Everything posted by cajunz
More ebay madness
I believe that seller has been smoking a chicken bone.
found a set of 240z bumpers.
I found a '72 240z sitting in a guys yard that is total basket case, but it does have fairly decent bumpers on it. The rear bumper looks straight but needs new rubber strips. The front bumper is bent up a little in the middle but looks like it could be straightened fairly easily. No rust apparent. What would a set of bumpers like this be worth? Thanks. Brent
Hey guys, I'm in Vernal and would love to meet up with some other z enthusiasts. When and where? Brent
POR 15 application in framerails
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Johnny'O, I'll have to give the pump sprayer a try. I didn't realize the POR15 was thin enough to be able to spray like that.
POR 15 application in framerails
I'm looking for suggestions on the best way to spray POR15 up into the framerails, the rockerpanels and other hard to get at places. Thanks for any suggestions. Brent
rust in the seams
Again, thanks for all the input. Does the Cosmoline or Kroil have an odor thats gonna overpower my lovely exhaust fumes? Brent
rust in the seams
thanks for all the advice everyone. I was kind of thinking along the same lines with using the acid wash to get into the seams. I may try opening a few of the areas as best I can to really get at the rust. I'll keep you updated to let you know how the process goes. Brent
rust in the seams
Hey guys, I'm currently stripping all the undercoating off of the undercarriage of my '78 and I'm finding areas of rust in the seams. Whats the best way to get at this corrosion. I'm digging out as much of the seam filler material as I can. I want to get to every last area of rust before I POR-15 and re-undercoat the the bottom of the car. All suggestions appreciated. Brent
Homemade rotisserie
I'm no where near finished scraping on mine. I've gotten the passenger side done from the front of the floor pan back to the area near the spare tire well. Still have to do the tunnel also. I see at least another 20 hrs minimum before I'm done with this fun job. Then I'll be cleaning everything up and using POR-15 on the entire bottom of the car and also on the suspension parts.
Homemade rotisserie
JC, yeah, I went with the wooden one. It was easy to build in a couple of hrs and it works great. I think I'm going to modify mine and put the plywood rockers on all four corners. That way you don't have to swap ends to lay the car over the other way. I just finished scraping off undercoating for the last 4 hrs and the car was solid. Nno worry about it tipping over. Highly recommend the design.
Homemade rotisserie
Hey guys, I just completed the "rotisserie" that rolls the car 90 degrees onto its side. The thing works like a charm and materials costs less than $100. It's surprisingly sturdy and the car sits nice and stable on it. Now to start stripping the undercoating. Volunteers?
Homemade rotisserie
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm still up in the air on what type rotisserie to use.
Homemade rotisserie
Hey guys, I saw a thread several months ago on a homemade rotisserie that involved using heavy plywood cut in a semi-circle, and was mounted on both ends of the car and used to roll the car on its side. I've searched but can't seem to find the thread. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks, Brent
Man, did I make a big mistake yesterday...
If you were impressed with the 350z, then go an test drive the new 370z. I've had a stupid grin on my face since last May when I picked mine. It's a totally different breed of cat from the 350z. I still love my '78 though.
Winter conditions!
A chilly 8 degrees here this morning, but no snow. I'm planning on a road trip to Montana on Tuesday so I can trailer my '78Z back. The 370Z is going in the hanger for the winter and I'll have all winter to work on the 280Z in a nice 3 car garage. I just have to figure out an effective way to keep warm. I can't wait.
New Z's show no love
I agree with the age thing. I've got a '78 and the younger crowd doesn't even know what the car is most of the time. When I'm in the new 370Z, I rarely get a wave from the kids in the 350's. I get more love from the Subbie and Evo crowd. Go figure.
Head Removal
I have all the head bolts removed except the middle bolt on left side which broke off even with the top deck of the head. For the life of me, I can't get the head off. It's the original engine in my '78z. I've used a heavy rubber mallet and also tried to get a stiff putty blade in between the block and gasket but no go. The head will not budge. Any suggestions? I'm afraid to smack the head too hard with the mallet. What do I do short of taking it to the machine shop? Thanks, Brent
phosphoric acid?
Again, great feedback!! Thanks for the information. I've got some floorpans to start repairing, hopefully this weekend if it's not too cold. Brent
phosphoric acid?
thanks for the quick replies. You guys are a wealth of good information. If I understand correctly, you wash the phosphoric acid off with water and then dry thoroughly? Again thanks for all the help. Brent
phosphoric acid?
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the sight but love all the great info you guys provide. I hear you talk alot about using phosphoric acid to kill rust. What exactly is the proceedure for using this stuff. I have a '78 280 completely stripped for rust repair in the rear 1/4's, doglegs, floor pans, and front frame rails. Do you have to neutralize the acid after using it. I have never used the stuff before. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Brent
Successful skin graft (roof skin, that is)
Arne, how much for the old sunroof? I've got the same one on my '78 but not in very good shape. Brent