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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. People in general are: 1. lazy 2. dishonest 3. clumsy In that order. We learn this in Computer Repair and psychology classes, in College. You would be surprised at some of the crazy things they will do. We call it POLITICS in the U.S.
  2. With UPS, they will return the parcel if it can't be delivered- at the sender's expense. I wonder why Airborne "destroyed" it? Maybe was just damaged and they (somebody) don't want to admit it.
  3. It looks like a proper replacement of the affected part(s) is in order, unless you want to be surprised again down ther road somewhere. I'm a little surprised that you didn't mention some idiot that lost his cool because he didn't care for the horn blaring. You know- road rage (both 4-letter words)! Good luck.
  4. I was also hoping for people to point out those 'special places' that they go after. the ones you usually don't think off. Like certain places on the body(door jambs, trunck & hood frame, etc). It's easy to just vacuum the carpets & seats, then wip down the windows & dash. That's about all I do now. May there are some (important) things I forget? Do you have a general plan of attack?
  5. I've seen carcare.com, and it was good reading. Silicone, isn't all that bad, and has some superior performance, on some things. If you are careful and know where it can be used safely. Every product has good & bad points, and you need to weigh them and use properly.
  6. I'm working on increasing my knowledge of cleaning a car this week! Oh boy! I'm collecting info on what to go after when you clean the interior of the car. I'd like to assemble a checklist of the things that people do. I know "everything" should just about cover it, but there's more to cleaning "everything." Everything has little bits to it and there are probably things or techniques that you or I (or whomever) never thought of doing. If you know of a GOOD & comprehensive website, post the URL & a short description. My Z-car database is up to 2 Megs! (not including pictures.) Eventually, I post itt to my website. thx.
  7. If I got another one, I would cut that one sahort too, DUH! Why do think I cut it for in the first place- to get rid of it! I like the old look, but I DON'T like GIMMICKS & plastic trash!
  8. I think it was Niedemeyer. Ciao!
  9. >Who said "Is that a pledge pin on that uniform soldier"? The ROTC leader (forget) >What was the guys given pledge name? Flounder >What is the name of the movie? (easy after you get the above) The movie was "Animal House" >What was the year, make and model of the car that Jake & Elwood Blues drove? Cop car, cop engine, cop tires & sunglasses
  10. Do you have plans for the wiring? I'm in need to a good harness for the front(engine & headelights, etc.) and the rear (taillights) You'd have to look under the insulation to see if it's nice/shiny? or all black & cruddy.
  11. How about this.... Can you actually get a battery to last for 30 YEARS?? From what I seen & read in the literature, they're only supposed to last up to 7 or 8 years, with normal maintenence, and that's for the lastest stuff! I replaced the battery in my '97 Escort last summer when it finally went bad. Mine's a driveway car, I go 700-800 miles /month with longer trips on the weekends, and regular maintenence/service. Escept for the seat cushions & some petina on the valve cover, it looks like NEW. I don't think you can get tires to last for 30 years, either. Not unless you take the wheels off & seal them in a bag. Not something for your average car owner. Paint- I'll believe that this could be new after 30 years. Same with the interior, with EXTREME care. I doubt you could claim your (30 yr. old) car (or ANY car) is 100% ORIGINAL unless you transported it through time to the future, or some other miracle. OK, Chris?
  12. That kind of statement sounds dangerous and might bring trouble from (TIR). It would be a good idea to talk to a lawyer to make sure YOU don't get any trouble from saying stuff in public... ...plus what gema just said.
  13. Couldn't you replace the vapor tank with a tube filled with charcoal? It should absorb the fumes and release them through a small hose to the filler cap area or the wheel well.
  14. Spaceballs: the Movie was on today...
  15. I think I will put a "splash Pan" on my To-Do list. Maybe I can build an air dam into it as well..
  16. You could try decarbonizing the engine before you tear the head apart to change the seals. It would clean up the vlaveas so they seal better, plus better performance. All that involves is running some cleaner liquid through the vacuum port.
  17. They used a ground circuit to turn on the horn relay. Make sure you look in there well and clear out all the metal pieces, then make sure that the relay wire isn't touching gounded metal. You should disconnect the the wiring under the steering column, then use a tester to make sure the horn wire isn't going to ground. After what you said, from being ON so long, the relay may have welded itself in the ON position. Check the relay to make sure the contacts are open when the coil is OFF.
  18. Radar had no sister , but he had a dog named Ranger. Hawkeye once said he had no sibs, but in another show he receives a sweter from his "sister" that had sleeves waaaay too long.
  19. Like I said initially, the (modern) rotary engines are smaller and more powerfull than piston engines. If a rotary engine was used, I don't think they would use a traditional transmission, or even a chain. It would be shaft-drive. This is the new Millenium guys. You gotta start thinking forward. You will remember that 30 years ago, Americans didn't think that a good sports car could come from Japan.....? Then what happened?
  20. Happened to be thinking about ratary engine when a bike show was on . Is there a rotary engine small enough to fit on a motorcycle? Not just the regular kind, but I think you could makethe engine with a long rotor like a roots-style blower has. Maybe even rotary valves too. the thought was too make the whole bike slimmer and reduce weight. Straightens out the driveline too, so you could run a driveshaft to the rear wheel with less direction changes. Maybe even an automatic trans!
  21. Is that metric (88S)?I assume it's about the same as a 195/70HR14
  22. I think if it was adjustable, it would defeat it's purpose: to be really rigid. You might be able o do both if you made it really heavy-duty, but then it wouldn't look to slick.
  23. You would like the Goodwood vintage races then. http://www.goodwood.co.uk/ Or Monterey: http://www.montereyhistoric.com/ They had a rerun of the 70s Sebring once on Speed Channel, with those old cruddy, taped-up cars. It was before they repaved the course with all the bumps!
  24. I went once, got dizzy sitting on top of ther RV and turning around and around. At least my stool had a ball bearing-supported seat! Felt likethis -> I won't be watching Datona 500 this year. Didn't watch the SuperBowl either. Rolex/Sebring was on! Vive LaMans!
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