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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. That's the whole point. If these "professional" drivers would stay between the white painted lines, they wouldn't need to be cheating by driving on the curbing.
  2. OK, according to the poll,a deviation from the stock engine is a significant part of what people are concerned with. But the most popular answer involves Too many Exterior Modifications. As long a you keep the hood closed, which is how you see a car as it drives by, you can't really tell what engine is there, but the exterior modifications can stick out like a big red wart of your nose.. I wonder how radical people can get with external modifications.
  3. Mine usually goes in with the sportscars or the Foreign/imports. There with the Foreign cars you see Jags, Mercedes, MG, etc., and in the Import area you see Honda, Toyota, Suzuki.....
  4. It does look like a normal S30, until you get to look up close and see all the little details. You'll need to ask yourself if you want to just keep your distance and enjoy the overall view, or look into all the little things that might spoil the big picture...
  5. Besides the artwork on the fender, it looks a lot like a 240 Z with a tired air dam... I'm not in Japan, so I don't care what they call their cars. As for the Mr. K quip: you should beaware about some common humor used here.
  6. If you are referring to those small cone-like filters, make sure you get one that will ft a 5/8 inch tube. the ones you see in the auto parts stores only go up to 1/2 inch, and you can't force it on without bending it up. I even tried to order the one I needed, and no auto parts store I tried (Autozone, O'reilly, NAPA) didn't even have it in the catalogs. So it looks like you need to get those through eBay (China.)
  7. Only the S30 models are Z cars- anything else is a ZX. So it's gotta have the L series engine, a simple interior, and a simple paint scheme. You can still add a few things to say within those guidelines, like a CD player car stereo (for city cars,) CB radio (for touring cars,) a simple front and/or rear spoiler or air dam ( if you compete) and maybe a stripe on the doors or down the top. If it really needed more power, Mr. K would've designed it that way. But I think it has plenty to go bombing around town or the countryside at about any speed to can handle. People that feel they need a V8 should first learn to drive better than the pros from back in the 1950s & 60s.
  8. Then they aren't Pro drivers any more. To make all things EQUAL, just just remove all the curbing. If they have all wheels off the track, I'd say they were heading for a barrier of some sort, or in trouble in general. Racing isn't about going fast; it's about getting to the finish first.
  9. Here's an idea to get them back on the track: :tapemouth Have some lifters under the curbing to lift the blocks up a few inches at random times...
  10. I was watching the Hungarian Grand Prix, and I noticed that they had the usual curbing, and some more paving on the outside of that! Otherwise these guys would be driving in the grass! They didn't just drive on it for a moment, they stayed on the curbing until the car was straight, and only went back on the pavement when the curbing ended. How bad are these guys that they can't stay between the two edge lines?? Otherwise, just make it a 200-mile long straight track, about 1000 metres wide. Maybe they can handle that.
  11. Is the Passat the only vehicle with nice cargo anchors? You'd think that minivans or vehicles with large carpeted back areas might have the fancy anchors, but all I saw was rusty or zinc-galvanized rings bolted to the floor. :sick: So you can wait a few weeks for another luxury VW to get to the JY or buy some through eBay
  12. I just went out to the JY and grabbed a pair of the anchors from a '91 Passat. An older Golf I saw there didn't have them. I only needed a heavy Phillips bit instead of a Torx one. I also got a cargo net (20x40) from a Ford Explorer. I've never seen webbing available anywhere in my area. All we have here besides KMart/WalMart is D.ick's. As for the safety belts, I was only referring to the buckles.
  13. Wouldn't that a little much to hold down a few duffle bags or suitcaces?
  14. I have thought of some designs for anchor plates, or you could use something like those used on a Passat: I think you hook the straps, cords, or "bungees" onto those, and the Passat is the only car I know of with a flush anchor that looks nice. I'll see if there are any (you'd need four total) at the JY, but they look like they are flush-mount, which means you might have to cut or shave the carpet for them to be truly "flush". Would you be willing to do that? The Passat anchor doesn't really look period correct (maybe you could Plasti-Dip it to give it a 'plastic look) but about the only other thing I can think of right now would look like a piece of 1 inch angle or a strap hinge; either with a keyhole slot.
  15. And the 300ZX is the cause for all of us having a 280ZX too.
  16. You mean they fit through the slot of the factory mounting plates? Then you just loop each end over and cinch it up...I don't see why you couldn't get those at the local Auto parts store. All I've found so far are heavy Cargo Straps with heavy hooks and the ratcheting things.
  17. The local PullAPart is very cool. It's clean, the wall-to-wall gravel is nice & flat, and there are no rats or bees! There are a bunch of wheelbarrows you can just grab & go "shopping." The only thing they don't have is trees & flowers by the cars. They even have a sink so you can wash your hands before going in to pay for your stuff. Besides, the last time I was there, I made a profit! It's just $1 to get in, and I found $4 in change in the cars. As for the seat belts: You just have to find a car with nice new ones. As long as it's not 97+ degrees (BTDT), it's nice at the PullAPart. I took a list of stuff I wanted to look for, and got it all in one trip www.Pullapart.com
  18. How tall would you say the average luggage or box/tub is? The deck (on a 280Z) is 42 inches from the front lip to the rear finisher, so you'll need to figure in that dimension. If you figure a 12 inch height then you need 42+24 or 66 inches of material, plus a little for the ends.
  19. I thought of using seat belt latches for attaching the ends to the deck. You can get them from a JY for much less than $20 each (pair) They are strong, accept straps easily, and come apart easily. You'd need to screw them to the deck somehow, and they are loose enough so you can get the tongue in, and you can aim them up, probably. All you would need is something to take up the excess for tension; some kind of slider plate. Which cars had narrow seat belts?
  20. The S30s have a plate on each end with a slot the strap goes through, screwed to the deck, and a jam-type slider in the middle (like they use on PFDs.) A two-piece design would be good, like the kind with the quick-release buckle, that would attach in the middle. Otherwise, you'd have to double one end over to tighten the strap, which means a very long strap. The detachable mounting plate is the mystery part. the kind of clip like those used for suspenders comes to mind; they attach securely, and don't come off unless you detach them, but don't seem too strong.
  21. I like the cam-lock buckles. Can you get those somewhere? Another trip to the hardware store.... Would you rather have permanently mounted cleats or something that's easily removed? You could make a plate with a keyhole slot for easy connection, or maybe something else. Either way, it should lay flat or be removable.
  22. I'm not too happy with the original style luggage straps, especially since you can only get them used on eBay, so I'd like to make up a couple new ones, with metal buckles and longer, adjustable straps. Has anyone done this before? You can get metal or heavy plastic quick-release buckles at army surplus stores. Plastic buckles and straps are readily available at crafts, hardware, surplus, or sewing stores. The strap ends should probably be sewn by an upholsterer. The length you'd have to decide on the length yourself, but they would be adjustable anyway. Would plastic buckles work, as long as you use the straps to hold down "luggage?" You might even use buckles from seatbelts? You would attach them to the deck with 4 plates that resemble D-rings, after sewing the straps to them. thxZ
  23. Datsun made engines for Corvette? BTW- a lot of the 280ZX stuff you see on eBay or wherever, is because either the seller is stupid, or just wants more kinds of people to look at the auction listing. Some people will do crazy thing to sell stuff or make profits on eBay, like selling a "one-of" or "Museum quality" 240Z for $69,000
  24. Last summer I met a guy at a cruise-in with a 1981 280Z! I tried to explain the '78 model was the last one, but he insisted it was a 1981 280Z. Fortunately, another Z guy magically appeared and agreed with what I said, but the owner STILL insisted that he was right. O-L.... I still get people who will roll down the window at a light and yell out "nice ZX." Kids today get too much information through their "smart phones?"
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