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Everything posted by TomoHawk

  1. Darn. Did somebody disable my account? I can't edit my own posts! I even tried 2 different browsers... Whatever it is. It's something very simple.....
  2. there is one thing that really gets me every time. From Shakrspeare: Incorrect version: "To be, or not to be. That is the question." What he really wrote was: "To be or not? To BE! that is the question! ..." It just shows what time and a bad memory do to ythings.
  3. I should add that the mounting holes in the strut bar not just fit, but you gotta make suere that the geometry of the struts is correct before you put the strut bar on. I mean if the struts are leaning in on the top (already flexed!), you should get the out to the right place first. Otherwise the steering might be off and there's no use in using a strut bar on a car with bad steering.
  4. Right. the Haynes book says first connect the leads at the gas pedal to see if the switch works, then you should hear the kickdown solenoid clicking inside the trans. My switch must be rusty, it only seems to kick down sometimes and you have to push the pedal down slow, like when you go around to get on the freeway. thx.
  5. A strut bar is a strut bar.... The important thing is that the holes on the ends fit the bolts on the struts and the thing clears the engine while letting you close the hood. For a few bux, you could make one from stuff at the DIY store (3/4 inch aluminum pipe) that works just as well.
  6. If you do the rings, you'd do yourself well to give it a hone-job. Bearings are always a good idea. And gaskets of course. Check the pressure hoses, etc.
  7. Hi David- Is that a splash pan? Never saw one before.
  8. Yeah, right. Can you explain why so many "literate" people don't know the difference between the use of: to, too and two? there, their, and they're? were, we're and where? you, your , and you're? quite and quiet? no and know? Others, too numerous to keep track of, but these are the most common. I suspect most of those kinds of people can't even pronounce numbers greater than 100 properly, either. 99% of people don't, even professional speakers and printers. Half a nise deigh.
  9. I was waiting for somebody to catch my misdirection! Mr. Otto it is. I still stand by my point that you just can't quote the dictionary around here, unless there's a "Webster's Dictionary of Car Lingo." Good one, guys. Got two questions ansered that time.
  10. Are you sure that the cars didn't have cheap, thin carpets from the factory? It WAS the 70s when things were cheap and thin... :dead:
  11. beandip- I know what you mean. The thing is, when I go to a cruise-in, people always talk about how powerful the engine is, with the straight-6 and f.i., but it doesn't feel like the things people infer. Peppy, yes, but rubber-rippin? dunno... thx.
  12. So what's you point? Mr. Auto (Herr Auto) invented Automobile. Around here, dictionary definitions mean very little.
  13. The information came from documentaries on the History Channel, including the original Wright Flyer and the recent replicas. Also from History books and hostorical perfessors I've had. "Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights can make an airplane."
  14. There's no 'auto' in latin or any other language I know, so I think it's a little of both, or the one invented the other.
  15. Hi Mike- The Wright Flyer (powered, not glider) actually did fly in Dayton, and that's where they get the 120-foot distance, barely off the ground,as Z Kid said, so they went to Kitty Hawk to make a real 'flight.' Oh- Jurgon AUTO invented the AUTO-mobile
  16. Well, it wasn't Daimler or Benz. good idea tho, for a car forum like this.
  17. History is screwed up on some important points. People consider George washington as the "First President of the Unites States" because he was so popular and served for so long. In fact, Congress wanted to make him KING, but then they woke up and realized that's what they just got ride of! Another thing you may recently have seen is the Wright brothers... They actually first flew their plane in Dayton, Ohio. They went to "Kitty Hawk" because it was a place they went as kinds, it was at sea level, which mean denser air to float the heavy plane, and the average windspeed was faster. That'swhere all the official recognition happened. Can't think of any other historical bloopers and forgotten events, but they're out there. WWII is full of them.
  18. Dude, you need to start watching some history shows on TV instead of NASTYCAR. There were SEVEN presidents before G.W.
  19. Nope. G. W. was the second president of the Unites States. Sorry.
  20. I got another one. This might stump you.. Who was the FIRST president of the United States? ?
  21. On my 280z, I put on a shifter handle from a late model Dodge. It looks more like a manual shift knob and has the button in the front, so you don't see it. Here's a pic:
  22. The first part is more accurate. The cold start valve is more like an injector, which ADDS fuel. A choke blocks the air going into the carb/intake. Both have the same effect- richening the mixture. The proof is, the problem with some cold-start valves staying open after the engine starts and gets warm, so the mixture is always too rich. It has been said that the cause of that is a faulty thermotime switch( a temp sensor), which doesn't close off the cold-start valve.
  23. Do the springs get shorter after 100k+ miles? On my 280Z, the front is 1 or 2 inches higher than the back, so I started wondering. If I knew the length of the stock springs, I could measure it. Otherwise, I assume a new set of springs should even the height out. I did take off the a/c pump. thx.
  24. Do you dave a condom on while you are driving?
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