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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I think I would read both evaluations. The 1975 one for the overall test, and the 1978 one to see what the differences are. Mine is a 1978 model, so I am most interested in that.
  2. Can I assume that since the 1978 280Z is just an update on the 1975 model, that the report on the 1975 model is the one to look into?
  3. That guy deinitely isn't Tom Selleck, and is that really a "female?" :tapemouth That commercial would surely cause me to not buy the car.
  4. Did you notice how the cars had a staggered start?
  5. I have everything but the lower fender and the C-pillar emblems removed. If you don't have to get out the toothbrush to clean it, then that makes washing easier. I left the loswer fender badges in hopes that people will stop saying, "nice ZX."
  6. I have donated a couple times already, as this website is a valuable asset and resource, even though nobody chats anymore.... Over on HybridZ, they get funds by requiring members to donate some amount before being able to post something into the classifieds areas. It's too bad the Z Store didn't really take off like we were hoping. And don't forget ZCON is coming up in a few months. How many CZCC members will be there? We could probably arrange some kind of presence there to act as a kind of fund-raiser. OTOH- There must be at least 10,000 members here? Imaging if each person gave only $1...
  7. I finally did get a reply from my inquiry: Older vehicles are listed only as suggestions, and that you install a MODERN fuel injected engine in order to use the chip.
  8. You should check the compatibility of the arms with other models, like the 510. With something as common as windscreen wipers, you may find them on other Datsun models such as the 510.
  9. Be careful with those connectors. there seem to get looser every time you play with them. BTW- Your wiring looks like the same rats-nest I have. Is that usual, or did time really twist up all the wires behind the radio in my car? I figured you could just use a certain untwisting motion, and they will go back to being straight again, so you could tie them up in neat bundles.
  10. I installed my squeegees a few years ago. They went on easily enough, but there is the smallest of gaps between the rubber and the glass. Should the rubber be pressing on the glass? Maybe the piece wasn't on exactly as required, and needed a little angling-in to make the contact. It seemed the only way the parts would go on, and I tried to put it in a little, but it's firmly fixed in the attitude it went on. I suppose if it rained hard, some water would get down into the door, and drain out if there was enough, but that doesn't seem to be the purpose of the rubber...
  11. I tried to contact those GForce people to double-check the compatibility with my L28E engine system, and any information they could share as to how it works with my engine, and the message system crashed, or I got a message to that effect. I don't know if they will get my request. It seems they are just another group of people who get digital Fuel injection confused with analog fuel injection. At least they didn't list the 240Z or 260Z on their compatibility list!
  12. I still prefer the Ohio Dragon. The speed limit is 55 and there aren't any 70-foot trucks or 100-foot drop-offs.
  13. I'm having some trouble locating the magazines that did a test-drive of the 1978 280Z. I know the 280Z came out in 1975, but I'm interested in test-drives of the model I have. I think Road & Track did one, but which others? thxZ
  14. s Mr. And then there's people like Mr. George Barris. Remember the Car Warriors TV show where they customized 240Zs? Even after they outrageously customized both cars, Mr. Barris (a custom- and show-car "expert") says, "They're still Datsuns!" Regardless of how rediculous or out-of-style the two 240Zs were, that comment didn't show any respect for the most popular marque in sportscars.
  15. Some people do have their misconceptions about Zs (see the "Weird Myths or Facts about your Z car" topic) and they essentially do some harm to the reputation of the marque. One guy tried to convince ME that the casting marks on my intake manifold were actually welds because "so many of these cracked after the were driven."
  16. You should look at the "unrestored" cars. I was looking at one (a 1917 electric car) once, and a stupid old lady said, "Look at that old floor, with those big cracks (between the wooden floorboards.) This car should be junked." Some people just don't understand what the different kinds of shows, or their entry categories, are about. They mostly think a "show car" is about the same as a "new car." I'll take a neatly-welded rat-rod or a clean model T over any new Corvette or shiny whatever any day. Even a rusted rat-rod; some people have made rusty cars a kind of art form.
  17. They use Kevlar for a lot of stuff nowadays. Would it be possible to make Kevlar straps? They wouldn't stretch or rust, but the fittings on the ends would be difficult to attach, probably.
  18. I always thought you could make up new ones from the right metal. They don't look too complicated, except for the threaded end.
  19. Camaro, El Camino, and Corvette are some other peculiar names GM had. There is no dictionary definition of "Camaro" but it is probably some kind of Spanish term for a wild horse, like Mustang would be. The same goes for El Camino. Corvette was borrowed from the fast naval ship, but doesn't mean anything to us Americans otherwise.
  20. My car is stock, and there is a small gap between the plastic and the window glass/frame/etc. unless there is a foam or rubber insulator, the plastic would probably rattle id it was touching the window parts.
  21. I was wondering if you had them reversed.
  22. Could you mask the rubber and run a bead of RTV stuff around it to make up for the lip?
  23. If you're worried about heat problems, then you'd be better off switching to iron brake drums. they're said to handle more heat them the stock aluminum ones and don't deform when hot. The only thing I've noticed with painting the drums is that you can see the impression from wheels when you take them off. It's just a little unsightly, but you won't see it with the wheels on.
  24. Where would you stick that chip in a 78? :tapemouth the glove box maybe? I think a big MAP torch would've worked better in the video...
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