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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. If you want to practice high speed driving with "square curbing," head to the local shopping mall!
  2. More appropriately, we should say "Happy Anniversary" as today isn't the birth day of our country. That was 236 years ago. I wonder how many people here remember the Bicentennial anniversary? Many, if not most, were even born then. Remember that "freedom" isn't something that you get suddenly, like from a battle or the signing of a document, but earned little-by-little with everyday living and the protection of those liberties, like the ones that are now jeopardized by "Obamacare." FYI, The United States wasn't really 'independent' until after the war of 1812 finished. The Declaration of Independence was just the beginning of things.
  3. If the AAV gets power when the fuel pump is energized, maybe you could fool it and get it to turn on even before you start the engine? On a warm day, you don't really need that much of a warm up, so it would probably be good to have it close sooner. Or you could just swap in an electric valve that you control yourself.
  4. If you want to go fast, go to Daytona or Indianapolis. If you want a curvy track, learn to DRIVE, instead of expecting the track owner to make up for your lack of skill. Otherwise, you can go to the drag strip; it's wide, and there are no curves, so there is no curbing. If you insist on having curbing, we'll be happy to provide some square curbs for you to drive over.
  5. I really don't like seeing that dumb curbing stuff. They should all remove the curbing so people learn how to drive, like the masters. Otherwise, just make the track wider, or just make it straight.
  6. The book says the nut in the center is to adjust the pitch.
  7. Did you make some notes about the washers on the diaphragm? I didn't see the metal block in your photo. Mine has a metal block on the back of the diaphragm, and some washers of different thicknesses. It wasn't easy getting the diaphragm cleaned up! Mine has a different attachment arm. It's just a rectangular strip with one hole on each end. I was also going to use some RTV stuff in place of the paper gasket. I wonder what that little Phillips-head screw by the mounting stud does.
  8. Does anyone have a detailed description or drawing of the assembly order for the 280Z horns? I would like to completely disassemble, clean, and repaint them.
  9. the heatermsystem does get its fresh air from the cowl area. Could you draw air from inside the cabin instead?
  10. You'll get to see him "in person" at ZCON, although it'll be through Skype.
  11. Would it help to cover the hose with some of the braided metal sleeve?
  12. There's no need for me to read any articles. You guys seem to know enough for everybody.
  13. It's easy to think the car was from Nissan. It's got a big NISSAN all over the sides of it, and not much else. If you do an Internet search, all you get is "NISSAN Deltawing" so how would you think it was built by another entity?
  14. Is that possible, to have many people uploading videos to Youtube? You must have some kind of organization for uploading videos. It sounds even possible to have a kind of "live webcam" for the whole event, using mobile devices of some kind. You could have that kind of coverage for just about any Datsun or Z event anywhere that you have mobile reception.
  15. Obviously, some people think it's a Nissan, like the name of this topic, but we learn more details as we go.
  16. I'd really like to get the bracket for this bottle so I can finish installing the engine. Otherwise, I might have to go to the JY to get one from another vehicle or something? :disappoin :sick: reddat has one on eBay... thxZ
  17. IMO, I think this car got a mention here is because it was build by Nissan. I did a quick search and there doesn't seem to be much mention of it on other marque-oriented websites, though some automotive websites mention it because it was at the LeMans 24 hours. A week from now, you probably won't see any mention of it elsewhere.
  18. I think they ought to have the same race, but with bicycles. They could even call it the Tour de France. Nissan could hire the best riders in the world, which happen to be AMERICANS.
  19. I thought it had only 1 wide front wheel, until I read some technical information on it. Lazeum, Thanks for the correction about the Classic. I'll try to watch it, (I would rather watch it!) but I don't think it will be on TV. What is the greatest distance any of your group will be driving to the classic LeMans?
  20. I'm surprised it didn't flip over in a turn, with the skinny (10 cm!) front wheels so close together. It wouldn't have been allowed to compete, if it wasn't safe. I didn't see anything about ho fast it was able to go or to keep up with any other cars. But 300 HP from a 1.6L engine?? I'd rather watch the Classic LeMans race instead, but that was in early May
  21. If you put on anything to keep the noise in, the heat will stay in too, so you'd need to get the air flowing through there, which means the splash guard and a fan shroud is in order.
  22. the car retired during the tenth hour.
  23. One injector wire goes to the resistor packs, the other one goes to the ECU
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