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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. People use too many gimmicks with cars today, from electronic anti-rust boxes to anti-theft GPS transmitters to battery tenders. the garages are filled with so much stuff there's no room for what belongs in the garage. An automobile with a correctly-functioning electrical system has no need for constant charging. However, lead-acid batteries do lose a charge, naturally, in the freezing cold of winter. I just take the battery out and keep in in the basement (with all the other car chemicals) where it's warm. Otherwise, it won't last more than a month in the Ohio cold. It's fine in the Spring when I need it. In the summer it'll be fine if I need a week later or a month later.
  2. I'm sure it probably felt like 160 MPH to the person driving, but we all know the car has neither the power nor the gearing to go that fast. Kids like it when they look in through the window tho. 120 spiders? I wonder how he knew that. I hope he got them all, or at least least "bombed" the car thoroughly to get them. Fortunately, you need certain conditions for them to thrive. I don't keep the windows up in the barn just to keep the dust out!...
  3. On my '78, I was able to fit in a lock from an MGA.
  4. Hey, there is a Z on the video! I haven't watched the entire video yet, but the Z in in the first few seconds, anyway. Too bad the Z wasn't featured as the subject in all the lessons.
  5. It's perfectly good! There's no reason to update it, just because it's "old."
  6. Dammit. You broke Vimeo with that video.
  7. There was nothing wrong with the old logo Mike had before the red one. In the words of most everyone,"it ain't broke" so it didn't need changing. This whole website is about a car that has 50-plus years of history behind it now, and, for most people, the cars won't be changing for another 50. The same for the rest of the website. If Mike wants to change something or install a software update, that's his business. Changing things to be contemporary is just a tool to create confusion.
  8. I didn't think much of the red design because it was just all red. Today's computers capable of more than just one colour. Plus I always like the image of the S30 too.
  9. Oops. the Radio Shack item is http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2104025
  10. i think something similar to this could work: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2255012 they come in packs of 10 for about 2 bux. Assuming there is a similar device, you might get them in bulk quantities at someplace like McMaster.com A quick Google search returned this item: http://store.cableorganizer.com/flat-cable-clip-adh-any-width-qty-100_PAN-FCC-A-C8?gclid=CKnQqMf3krQCFegWMgodqRkAOQ It's a clip for a flat cable. For $50, you get 100 clips. Or this: http://www.etlin.com/product_details.asp?sectioncat=Adhesive%20Base%20Cable%20Clips
  11. They look like clips used in electronics to hold wires inside computer cases and so forth. $10 ( reddat price) for each clip!?? The Courtesy Auto price is starting to sound appealing...
  12. I hope something positive has come of this by now. Winter is coming, and we need stuff to do indoors while we are socked in. :cool:
  13. Good luck finding any, or any kind of metal-protecting wax products. The last time I was at the AP store, I asked the sales guy for metal wax, and he shows me some car wax and Never Dull, and says you use that on metal. Metal waxesare recommended for boat parts, so maybe your local marine supply store will have some.Maas produs are only available online, it seems. http://www.maasinc.com/ Incidentally, keep in mind that the satin finish people are recommending is only for Z shows. In any other venue, a mirror-like polish is required, or you'll have people tell you you're not taking car of your car ("It's not a "show car"), or it's not completely restored...
  14. Does anyone know if the episode of My Classic Car that was made at the Nashville convention in 2010 is available, or if they have a copy on tape or DVD? The only way to get a copy through MyClassicCar.com is to buy the entire 2010 DVD collection (5 disks, 26 episodes). You can see a short introduction here, but the entire show is about a half-hour long
  15. To many people these days (the kind that can't live without their smart phones, iPads and social networking,) old car = JUNK, and NEW car = quality, safety, and convenience (or laziness?) Even the auto salesmen are pushing the SUVs lately (I was looking at a Fiesta,) telling me that the small cars are UNSAFE. I'd like to see an SUV run an autocross course faster than my Cub Cadet! :laugh: So thanks to those like us, that keep the spirit of real driving alive! I'd like to see a huge caravan of S30s arriving together at the next ZCON... That ought to be a real sight to behold.
  16. That sounds like a good idea. :bulb:
  17. Good point, Pomorza. How 'bout we share some memories about roadtrips? Has anyone run into any celebrities, other than in Hollywood? I once stopped in Gainesville, FL on the way to Spring Bake, and saw Don Garlits.
  18. You can thank iPads, smart phones, cell phones and "social networking" for that. People just want to get that one last SMS or email message done, and forget that they gotta be at work, or pick up the kids, or whatever. So they just put the hammer down, thinking that driving fast will get them there on time. the other half is the need for more HPs, turbos, and sporty anything, which just plain gets people used to going faster. Have you noticed the number of bikes on the streets or the bike trails lately? They're all home watching dead people, zombies, vamps, or the other stuff I mentioned.Even the Z convention is suffering. In 2008, we were planning on 500+ cars, and only got half or so.
  19. Did you run into Chevy chase on the way?
  20. That could also end up in a very short trip, if you can't keep your eyes on the road.
  21. ZCCA judges seem to do whatever they feel like: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread47138.html
  22. So instead you sell the car sans engine, and the engine comes from the Nustad company, which you install yourself, like the crate engine in a custom hotrod
  23. Dealer installed items as "sock" doesn't follow the precedent of being "factory installed," but it's not an owner-installed item either. Should you have "proof" that it was actually dealer installed, and not just bought from the dealer or a retro unit? The question about it would be one of, "How many or what kinds of dealer-installed items should be allowed? It looks like another revision of the ZCCA rulebook is needed to take care of this. As for the Pebble Beach thing: I think those dealer-installed items were more like post-assembly line repairs or corrections.
  24. the last Powerball was about 450 Million? With that much, I'd try to get all the S30 dies and stuff, or the old Datsun factory even, import it all to the U.S.A., and build some new S30s
  25. for me, the only thing I really only need is to replace the connector & boot on the AFM. Age and the elements did a number on that. I did the injector connectors, and similar stuff a couple winters ago.
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