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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Yes. there are a few discussions about the GM HEI swap here. I'm still planning on it, but I need to find a kid with long skinny arms to reach the ignition box behind the glovebox. Or can you just take out the glovebox to unplug it?
  2. Higuys, There is a discussion on HybridZ by Braap regarding the L6 EFI system, including the ECU. Basically, there are a few things on the ECU that you could change, but you won't really see any difference. It seems like the Hellfire replacement by Superlen is the best thing you can do, tuning-wise, but the engine is the real hurdle to overcome. It's a very nice engine, but they didn't really design it to be really powerful, as we understand it now.
  3. I have the webbing still intact, so it's different for me.
  4. Are you sure that's adhesive and not lubricant? They use the rubber seal to attach it.
  5. that is why I would just like to do the plenum for now. It's mostly flat so it should go easily. I used Scotchbrite pads to clean the intake manifold when it was off, but my polishing guy (the neighbor's kids) didn't get time to buff it, and it works just as well in the present condition as if it was polished. I think using the flexible extension should give enough dexterity to the tool to avoid the "bumping."
  6. Has anyone tried buffing or polishing the intake manifold (Mine is the L28E) while it it on the engine? I have been rubbing it with some different grades of sandpaper and steel wool so far, to get to the good metal under the oxidation and a bit of shine. It looks like Spring may be coming early, or I might get the torpedo heater back soon, so I could try polishing soon. I would like to just do the plenum part of it first, and then later, take off the fuel injection s stuff and get the runners too. I figure I would need a kind of a high-powered moto tool with a long flexible extension and a small buffing wheel, right? Then just a lot of black polish and time & effort.
  7. That sounds like one crazy light-show, with the lasers. Can you work in a Disco ball too? On the serious side, something like the laser idea has been done before when I was in college. We used a laser like Mark suggested, but with an optical sensor, like a 30mm strip of a CCD. We used a computer (an Apple II) to record the data that could later be converted to millimeters, and finally charted. It was only in 1 dimension then, but you can probably get a 2-dimensional sensor now. Still, I think strain gauges would be even better to measure the flex in many dimensions. Not only in the one spot, too, but checking the affect of a front brace on the rear of the car.
  8. I will need to get a set myself soon, too. I checked with Vintage Rubber, and they have a new outer seal. It looks like it has the right kind of bulb in it. Has anyone purchased it from Vintage rubber? How did it work out?
  9. Did they try bouncing 'dirty water?' Water with coolant, oil, dirt, beer, etc. in it. You'll be happy to know that your car is probably protected from flying pee. I'm still looking for the infamous "Metal Wax" that you rub on your chromed stuff to protect it from getting dull. Nobody at any AP store I've been to has ever heard of any such thing. they just show you a can of Turtle wax, or whatever is the hot wax product.
  10. It's a nice thought tho. Maybe people will just stop saying "Cool car!" and start offering checks heavy with ink.
  11. MeTV has scheduled an evening of entertainment starring Leonard Nimoy on Sunday Mar 1.
  12. It's a A sad day in TV, theater, poetry, photography, and showbusiness. On Feb 27, 2015, Leonard Nimoy died. He had heart trouble (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.) He lived long and prospered.....
  13. Did you guys try ebay? It seems to be slightly more expensive, but there's a number of U.S. sellers. The advantage of a shorter delivery time may be worth the extra cost. Liftgate weatherstrip: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KIA-871911F000-GENUINE-OEM-WEATHERSTRIP-/271714005930?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3AKia|Model%3ASportage&hash=item3f436ab3aa&vxp=mtr
  14. I hear those noises too, but to me they sound like the strut insulator, which was the only part not replaced, because they weren't available.
  15. I'm kinda surprised that no one has thought of putting a stress gauge on the strut bar to see what the forces are. You could even put several on to measure the forces in the different directions and in different places (such as rear struts vs. floor.) You'll need to take along a portable computer, but there are some for iPad and Android tablets (but more expensive.) I think it would be very interesting indeed, to quantify the forces with and without the bracing, in stead of relying on someone's opinion.
  16. I assume the person in the video knew what he was saying when he used the word "designer." He should have explained what he meant by it, then he could freely use it afterwards. Architect, visionary, mastermind, or just the Father of the Z.
  17. The TV show hosts have the 'facts' that kids will hear and accept as facts. Then there are websites like zcars.com, that also have the indisputable 'facts,' and even some other websites (carznutz.com?) Finally, there is the collaboration of people on the street with information that can be verified by other people on the street.... Doesn't anyone bother reading books, with bibliographies and stuff like that, so you can cross-reference the facts?
  18. I can appreciate your point, Blue. Mr K was a no-frills type of guy, with the way he would go it alone, against the way of Nissan's upper management to get personally involved, and he had a strong voice, just not as deep as Mifini-san's. In the movie there are other things parallel to real life, like Mr. Manetta, who was in charge of the Ferrari team, and signified Enzo Ferrari, and the other race drivers, Jean-Pierre Sarti, Scott Stoddard, Nino Barlini, and even Hugo Simon, all had their real-life counterparts
  19. My stuff is finally on its way. It has left the "EASTSEOUL MAIL CENTER" 2-26-2015, not that I need it. The car has no windows! It does, however, now hVE A $200 GAS CAP
  20. The filename of the photo is: Bob_MrK_Gardner.jpg In Mr K's book, he states that he came up with the idea for the American sportscar in 1959.
  21. Yeah, but the Z has 60 years of history. Who's James Gardner? That one photo has "Gardner" in it.
  22. What's a Z432? Is that like a 240Z? H aha
  23. My cousin's favorite work that starts with F, and ends with UCK: firetruck.
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