What's really weird is that in the late 19th century, about 80 % of the adults were literate, and by the 1960s, it was down to 60%... Thank God that that value is slowly coming down again. But judging by cbudvet's point things may be at some kind of a stalemate.
OTOH, using the text shortcuts was appropriate a couple decades ago, when computers were limited to the number of characters you could use for names, and network bandwidth (and computer memory and screen space) in general was limited, so using acronyms, like AFAIK, and helped you save time and space, but that's no longer the case. Even cheap smartphones and tablet devices have screens that compare to the early color CRTs.
So yes, please take those extra few seconds to think of your statement so it make the point you mean, comes out in whole sentences, with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Make your elementary school English teachers proud of you!
I'll try not to type in the dark, so I can see where my fingers are on the keyboard; it cuts down on the typos.