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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Forget Political Corruption. The atheists can keep their flat language. MERRY CHRISTMAS! BTW- As of Dec. 21 you have 1 year to live- :eek: according to that Mayan calendar thing.
  2. Mine will squeal when they are warm, such as after getting off the freeway or after some city driving. They like to squeal just before you stop at a light.
  3. I did a little research on this subject last spring, and according to most of the notable sources, brake squeal is normal on the older cars. You need to decide what your definition of an 'older' car is so you can justify things when a person with a newer vehicle tells you that you have brake problems. Were the anti-squeal shims part of the original design of the calipers, or were they a part created after there were complaints? If the former, then you can decide if you want the "period-correct" sound of the brakes. Either that, or show off your stop-on-a-dime braking capability to avoid the slow-speed squeal. :pirate:
  4. With winter coming on here, there doesn't seem to be much rush to make repairs or do maintenance.
  5. Don't you need two of those hardware kits? I got a s"set" of shims through the dealer, which gets you two shims, and the brake guy thought you put one on each caliper, probably because he couldn't figure out how they go on?
  6. I've been chasing after this video collection for about a week now, and there a few dozen places that mention it, but they're all old. A couple websites had the video in the online inventory, but I couldn't actually order one. There was no luck yet attempting to contact those places to see if they still have a copy, and Mr. Turner is gone, so I think the best option would be to find someone who has a copy. My new VCR/DVD player can convert it to DVD, and the rest can be done via computer. The problem with the Youtube videos is that those aren't all complete segments. Some are like short teasers to get you to buy the full-length video, which no longer exists. Thanks for the software references, but I have a installation of editing & authoring software already.
  7. HAha! Did you notice you can't just type in d-i-c-k ? The profanity filter will get you. I’ts good you remembered how informative that guy is (or was.) I expect some noobs might berate the guy's video because it's "old." The videos viewable on YouTube are fairly good, but you get a little surprise on some when things get cut-off mid-sentence.
  8. Either way, ol' Bill Shakespeare is probably rolling over in his grave. BTW- Did you know they made paper from hemp back then? It was the first big cash crop of the new colony!
  9. Does anyone have a copy of the notable autocross instructional video that was made by D.ick Turner, to loan? You can only find short segments of it on YouTube, so you couldn't even reconstruct the whole thing with what's there. A reference to a place that sells a copy would be great too. And example of one shorted segment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeCo9bC3Q8s&feature=related thxZ
  10. I'm now wondering... Which website, Z related, or otherwise, do you think has the most people that use ll the lower-case jibberish and Net-jargon we're all referring to? Zcar.com comes to mind.
  11. It's easy to overlook the usual typos, like when you type 'hte' instead of 'the' or 'you' instead of 'your' or an occasional dropped punctuation character, but some people honestly need to enroll in an English course, or just make the effort to avoid typing in total Internet jargon or all lower-case.
  12. With the Internet, email-, and text-messages being the majority of the reading and writing younger people do these days, it pretty much explains the sad state of things. From experience, even some people driving $50,000 cars, wearing $500 tailored suits and using $3,000 notebook PCs can't even form a good paragraph, despite the assumption that they have a good enough education to get a high-paying job to afford that expensive stuff. Some of these guys couldn't even handle a basic IT-101 assignment, despite them telling you, "I know all computer stuff, like Microsoft 'Words.'" MS "Words."
  13. Yeah, I think my beastie will now stay in the barn until it rains a couple times in April. I'll get a flatbed to take it over to the shop when the engine comes out.
  14. Higuys, I'm interested in adding one to my '78, but I would still like to keep the covers on the seatbelt retractors. IMO, a strut brace that is kinda flat sounds like it would work and still let you slip some luggage in the back. I figure you'd need to notch the seatbelt retractor cover to suit. Is there a strut brace that fits the bill? thxZ
  15. I hate you, bro... (two inches of snow yesterday) Mele Kalikimaka!
  16. What's really weird is that in the late 19th century, about 80 % of the adults were literate, and by the 1960s, it was down to 60%... Thank God that that value is slowly coming down again. But judging by cbudvet's point things may be at some kind of a stalemate. OTOH, using the text shortcuts was appropriate a couple decades ago, when computers were limited to the number of characters you could use for names, and network bandwidth (and computer memory and screen space) in general was limited, so using acronyms, like AFAIK, and helped you save time and space, but that's no longer the case. Even cheap smartphones and tablet devices have screens that compare to the early color CRTs. So yes, please take those extra few seconds to think of your statement so it make the point you mean, comes out in whole sentences, with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Make your elementary school English teachers proud of you! I'll try not to type in the dark, so I can see where my fingers are on the keyboard; it cuts down on the typos.
  17. The fuel pump power is probably switched by a relay. Your relay must be stuck ON.
  18. I will have to wait on this item. Even the custom rods in my area use the standard sealed beam headlamps, so it would not be right to use the projector lamps on my antique, stock vehicle.
  19. Hi bens! Is there a way to make these so that it doesn't look like a projector lamp? having that dark spot in the lens really takes away from the classic look of the car (it doesn't look period correct.) Can you show photos of the "Classic" v. "Modern" lamps? Otherwise for now, I think an H4 lamp would be the only appropriate upgrade. thxZ
  20. What improvements have you already done to the engine? A bigger TB won't make any difference unless the engine can also handle the increased flow.
  21. How about one of those wiggly-lights the cyclists use on the roof of your car?
  22. There's no way to diffuse the L.E.D.s so it looks like the the entire brake lens, turn signal lense, etc. is one giant L.E.D.? I started working on a 3rd brake light on the shape of a Z, but I got sidetracked.
  23. Sarah means you should go here for research: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm You can also find the EPROM chip program parameters there, so you can program the ECU.
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