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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. NEITHER! I like the way mine looks "unmodified", but I just wish I could get the front bumper to suck in about a FOOT. . Back one too, unless I need a place to put a grill for tailgating...
  2. It might be in your owner's book, but after so many miles/years, it should be different (less). You'd determine compression with a tester in the spark plug hole. They probably have those in the auto parts stores. Somebody should have a good link to post.
  3. Isn't the compression od the stock Z engine (L28) about 8:1? I'd say that was a 'low' compression ratio, so go with the lower octane. 'High' compression would be around 10:1 and higher. It should also help to prevent predetonation if your cylinders/heads were squeaky clean- with no carbon builup.
  4. Why not try making your own using wood doweling, or even finding a source for plastic rod? plastic unsulation from house wiring (romex) comes to mind...
  5. I have been able to remove an occasional rivet but only pushing the center part way in. It's not easy- I made a thin tool to get under the head and pry up while pushing the center in slowly.
  6. That's where I got mine. It's on Fletcher Ave just off 275 (near USF)
  7. from what I've seen on my car and some pictures, it looks like the inner fender liner is a flat piece with flaps on it to bolt into the fenders
  8. I bet this was answered before, but Icouldn't find a good match on a search, or used the wrong search words.... Can you repain or recoat the wiper arms after the black coating starts chipping off? thx.
  9. Could you make one from heavy linoleum or rubber stuff?
  10. That diagram is from the 240Z factory restoration manual.
  11. I'm with Mr. C. After he clarified himself, we can see what the real question was. FWIW, I always tell my kids, "If you don't understand, ask 'why', or ask more questions." dfr867 didn't need correcting, just some questioning. NOW, he'll get some useful answers. thx
  12. Ed- Why don't you ask him to clarify things? Maybe he said chassis, but meant something else. You probably gave him a big jolt with that negative answer.
  13. How come the links didn't work?
  14. If you are interested in the evapo rust product: http://www.orisonmarketing.com/corrosion/evaporust/evapo-rust.html
  15. You have to order DeoxIt from the wholesaler, and it's a spray product: Deoxit Info
  16. There is a liquid called "EVapo rust." I have I've been using it on bolts & stuff I have sitting in boxes. It will take the rust off stuff without pitting. You just let it soak. There is also a spray called "deOxit" that is supposed to be good for removing corrosion/rust from electrical connectors.
  17. Nemesis.... to me, it would have to be something with great handling, rear-wheel drive with decent horsepower, and sports-car looks. I just can't think of any thing right now tho. Or are you going to consider any model with any characteristics? There just doesn't seem to be anything compareable!
  18. there's 746 watts to 1 Hp. 158kW=212 Hp
  19. Welcome to the club, jagbabe. cheers!
  20. I know, Steven. the plan is to re-do the hoses with the correct lengths later. I'll probably put in a cooler then. It shouldn't be hard, because it's on the return side which is low pressure. I might just put some springs on the hard lines that go along the rack to act like fins. The rack is on the crossmember and exposed to air, so that'll help too. Since it's a stronger unit altogether, only the higher RPMs should affect the oil, so I'll be watching the oil colour for a while. thanks for the discussion.
  21. It's called Z-Doc's And I don't need no stinkin a/c pump. I have 2-60 air. I'm cool enough as it is.
  22. I was able to find some generic info on the subject: Mustang Cobra steering ooler example: http://www.corral.net/tech/handling/pscooler.html Generic U-style oil cooler From Summit racing: http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=DER%2D13200 I still need to figure out of I will need one on my 280Z, becausehHighway driving is mostly 3000+ rpm, and I'm planning on doing some travel, like down to FL. I only hope that ol' engine will hold up.
  23. I'll bet I can get one, assuming they are not part of the radiator, like the trans oil cooler. I'm just not sure if I really need one yet. The goal for now is to make it functional. Even the hoses will be too long. I'll pretty it up later in summer.
  24. It's called te Z WALL http://home.tampabay.rr.com/dutch/platez/
  25. Yes! I've been saying I'm getting a Mustang rack conversion on there since last November. You don't know how many "experts" have told me "the 280Z doesn't have power steering"
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