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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Aussie 260- I apologize for mentioning Modern Motorsports as they are in the U.S., because If I go by your handle and most of the replies, you're down under, and my list of suppliers is U.S.-based. Sorry mate. You might consider updating your info so people know which country you're in. Might I ask why you want to upgrade your front brakes?
  2. I don't think I would tell you people about any improvements to the car I have done.
  3. Modern Motorsports. : http://www.modern-motorsports.com
  4. I think if you did remove te temp sensor, the ECU would (go nuts) or just give you the wrong mixcture, depending on what temperature corresponds to an open circuit (infinite ohms resistance). thx
  5. I don't recall asking anybody to try anything. Anybody is welcome to try and let us all know what happened. I have asked to see what has been done, or to collect facts about an idea. I've tried some ideas I've thought of; all of them successful so far. Maybe you just don't know where to look to see what I did do- if you have looked.
  6. Maybe you can explain why my new car has the temperature sensor on the air box, and not in the throttle body or the air flow meter. If I knew of an EFI forum, I might ask there. I don't know of any, and there seems to be many people here who seem to be experts on the stuff. Like I said, this is just an idea I have on the list, so when I get to it, I'll be DOING some experiments. The point right now is to gather INFORMATION. thx
  7. You know every good idea starts with a "what if..." That part requires NO research. The thing is to pose the question, THEN do research or figure out if something can be done, or how the idea should be changed to be more successful. In the example of the headlight relays, it wasn't known that the relays would definitely improve things. Notuntil somebody tried it. Will is trying different l.e.d.s to see which one(s) will do the job he wants. That's the research part. Then he'll probably share his findings, or maybe put a developed product for sale. I have other ideas I'm working on, and things with higher priorities, so I'm not going to use that time for this idea. Maybe later. thx
  8. what is that? Perhaps you would like to insist that all those people who put in the headlight relays to improve their headlights, take them out because the Nissan engineers didn't originally design it that way?
  9. There's no reason not to try it in a different place to see if you can get better performance out of the engine. It seems to work the way it is, but there's always room for a little improvement. Just as If the stock airbox is so great, why do people take it off to put on a cold air tube? Or a bigger throttle body? Vicky suggests using caution, and consider what might happen and what your goal is, to possibly ovoid a change that might be detrimental to the mechanical function of the engine.
  10. That reasoning can be applied to any part on a car- even a Z. Why do you think people replace the coil, spark plug wires & spark plugs, intake tubes, engine oil, transmission, etc. with something different? Can you think of a reason for not moving it to a different location?
  11. there is a shallow box with the air filter in it, and a long nose reaching to the center of the radiator. It doesn't look like it flows air well.
  12. Yeah, they have a bunch of articles on Intake mods, filters and such, but you only get to read enough to get interested, and then they tell you to subscribe to get the rest of the article...
  13. So what I'm doing is to give the parts a cleaning with GoJo & a scotchbrite pad or some mineral spirits, then a soapy wash & rinse. Then if it's rusty, I'll soak it in EvapoRust. Then, a little polishing with fine steel wool, and a light coat of satin clear polyurethane. The idea is to clean & derust, and protect the part, while still having it look like bare metal. I had to get a new Aux Air Valve,
  14. If it wasn't stuck in so well like we say, it would fall out when you hit a bump. You could always glue on a contemporary model...
  15. Instead of having ALL the air going through the AFM, do you think you could split things so that you get some through a hood scoop and some the regular way? One probably has a higher pressure, but by splitting the source, you could get MORE air though at lower pressure. You'd have to do a funky recalibration of the AFM tho.
  16. Yeah, I found it a while ago with a little searching, but thanks. there's not much directly pertaining to a 280Z, but maybe they some stuff on intake mods like you said. thx
  17. Since the air in the intake chamberis at a closer temperature to what goes passed the injectors and into the cylinders, wouldn't it be a good idea to move the temp sensor from the AFM to someplace in the large chamber of the Intake? thx
  18. Do you mean Autospeed on here or Zcar.com, or where? Will, you gotta turn off your computer, so you'll have time to do the stuff you need to get DONE! I loaned out my laptop once for a week, and you would NOT BELIEVE how much stuff I got done!
  19. Thanks Will. I'll go look into it. also, thanks to TBK1 for the offer. I think it might be easier to just go with a c.a.i. system. Unfortunately, as much as I think about it, I just can't seem to think of a place that has high-pressure cool air, that's not in an awkward place, like the bottom of the windscreen (Will's favorite spot). I keep coming back to the idea of a cold air box above the engine, like muscle cars had.Again, the plumbing would be compromised with sharp corner(s). thx
  20. It's meant to come off in case you hit it with your head, like in an accident.
  21. NO, don't think my math is off. I used the wrong numbers. By going 186 MPH in the opposite direction of the Earth's rotation ( to an observer in space), your'e still going 700-186=514 MPH in the same direction, which agrees with your statement. To be going backward to our observer you need to be going 700+186=886 MPH in the opposite direction of the Earth's rotation. In addition, your statement about speed is correct. SPEED is only a magnitude, and VELOCITY has magnitude and direction. So if you use the word "velocity" while bragging about "speed" you need to include the "direction" (probably forward) to be correct. Ask any high-school physics student. Airplanes- I've litterally seen one fly off the ground with NO groundspeed. There was a sudden windstorm with gusts to 80 MPH. I can even attest to your other example by a friend of mine who hovered over a runway in an airplane (60 kt crosswind). thx
  22. That depends on how you look at things. There's probably more pressure in front of the radiator, and behind the radiator support is less rain, which is why I think the tube was used. There probably isn't any one best place to get air, so you need a good filter to shed water and continuous fresh air. If you wanted to do a search on eBay, what words would you use? thx
  23. Can you get the plastic Air duct tube that I see in the FSM for the 280Z? I think it might be good to have one because otherwise it's sucking hot air from the underside of the hood. Maybe you could even substitute something else. Other that that, trying to get cooler air to the intake system requires a ricer-type c.a.i. system. thx
  24. I know there's a little fuel filter in the Injector at the top. I'm just a little confused, because there's supposed to be a rubber o-ring on the pintle end of the injector, and none of my injectors haved them. I've been looking at my FSM files, but it's slow reading. thx any way.
  25. I'll get my 280Z up to 85 or so easy on the highway while passing traffic,so I would think I could get it up to 100 if I wanted to.
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