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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Can I assume other pubs with names like Bull & Finch have similar circumstances?
  2. I just use this: http://adyno.net/ <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V3_b8mdnTsI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. I always wondered why the pubs had names like Frog & Firkin. can you help us?
  4. Welcome, and no worries. We are all enthusiasts here, so that is what's most important. Otherwise, I'm sure we could use a pint of bitter, and a lesson how how to eat fish and chips properly (without ketchup.)
  5. they have a difference in the pronunciation of Goertz too; From JartZ to Jo-ertz to Go-ertz... At least Mr. Rodriguez's Japanese sounded convincing. I don't think Mr. Matsuo liked being called a "test-driver." from what he said, it seems like he just wanted to go out in the car one night and try it out, and surprised the heck out of himself.
  6. Maybe someone can send a message over to thost MotoMan people, that they need to do a little more research or at least confirm what they say, such as when he said "Nissan restored." Did he mean Nissan restored it, or did they sponsor the restoration? That's a big difference.
  7. I couldn't make out the serial number. You gotta remember who target-audience is when you hear or see those things. I wonder if they purposely had those little details out-of-focus in case people like 26th are watching. I'll watch it again soon. It's probably best to watch this on your big-screen with your eyeglasses OFF.
  8. It's easy is you grew up in the "rust belt"It gets COLD and usually snows a lot here in the winter, and people have modern, powerful cars or rear-wheel drive, "all-season tires" that are worn, and don't know the difference between summer and winter driving. Therefore, the cities, to avoid all the lawsuits, spreads tons of salt to make winter driving "safer." Meanwhile, cars, trucks, and SUVs, which are designed & built with exposed bare-metal parts and no undercoating rust from the brine-water. Plus, people can't or don't wash the salt residue off daily, so it just stays on until Spring. Therefore, to protect our antique cars, which don't have the "corrosion protection" the newer cars enjoy, and thin coatings of paint on the bottom, and many bare-metal parts, must be protected from the brine; stay indoors somewhere until the Spring, when the salt is washed away by Mother Nature, and we sacrifice our newer vehicles instead.
  9. They use so much salt on some streets around here, that I'm pretty sure I saw a shark or something, swimming in the ditch on the side. Bring back the good ol' days of snow tires and long winter commutes!
  10. It's neat to know that the front fender, headlamp housing, the hatch and hatch hinge were specially designed for the model. It really IS a new design; they didn't just use or borrow other designs for the car. I'm glad they didn't make a car with an underframe or targa roof. It would be 500 or so LBs heavier than it already is. How come they didn't mention the Z has 50 years of history behind it? I suppose they didn't read Mr. K's book. Does this mean that we all now agree Matsuo-san designed the car? Is there a transcript? Mr. Matsuo was hard to hear.
  11. I made a video of the Mid Ohio course with speed and time overlaid on the screen, but the average speed turned out to be about 5 MPH, so I deleted it. At least it took 12 minutes to go the 2 mile lap...
  12. With the exception of the L-Jetronic fuel injection system, the electrical system of Z cars is very simple, and reliable, as long as it remains in good condition, which we know isn't an easy thing, but it is possible. The only real upgrade to the electrical system would be to replace it with all new wiring (based on the original diagrams) and new connectors and components. Then it would be as nice and reliable as any new car, so you then only have to worry about the bodywork.
  13. People mistakenly equate "Fusible link" with fuse, so that's where the whole problem emits. Further, fuses are "more easily replaceable" and available than fuse links, so they go out and buy & install the maxi black, which incidentally isn't easy to open, compared to the simply pulling off the fusible link cover. Somehow modern equals better, no matter what it is? Most people don't even know that modern vehicles have fusible links too? They are in there somewhere and are used for the same reasons as on the Zs, but only the main fuses and circuit breakers/relays are visible when you open the bonnet or drivers door on the modern vehicles.
  14. It really bothers me that people think fusible links are the same thing as fuses. Fuses burn away very quickly (or pop) and fusible links get very warm or hot before melting, like a circuit breaker. :sick:Fuses don't tolerate more current than their rating, and fuse links will take a while before melting. Studying the wiring diagrams, you can see that the fusible links are used for certain things like the headlamp system, and the ignition system,and the fuses only for individual things like the fuel pump, Defogger, or Radio. So they are clearly two different things. If people want to "upgrade" to anything, it should be circuit breakers that have to be manually reset, because you want a circuit to be deactivated when there is a problem, and after fixing the problem, the circuit is manually re-activated. A normal circuit breaker closes after it cools, so that's usually bad. These seem to be the thing to use in the Maxi block to replace the fuses, and are manually reset.
  15. Some people have too much free time in their lives...
  16. You can take things off or apart before the incarceration (or during) and work on it over the cold months, instead of during the warm months, when the vehicle needs to be together and operational. Things that need to be done like polishing or cleaning/rebuilding. I remove everything that isn't welded together- spare tire, tools, center console, glovebox contents, etc. Also, anything that might not like being frozen- liquids, waxes/oils, paints, battery, etc. The latter stays in the basement until spring. Also take the opportunity to download gigabytes of related documentation like the owner's manual, FSM, how-to guides and parts catalogues; print it and get it bound, and even read it by the fireplace. Digital documents offer the benefit of searching for information quickly, and the printed copy is kind to the eyes, and has room for notes and bookmarks. Be careful to toss the phone and cable bills, and (doctor's magazines) in the fire, not your documentation.
  17. Higuys, The ashtray cover (on the centre console, aft of the shifter) has a solid handle that has two grooves in it. Is it supposed to be unpainted, or chromed or what? Since most things have a bit of chrome finish to it, I thought some chrome paint could be flowed into it for just a bit of color or it could even be filled white white or chrome paint. thxZ
  18. Unfortunately, the relay setups you can get are only for the 240Z, (and maybe the 260Z?) because you cannot get the headlamp connectors for the 280Z. I'm pretty sure they are the AMP brand, but the model/syle# is a mystery. The best thing I did so far on the '78 was a new set of lamps, and to go through all the associated connections with DeOxit, annually, or more often. I considered a set of the asian made lamp housings with the replaceable bulbs, but even those are hard to decipher.
  19. Be careful if you try to clean the insides. Pouring in a solvent might allow large particles or clumps to break loose and that is bad. You want to clean it slowly, jut like the way it got dirty. Only a professional service center has the skill & equipment to clean it 'quickly.' This ism unless you also have the same skill & equipment. Do a LOT of research & reading about this, via both the Internet and then the Library. Talk to some local mechanics too.
  20. Do you remember what year it was? It would help to understand the confusion.
  21. If you want to make the insides look nice, all you need to do is start changing the oil regularly with a good detergent oil and new filters. Maybe you could change it after about 500 miles or so, then start a more normal service regimen. Meanwhile, start on the outside of the engine with degreaser and brushes.
  22. You'd think a person that 'knowledgeable' would know better? Do you suppose we cold get an artist's conception of the Mustang-Z?
  23. The Battery Saver guy was on My Classic Car once.
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