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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. I think I've found the problem with the Z's windhield wiper motor... Working with my electric r/c race boats, I found out that one was 'slow' because the MAGNETS in the motor had gone bad because of the heat involved over time. Over time (25+years), and with the motor under a steel panel, catching rays/heat (mine is a Florida car), the old-style magnets in the windshield wiper motors, should have gone bad, or weak, which means that you can put direct power from the battery, and you're still not going to get the right speed or strength. So the problem then would be to find out if you can replace the magnets, which are probably glued in. These could be chipped out or maybe put in an oven to (burn?) off the glue. Then you'd need to get or make new magnets. I suppose you could get the materials to cast magnets (like ceramics) but then you still need to zap them to activate the part. That might need special equipment. Maybe there is somebody in this club that has contacts or experience with magnet manufacture. Thx
  2. TomoHawk

    horn upgrade

    I see "Ferrari style" air horns on Ebay all the time. If it's (OEM ferrari equipment) then it should be good for your Zed. ferraris are sports cars too, right?
  3. I learned from r/c racing that the servo tape used for radio control stuff is REALLY STRONG. It takes a day or so for the bond to get strong, and if you ever take it off, it leaves a black gummy mess, but for the strength, I don't mind. Otherwise, I use GOOP for strong bonds.
  4. Is that show done? I was going to watch it, but can't find wen it airs. thx
  5. What profanity? Oh yeah... he said "LS1"
  6. I'll go along with the information on that chart, even with my old beastie. Only the braking might ber a little worse, because the MC doesn't seal well=- need rebuild/replacing.
  7. My 280Z is beter than that, stock. I forget if it's supposed to be faster thn a 240.. BTW- my mug is on my avatar.
  8. For a LOT less than USD1000, you can get a whole kit sent to you.
  9. I just had a neat thought..... If you grounded the car, would it help prevent any rust, or what would it do/ what could you do to reverse rust while it's sitting there. This would be the best time to use such a 'therapy.' My electrical system seems to get better, the more you useit- the headlights & dash lights seem to be brighter than when I first got the car.
  10. It looks like you need to surf over to zhome.come to see the information on carb adjustment. It's possible your carbs need service or rebuild to work properly regardless of how you adjust the screws. Any piece of equiment not in good repair can't function to its best.
  11. TomoHawk

    horn upgrade

    I thought it was: One leg to the ground, and the other to the positive pole.
  12. Let us all know how it goes. I'm interested in the Euro sound myself, for my 180Z thx
  13. He's talking about the Lusitania, which was suposedly torpedoed by a U-boat.
  14. TomoHawk

    Hot Rods

    No, there isn't any difference in what happens if your vehicle collides with anything, it's just common sense to say that when you have that many more cars in an area, like in west-coast cities, you gotta lave some laws to keep order & safety, or to deal with pollution, or you'll end up with chaos. You don't have to be an expert at anything to know that. I do feel that every car, whether OEM built or custom, should have some safety equipment like seat belts & bumpers, even if they can't be made up to the current standard(s). Emmissions tuning or equipment too.
  15. TomoHawk

    Hot Rods

    Who is this expert?
  16. I leave my ss trim off for a cleaner look. I also shaved off the rubber that holds the trim on.
  17. TomoHawk

    Hot Rods

    The people in CA need to be more strict on automobile guidelines, rules, specs and such. With a gazillion cars in a small area like CA cities, you gotta do something to keep order, or you'll end up lots of problems. At least until people in general evolve into more logical beings.
  18. I don't have anything negative about the people of France. They have given their share of important gifts to the world, like Wine & Champagne, food, art & culture. A friend mentioned beautiful women, but you see those everywhere, even OHIO ;-) The World as we know it would not be the place it is without the contributions of everyone, everywhere.
  19. I like Wil's idea about the 84 maxima transmission, and it's been on my list for over a year- just one of the last things after the body work and maybe an engine overhaul. I think, my actual reason for inquiring on this subject would be because it seems the shift points are too low. I would like to adjust them a little higher. I like the idea of the overdrive tho. I was planning on doing a lot of highway cruising when I got this car totally done. Like between Ohio & Florida. Maybe I'll even move myself down there (No offense Chris & Vicky! ) thx
  20. Can you put some kind of knock-offs on those? hx
  21. I was in Apollo beach last weekend! Why didn't I go to see the show? O-L... I was there to visit my sweetie and her dad...
  22. I spent a good long few days fixing up the taillight harnesses on my 78 280Z, I used de-rusting liquid from the DIY to remove the RUST from the sockets, the blade terminals to the main wiring, and even one new socket. I advise you go slowly and be careful everything you do is done right, so you don't make things worse or break anything. You should be able to fix it up pretty good. thx
  23. In case you just want to bypass the troubleshooting and go for a NEW unit: rear window defroster http://www.wholinks.net/Automotive/Accessories/High-Performance-Electric-Defroster--Defogger.html This link is old, and doesn't work any more, but you can use it as a start. thx
  24. I still like ferraris best. The 250 GTO, 166MM (Barchetta), 246 and 308- in that order. The others are are all good too. thx
  25. Carl, I do "drifting" every winter! And at low speeds, like under 30 mph! All you need is a cold night with a little rain and you're guaranteed to see people 'drifting' all over the place... We even do it with the truck in the fields, but usually, a curvy section of road will do. I even did some the other day in my 280Z on the main street, after it rained. I was a little surprised to be looking at a pole. fortunately- no police.
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