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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Would you cut off the fingers ( about 1/2 way?) on those Isotoners?
  2. Personally, I would consider putting the metal filter on, and letting the fuel pump run all the gas through the filter (be careful not to start a fire!), and catch it, then put back in the tank. That would filter out some junk. Then replace the fuel filter. After I replace the fuel filter, I cut the old one down the length to see what's inside.
  3. Would you really recommend that for people that just an occasional autoX or some hotlaps? or country touring?
  4. There is a relationship to acceleration & horsepower, so maybe you could back-calculate to find the acceleration value, ten get your E.T. from there. But still too many other things involved. Just getting an accurate horseower value is tough.
  5. Go out and measure your time for a quarter mile and look it up on the chart. You might select a time or speed to shoot for. You can also change the distance too see how that would come out ( like a mile or 60 ft., instead of a quarter-mile).
  6. It's just a simple chart that show you the calculated speed for a certain elapsed time. It doesn't try to predict what e.t. your car might get. Like the title says, it a conversion chart, not a prediction chart. Please don't try to read anything into what was said.
  7. I whipped up this chart to see what kind of speeds my car might be capable of. Definitely less than 30 seconds, I would think. It goes up to 60 seconds. Drag racing Speed Chart.xls
  8. The dollar store has a thin work glove with the non-slip palm and fingers. For $1, you can cut off the fingers (how much to cut off?) and see if you like them. I think it's a thin canvas cloth.
  9. I think that the black dragon has a special meaning to the Japanese, so maybe that has something to do with it [insert spooky music]
  10. I guess you're lucky so far. Most glass filters can handle only 10 p.s.i MAX., so the 35+ p.s.i of your fuel injection system is probably straining the glass to the max. If you can find a high-pressure viewable filter, make sure you let us all know. Probably the best thing so far is a filter with a removeable element that you can check ocasionally.
  11. They don't list Datsun in the Makes, so I had to settle for Ferrari parts. j/k. Nissane parts might fit too..
  12. I have a pair of track shoes with the 14mm spikes that have uppers made of kangaroo leather. Don't know what the diference is. My bike has a buffalo leather saddle. skin is skin, no?
  13. DON'T USE A GLASS FILTER!!! The fuel pressure of the Injection system will probably explode the filter. Stay with the metal can filter. Check out an owner's manual or get a repair book. The Haynes book has all the capacities. The Factory Service Manual (FSM)on CD-ROM is also a necessity.
  14. Enrique- I totally agree with you on how to wash & wax. The only thing I'd add is that the soap is there to trap the dirt in the littlest bubbles, and the water flushes all that to the groundI used to be a soap Chemist). Don't forget to do the dirty wheel wells, wheel covers, etc. FIRST with a DIFFERENT sponge or a nice brush. I use a plastic pot scrubber for inside the wheel wells, but usually just rince those. Have you, any opinions on the synthetic chammy? At the boat show, they show you how they aborb like a gallon of water, and then you buy a 12-pack to give away to your friends.
  15. Thanks for the info guys. I have some thick & thin cycling gloves, so I'll see how those feel. Cycling gloves are great for canoeing/kayaking. Maybe I'll go to the mall and try some on too.
  16. TomoHawk

    Driving gloves

    On the subject of driving gloves while racing (club racing), what would you want to get? Something thin, like Isotoners, or do you really need something heavy? I lean toward thin, to feel the wheel & road. I also think I'd like to have the rubber dots or something non-slip on the palm. You are usually recommended to use something non-synthetic, which, IMO, would melt or burn easily. Natural fibers like wool don't. Any recommendations? thx
  17. This is a can of worms, Ron. You're going to have to put up with all the unrelated comments, then get your amended list into a poll.
  18. There is one shorter piece of rubber that goes on the top edge of the radiator support, and the other one longer one along the firewall where the back of the hood is. What kind of place steam cleans your engine & engine bay??
  19. I got my car from ZDocs in Tampa www.zdocs.com Off I-275 north of Tampa, on the same street as USF.
  20. After a few emails to a guy at the ZCCA, he seems to want to just go with the judging rules as written; i.e. stock class means absolutely how it came from the factory, or no mods- even those required by the DMV. This for the sanctioned ZCCA/national events. Local car shows or judges can do things the way they want. thx
  21. After a few emails to a guy at the ZCCA, he seems to want to just go with the judging rules as written; i.e. stock class means absolutely how it came from the factory, or no mods- even those required by the DMV. This for the sanctioned ZCCA/national events. Local car shows or judges can do things the way they want.
  22. Pininfarina has been doing cars since the 1930s, for companies like Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, and others...
  23. The sporty styling of the Z goes well with a Pininfarina badge. One guy has even asked me if it really WAS built by them, and I confidently said, "Yup." and the guy believed me, by what he said after that. He mentioned it looks good and is (period correct). So I think I will keep it on there. Part joke, part looks, part ego... Ferraris weren't the only cars Mr. Pinin and Mr. Farina built...
  24. So in your area, a Lambo or a Porsche in primer beat a Datsun with great paint. Must be the "Hi-dollar import" class. I've gotten some very favorable comments on my Pininfarina emblem. It fits the indent on the dash perfectly, and I mounted right (with Velcro!) I might try to rechrome an OEM emblem if I find one, and swap them. For Gary, I have a bolt plugging the hose for my cold-start injector. I did round-off the head tho, so it's not too obvious. I need a proper threaded plug for that. I still work on my car. I polish the sill plates, vacuum the carpets, etc. FWIW, I was told ( by another competitor) that if I put the luggage straps over my full-size spare, I wouldn't have lost those points.
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