Everything posted by balaguy
problems heating my roof!
I just bought a nine off dagger tools its a nice website if you havn't checked it out. im gonna try the disc first and see if that will work it seems a little less expensive for start up and more forgiving (i hope).
problems heating my roof!
i am considering the shrinking disc. i am also embarased to say i tried this with a propane tourch, not o2/acc. I didn't think i needed to get my metal that hot to get the results i wanted and now im quiet positive that i didn't heat it up enough.
problems heating my roof!
I have been doing body work on my 70 240 and like most im learning as i go. My roof is is pretty good shape "wavey as most 240z are." However, in one area it looks like a football with a 10 sec hang time came down on my roof and streched the metal. My idea was to heat it up, and bring it back to its original shape( everyone says its so easy). Anyway to make a long story longer its rasied (bubbled) I have heated cooled rapidly, then heated and let cool, slowly while dollying to see if that works better,ect. its not looking good and i dont want to ruin my car. Am i doing something wrong or not doing enough?
Where is the best place to cut out my rusted batt area.
Thanks guys for the help. You all told me what i wanted to hear, and without any negative feedback/personal cheap blows (I think there is some retired individuals that just sit at home and put there 10 cents into every comment on this site.) greatly appreciated Andy Balaguy
Where is the best place to cut out my rusted batt area.
Thats what i would like to do, I just want to make sure im heading the right direction.
Where is the best place to cut out my rusted batt area.
THe batt tray is gone the inner fender is rusted out about the size of half the battery's base to the firewall. I just purchased a clean front clip and i and i would like to make this as painless as possible. My question is should i drill out the spot welds on the inner side of the strut tower and match up my new piece all the way to the fire wall, or make the patch as minimal as i can. I dont want to mess with the camber or alingment of the car but would like to keep it as strong as i can since i have all the steel. Would prefer to not do a whole clip conversoin for a 6X8 hole. If any one would like to share where the did their cutting and the issues they may have encoutered i would appreciate the input, befor i make any cuts. thanks andy
Has anyone used paint from Trinity 1945/Paint for cars .com
Their testimonials seem convincing, but when do they not?
Battery ate my fender
I was worried that was going to be the response. I guess i will start hunting.
1975 280z wont start?
Assume nothing in the car works, and start replacing things. Could be mechanical or electircal. You did the battery and fluids. Now assume your starter is froze, and then go to your alt(it will need to be replaced almost idefenitely). Then work your way into fuses and trace electircal problems backwards. The problem is you might replace all this and find out that the engine is blown?? If you have no exp, then you need to go off common sense. If you have a hard time with common sense ( in the mechanicle spectrum) This could end up costing you thousands to get it started?? Be careful things add up quick.
Battery ate my fender
Does anyone know a good place to by a new batter holder/support ( not a tray) and any suggestions on the cheapest, way to handle the rusted out hole in the fender? Wire mesh, mold some metal, cut a piece out of a good one??? thanks A
Floor pan percautions, "are there any"
You can do all this but unfortunatly there is no formula. The only way is to start with the fender flares, and get out the measuring tape. After that you can go custom made rims or billet custom made adapters/spacers to go with the rim you decided to go with. Or you u can copy someone else taking into consideration what they have done. Sorry, for the lack of info. I went through the same issues and I think a lot of guys do. My advise to you is get the flares on the car, find the rims you want, and do adapters to make up the difference in measusred space. There just isn't a lot of rims out there for these cars and suprisingly lots of guys go for the old school look with 15/16. I played it safe and went 17/7 with 225/45/17 from motorsport.
Floor pan percautions, "are there any"
I was told that I need a shop to do it because they facilitate a lift to support the car equally. I was also told that doing the pans without the car being supported by a lift will cause the car to tweak /change shape because of the unibody const being weakend. Is this a potential prob or can I do this in my garage on the weekend?
For a 5 and 6 inch rim you can have a 1/2 inch offset, for a 7 its zero. Anything after that is all aftermarket. Generally speaking you can run up to about a 10mm offset on 16 17 18 inch rims. However you have to take into consideration your suspention and tire series. You look new to the website so going back to basics go to Zcarmotorsports.com they have a decent inventory or rims and can give you an idea of tire rim variations. I am running 17 with 45 series with the car lowered 2 inches and I still have room to go lower
WTB: wireing harness in Sacramento area
I have a 70 240z and the wiring is FUBAR! I just removed the old rear harness because the lighting in the back is was not original i don't know what year it was off of but the plugs for the lights were not from a 240. So I went to repalce with a original harness off a 71 in good shape all tested it pluged right in and all grounds are good and now nothing works. All my ground wires are getting power which leads me to my dash. My dash is a mess nothing is correct, im pretty sure that something is giving my grounds power and instead of fixing what i have i think hunting down a harness that has not been destroyed like mine might be a better bet. thanks Andy ABalaguy@yahoo.com
WTB: wireing harness in Sacramento area
I need a full set up front dash and rear, i know that everyone wants one but i also know there out there. Any leads on something would be appreciated. thanks A. Balaguy
How can I tell if i have a 5 speed???
Sorry i did not specify that this transmission is currenlty lying on the floor of my garage, not in the car. Although I do have a stock four speed in the car! thanks
How can I tell if i have a 5 speed???
I was told it was a 5 speed, seems to only shift as a four speed, then someone else told me it was a four speed. It has the same straight stick shift as my four speed, as far as I know five speeds have a bent shifter? I didn't buy it and i don't know the history on it.
Por-15 on the end of Frame rail?
Thanks for the info I got frame rails for 80 bucks and Zedd findings.
Por-15 on the end of Frame rail?
and how easy were they to install?
Por-15 on the end of Frame rail?
I just finnally looked under my 70 240(sitting in garage for a year) My floor pans are in pretty good cond. I have a small hole on the pass. side directly above the seat mount. It carrys through the floor pan and to the frame rail. The frame rail is rusted out basically about 6-8 inches from where it ties into the pan and stops. Can I do the POR-15,floor pan restor kit from motorsport or should I get a new rail? I want to do it right but not go overboard! Andy Woodland Ca
L28/E31 with webbers, or N42 0r N46????
sblake01 your an animal!!!
L28/E31 with webbers, or N42 0r N46????
thanks everyone!!!
L28/E31 with webbers, or N42 0r N46????
I have an L28 with an E31 head, it runs great. I would like to put tripple webbers on it down the road. I was told the E31 head is not the best combo. I was told however that an N42 head would be a better combo? I s this true?? I also currenlty have two N46 heads would those be something I should hang onto???
Anyone live in Sacramento???
thanks for the info!!!!