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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Check your TPS to make sure it's closed at WOT, per the manual.
  2. Add to that that there is no longer any 35mm slide film to be gotten ANYWHERE. Kodak stopped making it and the chemicals last fall, so whatever is out there, is IT.
  3. Mine is missing if there is.
  4. those are the same boring tricks he did last time, in the ugliest Fiesta I've ever seen. I'm surprised the guy on the Segway didn't pass out from all the stinky smoke. You know tire smoke is carcinogenic, right? It should be illegal when you smoke that much. Try this for real gymkhana:
  5. My vacuum canister has been totally removed. the vacuum line from the engine goes straight into the heater control, and everything works fine.
  6. I won't be using an IPad. It will be an Android tablet PC, but I won't get one for a few months.
  7. "That can't be a Datsun, they topped making those years ago..."
  8. How about this: Could you use those new tablet PCs for recording video or time-lapse still photos while driving? I don't know how you'd plug a webcam into the tablet PC. You might be able to use the tablet's camera or webcam. It ought to look kinda funny.
  9. Grant, Nothing gets shut off with the heater or a/c is on. When you turn on the a/c, the microswitch activates the solenoid to split off some vacuum to bump up the idle, ad the rest goes to the mode switch. See if you can locate "fast frog's" vacuum diagram.
  10. The vacuum canister located underneath the vacuum solenoids (if it's still there) is supposed to hold some vacuum for when the engine can't draw enough. That should make it so you could probably get the air doors to move a little with the engine off. FWIW- My vacuum solenoid valves were removed when I got the car (the a/c wasn't working, but the evaporator was still installed) so the vacuum line goes straight from the intake to the mode switch, and everything works fine, but there's a slight hiss from a brittle hose.
  11. That funny: a Japanese car, designed in the U.S., by an Indian guy who lives in the U.K., with a French engine.
  12. My forward sun sheild says in BIG letters, "1978 DATSUN 280Z" Most people will come by and say, "what year is this car?"
  13. 1- That's what we say to Chevy owners. 2- Kids have little in the way of open minds.
  14. Last summer I had a guy tell me that the casting lines on my intake manifold were really welds because "just about every one cracked in that way" and had to be welded at some time.
  15. Are you sure the temperature gauge is reading correctly? Have you verified ( a sort of calibration) what the gauge indicates by measuring the temperature of the coolant with a thermometer or something? You can't trust the gauges or try to get an exact or accurate number from them, especially with an old car. You can tell if it's generally higher or lower, but in this case, is the center of the range really 180 degrees? Like the voltage or fuel gauge, it could be off...
  16. Most Z car owners I know are like kids. haha
  17. I've seen the rally jacket in #3 on eBay recently.
  18. If you get some wiper arms, are you planning on stripping them bare, or painting black? Would stripping be a bad idea, because they are plain steel and would rust quickly? What is the correct color to paint? Mine are fine, but need to be repainted or stripped.
  19. How about a little fun, like racing/autocross with 1/10th scale r/c Z cars?
  20. How about a pair from a compatible car, like a 510? Wiper arms seem like something you'd find on more than just the Z. You might even call Rod's datsun parts Mobile: (408) 314-3006 San Jose, Ca Office phone: 888-257-7773 URL: http://www.rodsdatsun.com/
  21. I'm just wondering, but are there any books on this subject, even if it's not factual or correct?
  22. You can turn avatars and signatures off. It's in the Edit Options group in your Control Panel. I did that before there was high-speed Internet. You can still view a member's avatar and signature by viewing their profile.
  23. There are many sources fort he injector bolts. Pallnet is one source: http://www.freewebs.com/pallnet/index.htm
  24. That's what I got, the allen head screws.
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