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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I believe the phrase is a "plug nickel."
  2. The brush that comes with your typical touchup paint is way too big for thin scratches, so I will probably use a toothpick or something. I might still have a hairline paintbrush. Also, the paint does bulge when you fill the scratch, but it shrinks down when it dries. Maybe you get lucky and it comes out OK.
  3. Exactly, but the scratch is usually so thin that you can't use the brush you get with the bottle. I will find something else. thx
  4. I used the "red" one on my Escort (maroon-red) after I got it because I scraped a "pole in the cement-bucket" and it left a scetch in the front bumper cover. That's how I found out the front bumber had a white plastic cover. thx
  5. I knew you would say that, so I'm working on some stuff to rub into the scratch to fill it partially, then I'll get some paint mixed up to match the color.
  6. Right. the D5 is a weak solution of the D100 formula, so you just use it to keep things clean. Use the D100 to clean the bad stuff. What if you soaked something in D4 for 20 times longer? thx
  7. Honda Magna! You know.... the two-wheeled coousin to the Z...
  8. one or two of the scratches I want to fix go through the paint to the primer.
  9. I have some scratch remover creme in a tube, but I don't think it really works, or I'm not using it right. Is anybody using or know of any magical scratch remover creme or liquid that actually works? thx
  10. Word 2002 Version The HTML version was very nice, but you can't upload it here. Wheel Bolt Pattern Cross Reference.doc
  11. I've been collecting these for a while. Some, and I got an email about an eBay auction for MG?? wire wheels that supposedly fit an S30, so I thought it was time to post the information here. It's an MS Excel spreadsheet, so if you need another format, you can PM me your emaill address and I can send it to you in Word or plain text. thx Bolt pattern Cross Reference.xls
  12. The DeOxit 5 is the conditioner, lubricant and preservative in one liquid.
  13. I get this: caig deoxit Spray You get a metered spray, so you can't just hose down the part, wasting the expensive liquid. The stuff Will ireferenced looks like a liquid in a bottle that you apply with a brush or swab. I like the spray to get into the tight spots. http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&PartNumber=341-200&DID=7 PartsExpress: (800) 338-0531 Part Number 341-200 (5oz.) d100-2 341-205 2oz spray (59mL) $12ea d100-5 341-200 5oz spray (150mL)
  14. Will, You're thinking of the DeOxit5, which comes in a larger can. the DeOxit100 only comes in a small can.
  15. prescription, Will. The idea sounds good. I've had some good results with the DeOxit100, but I ultimately wish there was a way to fix up the strands inside the wire. If you need to splice wires or something, and you strip off some insulation, what you find underneath is the black stuff. A bigger bottle of DeOxit 100 would be nice too. Probably cost you $50 tho. thx
  16. I have a few pairs of old cotton boxer shorts for polishing things. They're worn & soft enough after all those years of sitting and jogging, etc., like my collection of used toothbrushes. I won't mention the box of old BVDs and FOTLs I have that I use for dirty/cleaning rags
  17. I think maybe he should buy a few more shirts, some hats, a microfiche CD, design some anti-Toyota or ZX bumper stickers, a little congressional lobbying for smog exemption of Zs nationally starting with 1969 models, and some other stuff? But having him watch somebody else drive the Z is real torture, huh? Don't we have laws in this country about "cruel & unusual punishment?" or is what was suggested "the usual punishment." thx
  18. You mean the spacer is 40mm thick? that's about 2 inches, and I don't think the studs are long enough to work. What is the thickest space you could practically or safely use? thx
  19. A guy on Hybridz.org did that a while ago. He used The 94 Honda accord wiper motor.
  20. AFAIK, there weren't many, if any, topics including gross weight, but there are a bunch about people discussing the weight of their cars. Maybe you couldn't find one. try: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14562
  21. I like to browse through the older stuff to get ideas about mods or repairs, or suitable swaps. But unfortunately, if a topic is over a month or so old since the last comment, then people consider it closed, and if you post a comment, somebody asked why you commented on an 'old' topic. THERE IS NO "OLD" OPIC! No information goes out of date. That's why we have the repair manuals. Some of them are just as old as the car! Even the 'car' is 100 years old! I also think the Boobs topic should be closed. As some people like to say, we are about classic Z-cars here. Boobs doesn't seem to be related to a Z-car to me. thx
  22. Using a search engine anywhere can sometimes be a science in itself. A former job of mine included looking up patents, and at $$$$ per hour, I have to pick the right words to look for. Samething for for eBay, or Google, etc. Searching for "280Z" on ebay will get you what- 349 returns? Mike- another idea I had was if you could have small message pop up before you could start a new Topic, asking (suggesting) if you tried the search function before starting a new topic. Being a friendly reminder, it would help people to help themselves. thx
  23. I get some questions from friends over the phone for other forums, like "HOW do you search for things?" Apparently they didn't SEE the search button (or the link here) and only notice the Post New button. For myself, when I first registered on a new forum system, I would have trouble finding the Search button or link, or the Post New button/link. In short, some newer people just don't know it's there, or can't find the button/link. Maybe it would help if it was made more prominent, or there could be some kind of informative README-type document you need to read through before your registration goes through? Maybe even send some tips in the registration-confirmation email. thx
  24. They do door locks on Hybridz.org . More specifically, some ar shaving the door handles, so they are installing electric locks (and door poppers). thx
  25. Keep the ones that have artivles pertaining top S30s. Either Ebay them or put them in the classified section here if you still don't want to keep them (the good ones). Anything sans S30 I would put into the recycler. thx
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