My JVC CD receiver shorted out over the winter when the heavy winter dews got inside- I should've brought it in the house for storage.
So I went to BestBuy to see what's available, and the current CD receivers basic are of two types- Bluetooth and "Media." The bluetooth ones connect to your "phone" which I don't have, so it won't help me. I do have a tablet for navigation, and if I could feed the audio instructions from the tablet to the receiver while driving, that would help. The "Media" units have one or two USB ports where you connect flashdrive, or an Android or IOS device for access to the music on the device, or to control (?) the receiver.
Most units have a mini-jack (1/8 stereo) on the front, which may be useful for some things.
One thing I noticed overall was that the dot-matrix displays are not very bright, and the one receiver I tested (placed the thing in the radio hole and drove around the parking lot once) was hard to read while driving, and I had to stop the car and stare at the display to read it!
I seem to prefer the Media receivers, because I would use the radio mostly, and switch to a CD for longer driving trips. The USB port is convenient because you can quickly copy a few songs (holiday songs or something you want to listen to for a day) to a flashdrive, and take it with you, and share with others (like a DJ) or even have people put more songs on it for you to sample. USB Flashdrives are like reusable CDs...
I'd like some input from people who have either kind. Please tell me what advantage you like for your device, the price (I'd like to stay under $100) and why you'd recommend it. If you feel a certain Brand is ointeresting, mention that- I notticed some new brands lately, like BOSS.
BTW- I don't use a subwoofer- just four speakers (quarter windows and rears) and I'd like something with an easy-to-read display with few buttons and a fixed antenna.