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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Why did you mention electronic components? The 4LN71B has hydraulic lockup, ans the 4EN71B has electronic. Do you know how to bypass all the sensors and stuff? I've been researching this swap since I got my 78, and I'd rather have the electronic lockup so I can turn it on when I get on the highway, and it shouldn't disengage everytime I pop the gas pedal, like the one in my Escort does. I did check the kickdown switch some last summer. It clicks when you push it, and the switch does work, but I didn't know there was power going through it. I will have to measure the volts- probably not 12 (corroded connectors?) The solenoid will click sometimes, but not always. Not much info on the wiring for that. I asked the trans guy to check it and he thinks the modulator might need a tweek. (to get the shift points a little lower). thx
  2. My 78 has the 3N71B transmission. The 3N71B transmission was also used in the Nissan small trucks of the time. That would make me believe it is more durable than you'd think. I had mine rebuilt after 105,000 miles when I couldn't get any reverse gear. 1st Gen- It's not that easy to swap in the 4N71B transmission. You need to use the bell housing and torque converter from a Maxima. (this info from Hybridz.org) http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=368587&postcount=11 The oinly issue I have with mine is that it doesn't kick down every time when you put the pedal down to the floor, but somehow the L28 has enough torque to go anyway. thx
  3. Anything with a hard drive in there bscares me. I would imagine the head crashing when you hit a bump, and trashiung the whole thing. That's why I won't take my laptop with the GPS and maps when I drive. thx
  4. Thanks for the info, david, I did a load of web search over the last couple days, and some store shopping. I finally met a friend with a Dell Handheld PC, and I borrowed it for the next few days. I researched this model (Maxim X50) and I feel it best meets my needs. No offense, but to me, the Palm computer seems like an expensive phonebook-notepad. Not as versatile as a normal computer. I like your idea of the electronic bible tho. You can get a gps pack with maps with voice directions, just like your Zire ( prounounced "zire" or "zee-re"? ). The gps unit with cable is $179. I like the Dell PC because it has all the stuff your Zire has. Plus, since it's a real computer, I can add programs from other people or ones that I will be creating for myself. I'm working on an idea for rally races where the computer tells you to 'speed up' or 'slow down' On top of all that, you have bluetooth for connectivity, wireless networking, a camera for pics & video recording, MP3s(!!!) and probably other stuff when it comes out ( replace the ECU with the PC?) The toughest thing about buying a handheld PC is getting used to the idea that ALL the stuff you used to do with pencil & paper ( phonebook, notes, camera & video, mp3s/music, MAPS, etc., can be replaced by this one unit- IF you remember to keep the battery charged!!!
  5. You can probaly get a preamp thing that will have the smaller size you want. Then you will just need a wired pigtail to connect to your MP3 player which is definitely portable.
  6. What else do you do with your Palm Zire? Mind sharing what the GPS pack cost? Is that how you got the map software? thx
  7. What kind of power does the bluetooth GPS use? thx
  8. I'm thinking of getting one for miscellaneous purposes, including street maps while driving around the state or U.S. I've been reading some, but they usually just give you product specs and you don't get educated on what you want to buy. I (think) I'd like one with a big screen ( to view maps), GPS capability (either direct or bluetooth- depends on map software), and an operating system to do most other ordinary stuff like phonebook, notes, voice recording, MP3s, maybe a camera & USB port for digital camera and file xfer. Not sure about a color screen, but it would be nice for the camera... I'm technical, but does anybody know enough to put it into easier tech? I'll take it from there. thx
  9. Right. At 3 Gigs, the largest of the USB drives would hold about 4 CDs worth. thx
  10. Are youy planning on geting new kick panels? I know there are a few pieces under the dash to cover some wires, but most of the underside is open. I looked in the repair books and such and I don't see any larger panels to cover or close the open underside of the dashboard. the point being that when I look under there, I see LOTS of wires hanging down, and aside from the blower motor and some other things that are purposely exposed, there isn't much, if any, information, either graphic or text that can help you restore the way it is supposed to look under there. My biggest concern right now is the radio/heater wires. They are mostly hidden behind the heater panel, but if you take that away, It's just a messed up jumble of wires, and it's not very evident ( compared to newer cars) how the wires should run to look neat. I would assume the guy that installed the wires at the factory knew now to run the wires, or do you think that I should expose those wires sometime this summer and spend a few hours ( or days?) looking at it and arranging things until it all falls into place? thx
  11. It looks like it might be a neat idea, but if I were thinking about actually doing that to my car, I would want to see a finished job first. thx
  12. There is a company that will take your "old" radio, and gut it and put in new electrics so you have a modern radio with the old face. http://www.custom-autosound.com/
  13. What makes you nervous about a 105 Amp alternator? It isn't going to PUSH the current through the wires, it will just allow you to DRAW that much. What should make you nervous is those old wires and corroded connectors trying to pass the power your electrical devices are trying to draw might make the wires 'warm.' In that case, either replacing certain wires, or cleaning the contacts, or fixing the devices with decrease the current draw, can make you feel better. It looks like you could have gone with something like a 60 or 75 amp unit. thx
  14. Much of the electrical information I got, including the wiring diagram for my car, was from the Mitchells books. I found the fuseblock fuse list there. Maybe Chilton's has it.
  15. the pdf files for my 280Z FSM are only 50 Megs total, so it's not really that big. But I wouldn't see anybody putting the files on a web site anywhere for copyright reasons. Maybe the owner's manual, but first you have to find one and maybe that person has a scanner and the conversion software, or would have somebody do it. thx
  16. I have removed a few things from my intake manifold and it looks a lot like tthe photo from thehelix112. I still have injector wires, cold -start injector, and the aux air valve system. thx
  17. I limited the list to the bolt pattern for simplicity. Since there are probably thoudsands of wheels with many offsets for each bolt pattern, I'll leave you to resrearch your own desired wheel.
  18. That's why ilike my Escort without the ABS, or ABS-ON DEMAND, as I would call it. I apply as much braking force as I need or want. I can lock the wheels or let them turn. It just me only so many years/winters to learn that. Just remember to take good care of your tires and brakes!
  19. I learned to drive on a '65 Chevy pickup with a column-shift 3 speed and you had to push the e-brake pedal to stop. Also had an old Ford stake-bed truck with 4speed and no power, so I didn't go too fast until driver's Ed class in high school. That and I spent summers on Chautauqua Lake, NY, boating/water-skiing, so again- no brakes! On the other hand, going slow wasn't so bad when you had ladies on-hand.
  20. I have a Fireade fire extinguisher that I'm putting in the car. It's rated for AB use. Like Gary said, if you have an electrical fire, your best action is to cut the power. No extinguisher will do that for you. Then you probably have either an A- or B-type fire left to deal with( in your typical garage). Unless your exotic engine block catches fire.Usually no K-type fires in the garage. http://www.fireadesource.com/faqs.html I chose the FireAde unit because it's not a dry chemical, so there's no mess or corrosion, and not Halon, so you can use it in a confined space (like the car). I just need to mount it. Who's got aftermarket mounts, like the halon ones.? thx
  21. etymology is cool. My favorite is the dime (pronounced "deem"), which most people pronounce 'incorrectly.'
  22. I thought Beandip was going to say that the kid in his story thought everybody would be OK because they had airbags to protect themselves and his ABS would allow him to maneuver throught the traffic safely... If you feel you meed to travel over 80 mph on the open highway, just switch to an AIRPLANE. :devious:
  23. I saw an aftermarket, mechanical ABS-thing on one of the aftermarket sites.
  24. That's a good analogy. Some people just can't relate to the simpler times before microprocessor-controlled everything. Same people priobably can't add numbers without a calculator. Or maybe buy gas without a credit card. That's too bad. Like it was said, ABS and airbags makes kids think that they're 'protected?' so they can drive like maniacs, which is when they find out ( when the car is upside-down) that's not really how it is. You might remind him that stock cars don't have air bags or ABS. Nor motorcycles or powerboats. There's a thread here somewhere explaining that ABS isn't something that keeps you from locking up the brakes- something like that. thx
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