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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. The standards are just as strict, but since we have cleaner air, the limits are higher.
  2. they don't give you the specifics, AFAIK, unless you ask for it. All my sheet says is PASS, and doesn't have all the same things on it. I guess you gotta ask for the specifics to get them.
  3. I'll see if I can hunt up the paper on my 97 Escort.
  4. Here's the results of the recent emissions check: HC: 88 ppm (limit 390ppm) CO: .88% (limit 2.82%) NO: 928ppm (limit 2486ppm) CO2: 14.4% I didn't need to get it checked, but I wanted to see how good the engine is doing. It is very important for everyone, no matter how old your car is, to maintain the engine to help clean up the
  5. I think you need to drain the gas tank first. When you open the fuel pump to get the strainer out, gas will flow.
  6. Exactly the reason I want to fix up what's going on in there. I want to see if I can get those two bolts at the bottom of the fender out over the winter, and see what it looks like in there. Since mine is a FL car, I don't expect much, but dirt, but couldn't hurt to look and loosen up those two bolts. Then put them back in with some aniti-sieze.
  7. Maybe he'll get smart and sell the stereo for $18,000 and keep the car, fix THAT right, and be happy.
  8. It's got 58,000 miles, and tinted windows, and a $7,000 stereo? So what. If it was a real restoration it'd be worth the $18,000 he wants- maybe. He didn't mention what work was done inside the car, and no pics of what's behind the seats. This guy put on a few aftermarket parts, wrong rear spoiler, and a DASH CAP!
  9. Acetone is a good way to soak up excess water. Pour some in the tank (about a pint or so is plenty) and run it around. It will soak up any water left (like the few drops or spoonfulls left) and the excess will dry out fast.
  10. Nobody rich here. Everybody works hard & manage money well. When I get a job, I'll to those too. And have a Z with no leaks
  11. It's one of dad's hangars. He has a 172 and I think a couple 150s.
  12. I only drive about 1000 miles a year, and I prefer nice dry days, so mine only sees a few rainstorms in the summer. since it would be in the way in front of the house during the winter, I store it in the hangar. I don't even use the cover any more; it seems to trap the moisture in which causes rusting. Cover only used during hurricanes, and goes on prior to the rain.
  13. Tommo, Would you mind talking to my boy? Good on yer,
  14. ZCar Creations can sell you a stainless bolt kit with a bolt labeled 'wiper motor gound.' Where do you find that bolt? If the motor grounds to the body, maybe it's a big reason why it runs so slow.
  15. I wouldn't do anything I wouldn't want the kids to see me doing.
  16. I was waiting for somebody to say that. Why not just ask what I mean by 'imports?' It means that since there aren't ANY in northern Ohio, you have to import, or bring them into, the area. Mine is from FL. Will or Vicky might know the place- on Fletcher Ave. just off I-275 N. USF is down the street.
  17. Get yourself some books on your Z and read them while it snows. Assuming it snows where you are.
  18. You didn't say what kind of car you had ( or I forgot)... I don't think you really -need- to rewire the car. Check the simple things first, like the fuse links & fuses. On a 280Z, the headlamps each have their own fuse, and are each on their own cicuit, except for the main switch on the column, and the brake lamps are ganged with some other things like the horn ( does the horn work?) the horn not working may give a clue for the brakelamps. Headlamps should be a little easier to diagnose. You do have a voltmeter and test lamp? I even have a buzzer I put into a test lamp (inplace of the lamp). thx
  19. Maturity Schmaturity. the important thing at ANY age is to be able to have some good, clean fun.
  20. Like I keep saying.... There aren't any Zs in Cleveland, OH, except for the 'imports.' :hurt:
  21. Ok, but what if the elbows are cracked & leaking? Can you get replacements?
  22. If you wanted to, you could totally eliminate those elbows by going straight down from the drain hole to the floor inside the car, or through the firewall, etc.
  23. I've sen your photos before, EZnrique. When I get to doing the bodywork (fenders off) I'll put in the drains. I need to clear the elbows or replace/fix them currently.
  24. I saw some fake blower things (like a 6-71) made of chromed plastic a long time ago. It is mounted in a tub-like thing, so when you put it in a hole in the hood, it's supposed to look like a real blower is sticking out. I think it had a spinning pully that turned with an electric motor inside.
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