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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. The windows on my 78 270Z don't seem to have any tint, like modern cars seem to have. Not even the shading at the top of the windscreen. that's why I leave them dirty...
  2. Mid-Ohio is close to me, and they have historic racing there, but not like Monterey. Unfortunately, they usually schedule the races on days I have to work.
  3. If you want to se some really groovy westcoast racing go to the Monterey History races! i'm talking about actual cars from the 1930's (maybe earlier!), the 40's, 50s. real OLD jags, they had like 12 Ferrari GTOs in one race. Oh yeah- Alain DeCadenet was there this year, too, for SPEED TV.
  4. I was going to say that tinting the back window was not a good ideafor the PO of my Fla car, because the tingting was so brittle that ammonia didn't help. I had to razxor blade everything off, and I spent hours on my back peeling the film off the back window with a small Xacto blade and clean glasses to see exactly where the defroster lines were. I STILL didn't get it all off, and you can see the thick lines across the back window. Removeable/MOVEABLE tinting! From Wall-Mart I bought a roll of tinting that comes off! (static-cling stuff. You can put it back on later. I used it as a stripe across the top of the windsahield. Been on 7 years so far, and stil comes off & on easy. They use stuff like this in airplanes, so you can move a patch of tint to where the sun is. thx
  5. I think the track at Lemans is longer too. So I'd go there.
  6. And this is coming from a person who's from minnesota?
  7. They're taking email questions on-air. I thought I might ask them when did the first 240Z appear in the daytona 24 hrs? You got any favorites running? thx
  8. So send Speedtv.com a message telling them you thought Mr. Yates belongs on some late-night men-only TV program on the Spike channel with the things he says...
  9. I would suggest tht you get a 12 volt buzzer from Radio shack. I glued mine to tongue depressor/craft stick and added wires with clips for the power & ground. that way you can test for power without having to look, like the brake lights or headlights.
  10. We've discussed something like this before. I think it's still a good idea to get your engine (fuel mix and all) to be as close to spec as practically possible. It just shows your respect for the machine, your environment and others on the roadway. I'd personaly rather do without some of the smokers I've seen on the road. I bet they could've made some simple repairs to make things (better) for others. But, until such repairs can be finished, it is nice to have the leeway to drive your car if you need to.
  11. My car doesn't have a catalytic converter either. FYI, a cadillac converter is what you find on cars in the part of town where the projects (low-income) housing are located.
  12. Your car has a cadillactic converter? I was referring to those who have chronic mixture richness. A temporary fix would be to adjust the airflow meter to lean the mix. Then you can work on the various parts to see what's not right.
  13. the Colortune sounds neat. Did it work? It sounds like a good way to set the air-fuel ratio, which is a big problem for many of us, especially those with e.f.i. thx
  14. The layperson might think that a detachable steering wheel might mean that it might come off any time. They should go look at it and see just how "easy" it is to get it off: first take the key out of the ignition, then find the wheel lock key. Put it in & turn to unlock. Then press the release lever & turn the wheen CCW. Then pull off. For the same reasons that the racecar release comes off so easily is why they are all "Not for street use." I've never seen anybody carrying a steering wheel at any car show tho.
  15. Of course. I wouldn't have considered it unless the horn worked. You can get a ticket if you can't toot the horn. thx
  16. The price went up since I got mine. Grant Steering Wheel Security System
  17. I have the Grant system on mine & it works great. About 1/2 the price. I don't really like the phrase "quick-release" when related to your steering wheel, tho.
  18. Vicky- How about a laser-etched 'Z' logo? I attached a couple suggestions I found on the internet, but a better, fine-lined logo would be in order to go with the detail a laser can do. Maybe some of the graphics Aficionados here can come up with something like the old ink engravings.(Black line-art).
  19. I'll see if I can find a picture. cheers
  20. Welcome and congratulations on your purchase. When I was younger, in the 70s & 80s, I liked the Z a LOT too, but they seemed to be too expensive and people who had then would never let ME drive it! So a few years ago, Istarted looking for one again, and a frien in Tampa, FL, told me there was a used Z-car dealer down the road from him! Fletcher Ave., of I-275 in Tampa. So I looked and he even had a website! Z-Docs Website So i looked up a good car and worked out a deal. fortunately for me, he was coming up near Cleveland, OH, so he trailered the car up and delivered. Otherwise, I was going to Tampa to drive it up myself. Good thing I didn't, because the hose on the fuel rail split a 2 minutes after I started driving home from the delivery spot. It took 2 GALLONS to drive the 2 1/2 miles back to the house- gasoline dripping the whole way up the driveway! At first, my 280Z felt like a beast. The hood was about 300 feet long and it weighed 1200 tons. But after a while, you get used to it enough that you feel you can showboat. Just don't. Maybe we can get Z-Docs to sponsor this place. thx
  21. I have ZX wheels on my car and I would like to know if there are any alternative center caps to use instead of the big Z caps. They stick out some and don't look so nice, so I'd prefer something that was flat, like a plate. Should I get those custom made? I think they would just screw in place of the old ones. Get some pics of my idea soon. thx
  22. I couldn't find the delete button.
  23. Yeah, My 280Z definitely weighs more than 1900 lbs., even with all the sheetmetal, the seats, carpet, everything loose or not in the drivetrain- removed. I would say the same thing about a 240Z. Plus, I had to look carefully because at first those panels looked likethey were made of canvas!? thx
  24. You would probably want one rated 10ABC or bigger.
  25. My race bike cost me $100 a pound. Good thing it only weighs 21 pounds...
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