I commend your wife on her admirable ways. I'm not a care-giver, except for my old mom & dad), but I do my share of charity to local geoups. Good for her.
I agree that the overall goal is to stop the street racing, but all this business about stickers, spoilers, and exhaust should get a little more organized. You need to understand it from the policeman's point of view- they only have so much to go on for now. If you don't agree with it, then organize yourselves and petition for change. Complaining about it, or ignoring it won't make change.
I don't care how people adorn their cars. They can paint it bright blue with a set of Texan longhorns on the hood. Cover it with pink shag and a big dog's face on the front if it suits you. Done right, the wildest of ideas can be cool-looking.
You're probably right that this web site isn't the place for making public policy, but it's sad that you can say your opinions without people taking it like that's what you want to force other to do.
OPINIONS ARE JUST OPINIONS!! They have no value, except to the person making them. Otherwise, it really spoilsthings if you happen to meet that person 'on the street' one day.
I say that especially because I want to cruise the country (route 66, PCH, etc) after I finish with my plan for the Z, and I might be able to visit some of you people on the way. I assume most of your enjoy an occasional beer? ("official currency of the U.S.")