etc. is one person's way of making a statement, but when these ricers put so many strickers on the car insinuating that they are racers, is about the same as doing the actual racing, which is illegal. FREEDOM doesn't mean you can jeapordize somebody else's. thx
  23. I think of Asian rice as something with parsley & spices, and Mexican rice as something with crushed dried jalopeno & beans.
  24. Soap-box time! I'd agree with some of the stuff that's wrong with rice cars. In my area, you can get a citation for playing your car radio too loud, so why not exhaust loudness too? And those park bench "spoilers?" I've seen a few of those, and I don't think they allow the driver to see out the back window. Window tinting is a safety hazard too. Stickers? the only stickers you should have are one ones from the facytor/dealer/ AAA, and a bumper sticker or two. Not only should they get a ticket, but the car's warantee should be voided (if it had one), and there should be a note put in with the OWNER'S Insurance provider. thx I'd put up with the factory spoilers, like the Subaru ones, and a "sporty" exhaust sound, but that's about all. "Keep America Beautiful"
  25. Here is a document I think you will find very useful: Thrush BrandTurbo Muffler (pdf file) : You can change the size to your requirements.
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