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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I'm going to look into the Cressida AFM swap. It won't be a big improvement, but if the price is right, it probably wouldn't hurt.
  2. Are there any posters that have a group of all S30s racing? That is something I would go for, to put on the wall to keep the Z company or for a car show display, even though the car is a street-car.
  3. Just wait until you need to replace something. THEN you will know the fun the rest of us have.... BTW- Are you going for a stock look or a customized look? For stock parts, now is the time to start building a list of potential resources. Here is a good one: Rod's datsun parts Mobile: (408) 314-3006 San Jose, Ca Office phone: 888-257-7773 URL: Welcome to Rods Datsun Parts (free "Datsun" T-shirt with a qualifying purchase)
  4. Somrbody contact Mr. Edelbrock to notify him how a million Z engines desperately need a good-flowing cylinder head and intake manifold...
  5. Most likely, the water temperature sensor is a very slowly reacting one, compared to the one in the AFM.
  6. Thanks Chas, I'll look into that. I was also wondering how well the temperature sensor holds up after 40 years or use. The plastic cover itself yellows and who knows what is inside there.
  7. I thought by now there would be a popular "performance" replacement AFM for the L28e, like there is for most everything else.
  8. He doesn't have anything for the normally-aspirated L28 or 280Z
  9. I did aquick search on eBay for the Cressida AFM, and there was one unit (83-84) for sale that had a tubular design http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-84-Toyota-Cressida-Air-Flow-Meter-/221004635492?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3ACressida&hash=item3374e71d64&vxp=mtr But I don't know about how it functions (yet) so maybe some else can comment on it. The Cressida and Caney had similar designs- tubular. Using some custom electronics, I'm sure one could adapt even the hot-wire type of AFM to the resistance the L28 ECU requires.
  10. Why this unit? Did it have a bigger throat or less flow resistance? It looks similar to the 280Z unit.At least it is for the larger 3L engine.
  11. One day some should explain why the infiniti people think they own Z cars.
  12. I suppose that instead of having a nice lamp over the kitchen table, you'll have a big, two-sided screen. The screen will handle your TV and telecommunications too. Maybe even your mail ( bills, paying bills, etc.) You'll just have to remember to put your robe on before entering the kitchen!
  13. I'm sure :)there will be a reader for iPad, Android, and some people will probably put a screen next to the can.
  14. Is it OK to have the blue tinting across the top? I don't think my original had it, because I feel strange looking through the new one (from PPG.) I suppose most (judges) won't care, unless you are trying for the gold award
  15. Ditto for what dhomuth said, or at least a new/better temperature sensor for the AFM. With all the technical advancements we now have, there should be a direct replacement for the ECU.
  16. Good. I never read my required (it comes with Z club dues) subscription anyway. they only had a small article on the 240Z project, so the magazine was of absolutely no value to me. OTOH, my new 30 inch computer screen will be great for reading online periodicals. I hope they let you print or save the pages (for a small fee of course!)
  17. I have never seen that hood scoop myself, but I would not be surprised if a lot of people put them, or something like it, on for "performance purposes" like the so-called ram-air scoops or racing cams. O-L... Another year, another weird myth! 150+ posts! Bring them on...
  18. The vacuum hose on the spark plug hole will probably work the best. You gotta suck out of the bigger hole: the spark plug hole, so there's no way you can blow it back out the intake. But the important thing is to make sure you have one or both valves open first!
  19. Put my vote in for the OEM 6mm machine screws with the hex/Phillips head. Using regular hex head screws looks spiffy (shiny) but also looks out-of-place on a car from the 70s. Other than that, complete wiring harnesses or every model of S30 would be the bees-knees. If possible, how about every piece of sheet metal from the nose to the tail, including the chassis, and even complete cars, sans-engine?
  20. How many classes and trophies will they have for the Infinitis?
  21. the Android Market has a fuelly web app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fuelly.app&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImNvbS5mdWVsbHkuYXBwIl0.
  22. I suppose that nowadays, with all the absurd technology loose in the civilized world, you could use GPS coordinates for pub names?
  23. I wish you guys had mentioned this stuff last winter, when I needed to get a new one for the '78. I had to install a used one from Rod's Datsun parts, but it looked very nice and the rubber was kinda new-looking. the old one had a chip where the key went and needed welding, and the rubber was starting to dry out. It might be nice to have a spare (stock style, with two grooves for the '78 a/c) to slip on sometime, especially if it's a little lighter. Come to think of it, I might still have the old one to rebuild. Can they also lighten it a little? The bad thing is the guy that repaired the engine retired a few weeks after my car was done. :disappoin
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