I let mine idle, in the winter, but only long enough to scrape the ice off the window and defrost things. In the summer, I let it idle for about a half minute, until the engine settles down from starting, then I drive very casual for a mile or so, until the temperature gauge needle starts moving. Boy, do people get mad! They gotta get to work or the kids to school NOW, and here's this old "1990s econobox" holding them back (on a road where the speed limit is 25MPH.) Stopping for stop signs is apparently optional before 11am too, I think. But otherwise, I usually drive about 2MPH under the speed limit (people hate that too!) and the speed wackos go zooming by, so I usually get the road or highway to myself, until the next pack of zoomers catches you. A light touch on the pedal (or sssslllooooowww acceleration) does save a measurable amount of gas (I have the logs to prove it) but people who drive new cars, performance cars, 4x4 trucks, SUVs, minivans, Hondas, BMWs, or just about any other kind of vehicle get mad about it (one guy yelled at me in the Z even- "Can't you go any faster!?") I wonder what they'd say about modern cars with fuel-injected engines.