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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Keep that in mind whever you think you need a repair. Except for common things like brake pads & shocks, oil/air filters, etc., you'll need to get the parts in advance, or put off a repair (leave car in shop) until parts arrive, or repair things yourself. Even brake pads & shocks, filters, etc. can be hard to find, so you'll want to stock up on consumables in advance.
  2. You sure it's diChromate? I thought that stuff was a green color. The heat shields on my 280Z are all just plain aluminum. the rust spots around the bolt holes are from the bolt heads rusting. thx
  3. You see it every December on TV: thew MOST -whatever- for the past year. I was just wondering if there is away to go through the topics in the forums to see which one(s) were: most popular (most replies) in 2004 most viewed in 2004 most visited/replies EVER (hopefully not BOOBS...) And maybe some tother stuff. Suggestions? thx
  4. Do you ALWAYS get the vibration, or just sometimes? I feel a vibration occasionally on the highway with my newer car, but I assume it's from wavy pavement. Sometimes. Occasionally a little 'hop' after the car sits for a few days.
  5. Don't you have to remove the plastic finisher panel on that quarter to install the bracket?
  6. Oh- then I would suggest you get a big washer to reinforce the area around the hole. That washer should be thick enough to put some threads into. then solder it onto the tank. Is GOOP gasoline-proof? My favorite fixer-upper. It's a 4-letter word, too thx
  7. The only things I can think of is to buy some barbed water fittings from the HW store and screw into threaded holes & block off the old ones, or use J.B. Weld to tighten & repair the area.
  8. On tyhe 280Z, I've heard of people collapsing the bumper shocks by drilling a hole to let the gas out. The bumpers will then be closer in for a neater look like on the 240Z, but then you lose the protection the bumpers offer.
  9. There's a Cadillac in the driveway and a Jaguar in the garage. He doesn't really need to make much profit on the 240Z...
  10. According to the website, Radio Shack is supposed to carry DeOxit. Everybody go there and get TWO cans to the DeoXit- 100 spray Even if you have to order some. They should get smart and stock it already with all those useless "tuner cleaners." WExcept the DeOxit isn't useless.
  11. Thanks, I have a can of D5, and it seemed to help a little on the headslights connctors on my 180Z, but I didn't see much dfifference on the connectors.
  12. Where did you get DeOxit 100? Is that te name of the product or the ingredient? thx
  13. It takes many nails to build crib, but only one screw to fill it.
  14. Ever notice that Haiku always seemed to have a low- tone, like it was something sad?
  15. How about: I will always and forever tread Down the road on my ZED.
  16. Haiku is what Japanese people say while sneezing.
  17. So is this one vanity, greed or fear? I think mostly vanity & greed; who needs to drive a military vehicle around town? If I remember right, only the surplus jeeps & such were cool to have. Vanity Greed immaturity
  18. I made one from a leather jackert i got from the Salvation army store. Leather dyed black. Looked nice.
  19. There's even an entire website dedicated to replicas: http://www.reactionresearch.com/gtorr/index.html
  20. How about some other forms of poetry....... Haiku? two-eighty-zee me Down the road and on I go Not giving it up Isn't ZED a latin acronym for something? I never got to study latin-went to public school.
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