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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I wonder if the Nevr-Dull people are reading this stuff and saying " You're not supposed to use it to do that!!" and the guy in the next cubicle is thinking," I didn't know it would do that!" :bulb: After my experience with the Nevr-Dull can rusting, I'd suggest that you get a small plastic container and store the stuff in there. Can anyone confirm the solvent they use? It might be good to spike the contents of the can occasionally with a couple drops, or in case it dries out.
  2. Be careful with spark or flame around that stuff. :eek: I forget what the smell was, but it was definitely an organic solvent, so you could either use them to start a fire or dissolve wax or paint.
  3. Cool thoughts, brother. Nevr-Dull: Ironically, the can rusted apart! I'm not sure I'd use it to de-wax paint, because I think the wadding feels abrasive. Plasti-Dip Spray: It sounds like a good idea for use as a kind of stone-guard. I think I'll use it to paint my side mirrors, which are faded from wind and rain.
  4. You guys make me think of those carnival/ college events where you get to whack an old clunker with a big sledge hammer for a few bux for charity.
  5. Basically the metal bracket is clamped tightly and keyed around the cable, so I don't see how it can be adjusted.
  6. On a 280Z, Is there a way to adjust the amount the hood release handle sticks out? I want to put the lower left dash cover on and I can't get it behind the hood release handle. The vent knob sticks out far enough. thxZ
  7. I was thinking about putting one of those corvette flag things on the hood, so my car would only go up in value about $30,000?
  8. Driver's side lower dash panel/cover, 1978 280Z
  9. Driver's side lower dash panel/cover, 1978 280Z
  10. That's not possible when you use a torque wrench to tighten the wheel nuts, which is what we do.
  11. Is there a place where you can order a stub axle that is more-or-less guaranteed straight at the hub, like a brand new one would be? The first one I got from the Z salvage guy had the hub bent just as much as the old one. He was nice enough to send another at his expense. Hopefully that will be good. I just can't figure out how it was bent or got bent in the first place? The most aggressive thing I've done all year is one autocross? IMO, the front wheels take more beating than the rear. I haven't hit any curbs or big chuckholes either; just the usual freeway bumps or some rough road patches. Nothing I haven't driven my DD over a hundred times...
  12. Every bottom that I've scraped clean had that white-looking epoxy type paint/primer. What exactly is that stuff? You can only imagine what the S30 would be like using today's coatings , plastics, wiring, connectors, and switches.
  13. I keep coming back to the original idea of where to mount a fire extinguisher in an S30? I think that if you are involved in some kind of competition, you could exchange the center console for the fire extinguisher, but where would you mount if for daily driving or country cruising? Would behind the passenger seat be a "safe" place? It's conceivable that in a collision, the seat could be stuck and you couldn't slide it or release the seat-back lever to get behind it.
  14. WOW... $150 - $300 And it's got a "masterfully-crafted" bottle. It sounds like some kind of antique furniture.
  15. About the same time as MariaAz's incident, I was at the local Nissan dealer to check them out in case I needed specialized services for my Z. A salesman met me in the lot out front where the 350Zs were and I talked about my 280Z. The salesman informed me that there's no way I can have a 280Z because they stopped making those 30 years ago! :ogre:
  16. After you cover it with rubberized or asphalt undercoating, like mine was, it doesn't matter what colour the paint was.
  17. That's why I like the FireAide extinguishers. It's rated 1A10B, got a pH of 7, and an unlimited shelf life. You can hose yourself and the car down with it, with no bad effects. the only bad thing is they only come in the one size.
  18. I'd probably ruin the door panel pulling the old moulding off. I think I would give the old chrome paint a try, on a day when my hands aren't shaking. The silver Sharpie did seem to work well on the heater panel tho! :tapemouth
  19. I know this is an "old" topic, but I think with all the heatwaves in the U.S.A., it would be good to remind people to get and keep a fire extinguisher in the car, especially an S30. When I got the car, a couple places refused to let me store my car there just because "it was old and prone to catch fire." I've read about a number of antiques with SUs that caught fire after backfiring, so you wouldn't want that to happen to your Z. Get yourself a decent 1A10BC ( minimum 5AB, as cars don't really have electrical fires) fire extinguisher for the garage and take it, or another one, with you on trips. thxZ
  20. The most common thing I've seen with the end pieces is that they crack in the 'bellows' part. If there was a way to rejoin them, then I could fix my one rear end which is starting to crack. Otherwise, you can find them on eBay, and occasionally they are affordable, but otherwise pricey for good ones. BTW, it's not really really rubber, like a rubber bushing or window gasket, but a flexible plastic or PVC thing. Otherwise it would sag in the heat and fall apart after so many years.
  21. The entire rear suspension has been &R'd with new bushings, spindle pins, and paint. Only the bearings weren't replaced.
  22. Mr. humble tells you to just get in there and drill out the drain holes a bit bigger, if at least to get the paint out from blocking the holes. Water doesn't cause rust; It's the dirt and other stuff that starts the chemical action, so if you can just get the water to drain, you should be alright.
  23. FYI, there another new car show on SPEED TV Tonight (Wednesday) at 9pm ET, called My Ride Rules. http://www.speedtv.com/programs/my-ride-rules/ To me, the previews looked something like Bullrun meets NOPI, but I'll give it a look for as long as I can stand it. Maybe the Goodwood Revival or the Monterey classics will be on soon so we can get some decent car action, now that the ZCON is over. We need something like My Classic Car with S30s, or a Victory By Design series on the Z.
  24. Yeah, they lave a Lemons race at a track near me, so I thought that might be on. Instead they had the one out west. IIRC, the 300ZX was doing very well with the good driver, and fell to last with the bad driver. In the end, they were so disappointed that they blew up the car. I think they would've blown it up anyway, because it was only a $500 car, and of the nature of the show. At least they didn't pronounce the 300ZX as "the world's best race car," like they did with the cheap truck competition into Alaska from the previous season.
  25. The tyres are a week old. Since there was no wobbling before the new tyres went on. I think there might be a rock or something stuck in-between there. I will get the wheel off myself and see what the wire wheel can do to the hub. Otherwise, it goes to the restoration shop Monday morning. thxZ
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