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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I'm servicing my AFM, and the plastic cover on the side is held on with gobs of RTV silicone and a giant ziptie. What is the original way the cover is attached? thx
  2. It is a recommended way of removing the spring & strut from the car without the compressor, according to the Haynes manual. Personally, I would just take it to my mates service place. it would only take him an hour or so for the four corners.
  3. It is possible to do the springs without a compressor, but you'll need some friends to sit on your car to cpompress the springs while you undo the nuts.
  4. I think my light fixtures were all made of white plastic, so I just cleaned them with a good soap. I contemplated putting in some Aluminum foil tape across the back for a reflector, but then I thought the lights were about as good as they can be, and it would be better to clean up the electrical connectors to increase the voltage at the bulbs instead. fwiw
  5. Do you expect the glasspack to wear out? How would you service it? thx
  6. You can also take the light apart to clean the inside and the lens. I did that and it helped some more light get out. In fact, I've removed all the plastic lenses on the car light and cleaned them all- it helped.
  7. When I was college, we raced bicycles. From all the magazines we read, some of us thought that in Italy, there was a bike shop on every corner!
  8. Another "F" word to avoid! Really... on Hybridz.com, you read of reports that the "Enzo" people will complain greatly ( as in lawyers/law suits) because EBAY had a replica for sale on there with the Enzo decals or even just a yellow patch the shape of a shield! Even using the "F" word on your Ebay car auction gets you some warnings.
  9. TomoHawk

    Sex or Z?

    My mom told me to be careful of fast cars & women. Or was fast women in cars?
  10. I don't use a clutch. You don't seem to know what I was talking about, either.
  11. I think I know why my windscreen was always foggy... The door seals are not good between the door and the quarter window, so you get a LOT of air coming in there, like evening air, morning air, some rain, etc., so I think I should buy new door weatherstrips to close the gap? I'll have to get two sets, one for now and one for after it gets painted. Or maybe I can just Goop in a temporary rubber? The only other place for moist air to get in is the fresh air intake for the heater., Can you close that off when you don't use the heater? thx
  12. Can you give details about what you put into your exhaust (drawing)? Do you think it would sound similar for other people?
  13. Bill- You spelled it wrong... Stoopid is correctly sprlled with two ZEROs..
  14. Carb OIL??? I thought somebody was going to say he's pulling as fast-one on you, like, "You only put GAS in the carb!!" You know- like muffler bearings... I would assume you only need oil ON the carb to lube the bearing pins. What's the oil resevoir for? You can still check the usual stuff like points, rotor, plugs, timing & mixture, any of which would make it run funny. You know- tune-up. thx
  15. Which books? Do you have the Wick Humble book? thx
  16. TomoHawk

    Rotary Z

    there's room for a BBQ in there. Oops... CAR-BQ. Or a spot to store your Fosters? FYI, there's been 1 or 2 blokes over on Hybridz that did rotary power in a Z. Good on yer...
  17. When i got my 280 a couple years ago, I just did all the usual things- strip, clean & vacuum the inside, clean the windows, wash & wax. I did drive it a little to get used to how it works, and I kept a notepad in the car to write down things I noticed. then I worked on those things. After about a year, I had the whole car cleaned, rubber stuff replaced, new tires, fluids & such, and I only did small things since- like fill the gas tank! Ifthere is something BIG to do, you'll notice it straight away.
  18. Why did you say in post #2, "they are slaved to the parking lamps." My wiring diagram ( which is accurate for my car) has no driving lamps on it. ?
  19. If the driving lamps are on a circuit with other loads, it would be wise to put it on a new circuit. I think it would be a good idea with the older wiring on the 240. Maybe not with relays, bit if it could be worked into the existing runs so it looks like it belonged there and without hacking up was is already there. IMO
  20. The least you should do is to wire the switch to a hot fuse box pin with an inline fuse, if there isn't already an empty place.
  21. MEK only for the stubbornist of goopy stick-on gunk. I've read about certain window cleaners for cars that are 'specially formulated' to cut road grime, suggesting that it is too tough for Windex. yes, I use Windex on the inside, but I don't remember when was the last time I did the inside of the Zed. When I first got my Escort, I drove to work early each morning, and every few months, the inside of the windscreen fogged up from the shampoo stuff drying off my wet hair! Carl- Never MEK on paint or rubber. That's why I use mineral spirits. Takes off the gunk, glue & wax. Oh- I use plain newspaper for a rag, too. Fancy shop towels waste your money, kitchen towels are too cheap. Uncolored, unhandled newspapers are guaranteed clean & hold up to the liquids, they're (practically) free, and they get tossed anyway. thx
  22. My collection of fine Italian sports cars. All imported direct from Italy- Some from Modena!
  23. Thanks, Will- I don't have any of the signs you described. During the day, the windscreen is crystal-clear, but at night, I get a lot of glare. Even after I double-clean it with Windex (only the outside). Maybe I should try something stronger? What's the strongest stuff you can use on glass? would m.e.k. hurt? I assume it's just glass on the outside. I usually use mineral spirits to get stuff off the paint, like old adhesive from pinstriping, or tar, etc. thx
  24. Why were you at Daytona? racing, or what? I prefer Sebring over "road cars on some circle-track." Even if they still had all Ford Pintos there.
  25. I think my windscreen has a few pits, but not a sandblasted look (FL car). I have read about how the windscreen can have moisture trapped between the layers, which looks like fogged glass at night? How can you check it to see for sure? And if that's the case, can you fix it or do something about it? thx
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