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About 240Adam

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  • Member ID: 14172

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  • Joined: 09/11/2007

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  • Age: 46



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    Everett, Washington

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  1. My car used to do that, I had a stock ZX dizzy and it had a bad vacuum diaphragm. I changed it out and no stumbling.
  2. Dave put me down for one, Ill come pic it up this weekend. I PMed you a couple days ago. Give me a call! Adam.
  3. Thanks for the info, Im gona put one in my Z. I think if my car got stolen I would go find it before I call the cops, then I could have my way with the theif. I'm gona pass on the info.
  4. Yup, and nope. I have the turbo exhaust manifold. the numbers on it are P9 MN1 1 812 ?? not sure if that helps but for $25, your welcome to it. It needs a good media blasting (like all things cast-iron) but other than that, it's fine. call me or write me. wolfin32z@yahoo.com

  5. Hey dave, didnt you say you had a hole turbo set up off a ZX? If you still have it how much? I saw you a couple weeks ago braphen around marysville, I was in my 620 you didnt recognize me.

  6. I had 17x8's with a 5 in backspace in the rear with 215/40's, with about 1/4 to half inch clearance between the spring perch.
  7. My 75 280 has both mirrors and from what I can tell they are the same as a black pearl only not the metal ones. I am going to change them so if some one wants them let me know. I will get some pics tomorrow.
  8. I got some parts off this guy in Puyallup. I think the fenders are in pretty good shape. http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/pts/441149565.html
  9. Sorry probly should have seached first:ermm:
  10. I know there are cheap coilovers on the market, but does anyone know if these are any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=013&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=230172825954&rd=1
  11. 240Adam

    No Heat

    I have a 75 280 w/ AC well there was AC anyways pumps been removed. Does any one know if there is anything vacum related that will stop my heater valve from opening? It was working but the valve itself was sticky so I moved it back and forth at few times with my fingers now NO HEAT. I think lever stripped on the valve but not sure.
  12. Dave is a friend of mine and I have his phone # if you want it PM me.
  13. Hey thanks alot guys for the info, turns out it was the BCDD I gave it a turn one way and it got worse so I turned it the other way and problem solved. Thanks alot
  14. Thanks Ill check that out, I know I have two wires down there one is connected and I dont know where the other goes.
  15. I have a 75 280 and when I am coming up to a stop and I push in the clutch or throw it in neutral the idle stays at 1500 to 2000 untill I am almost stopped then it drops down to normal idle and it only does it after it warms up. I know I dont have a vaccum leak, I checked with starting fluid. I'm thinking its the valve on top of the intake manifold with the big vaccum line going to it, I don't know what its called. Any suggestions, thanks Adam
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