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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Rob, webdawg1 is talking about an extra filter between the gas tank and the fuel pump. I don't understand why everybody keeps saying the filter is under the hood- we all know that! If the filter inside the fuel pump isn't fine enough you'll get dirt ( or rust) in your injectors, or if too fine, the pump will get blocked, so on these older cars I think it would be a good idea to put on that rextra filter. Especially if it's easy to change out. The filter under the hood is easy to change, but takes time with all the clamps, & hoses. If there was a twist-on filter mounted by the gas tank, you could conceiveably change it in a minute. thx
  2. Neither! I raced an Austro-Daimler Ultima SL. 20 lbs., Italian Alloy-everything, 180 p.s.i. tyres, $2400. and the bottoms of the pedals are all scratched up from corners.
  3. If you only get 3 runs for your $20, it doesn't seem like a good idea to blow it and the whole day on experimenting with how to drive. I would just leave it in 2nd, so all I have left is driving a line & braking. I think my experience with bike racing would help to pick a line.
  4. What do you do to practice? Set up cones?
  5. You need to practice to get good. Practice makes perfect, etc. So where do you go to practice your autocross "technique?" What do you do when you practice? thx
  6. You might want to consider upgrading some other things, as you only get improved performance ( if that's you goal) through equal intake and exhaust. That means if you are using a bigger TB for more flow, your intake (air cleaner stuff) and exhaust should be bigger(if necessary) to match. thx
  7. If the Brasso works out well, I'll get a spare can before it disappears from the shelves at the Walmart.
  8. Pallnet makes a clear adapter for that.
  9. I have time later today ( or is it yesterday to my mates?) to try the cardboard. Sounds like the cardboard would be a kind of sanding pad.
  10. Ifyou think that is so, why is it that I couldn't find any until recently? I look every time I visit a hardware store, or DIY place, and only now found it ar the WalMart.
  11. Very much value for soimebody currently looking for Brasso. CURRENT information is never "old!"
  12. I was still interested in polishing glass with Brasso. thx
  13. Once again... The SEARCH feature of this system would be totally useless if all the comments here were to dissappear after a couple months. Why bother even keeping the archives and making system backups if nobody want to read them??
  14. It shouldn't be much of a problem. I've rubbed out the whiole body, sanded 1/2 of it, all the chrome, wheels. One small windscreen with almost-not noticeable scratches shouldn't be a problem. The RIGHT WAY- by hand. I'd still like to know about polishing glass with Brasso. thxAll by hand
  15. Have you ever tried using that product and polishing by hand? The scratches I've seen are barely noticeable. That's why I was going to try the Brasso polish. thx
  16. Sorry guy, that thread doesn't discuss polishing the glass. It's mostly about polishing the plastic light lenses. I looked at that one earlier. thx
  17. there was a topic about polishing your winscreen with Brasso to remove light scratches, but I'm unable to find it now. finally found saome brasso at the Walmart. Can somebody repost the info on doing the polishing GLASS with Brasso? thx
  18. I just got some at Walmart, in the same area. about $3
  19. I saw a buff ball (made of sponge???) at the Murrays. It looks like it would last about 2 minutes, but it was $24!!?? Is that right? I thought a buff ball was made of better 'cloth' stuff. Local K-Mart had Never-dull. I'll go get some, thx. Maybe I could rig up a thing to go on the drill. Door sill plates need help too. Maybe other stuff...
  20. The top surface of the rear bumper on my 280Z looks like it's got some paint overspray on it, but at close inspection, it's really very small pitting? can you polish that out or something? thx
  21. How did they look painted? Is Black like a 'Universal color' for the things? If painted is a better/nicer thing, then I'll consider it. You know all those guys that find the perfect wood steering wheels or a chrome wheel SET at some garage sdale? I hate that; all you see at the garage sales here is baby clothes or the odd coffee maker or boom box. thx
  22. The 280Z was only exported to the USA, which is why they had LH mirrors.
  23. This is the hole we are referring to. It's only on the left door. thx
  24. I'll take my right one off later to see if there is the bigger hole underneath.
  25. Thanks for the information. My next move was going to be to ask what kind of mirrors would be appropriate for the 280Z. AFAIK, there are chrome ones on a short verticle arm, chrome bullets, (Talbots), black (or painted) plastic aero-bullets, euro-styles, and others. The motorcycle mirror I noticed was appealing because of the long stalk that puts the mirror farther out to the side, allowing you to see behind the car (closer to the bumper) better. The center mirror is there, but all three mirrors help to eliminate blind spots as much as possible, so you don't have to go climbing around to look out the windows and spend more time looking forward. I lean toward the Testarossa styled one. thx
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