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clayton 260z

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Everything posted by clayton 260z

  1. The bearing should stay in place with no problem.
  2. I run an Arizona Z aluminum pan and the pick up is hard to line up and drop into place with out the motor up about 1 inch. Removed tranny to put another seal in, did not remove motor mounts just loosened to be able to lift motor enough to remove pan. The pan will hit the crank if you don't turn it as you remove the pan, lifting just made it easier. Again all was removed just to be on the safe side. The cap came off fairly easy with a little tap do not mess with the bearing. Good Luck
  3. I have had the same annoying oil leak in my car also. I had replaced the rear main two times with no luck it still leaked. What I thought was the rear main seal leaking was the side seal. With no special tools we fixed the problem, pulled transmission, loosen motor mounts removed oil pan, removed rear crank cap carefully, removed old side seals from cap, replaced cap torqued to 40 lbs then replaced side seals, new rear main seal and put everthing back. It was not hard just took time. The best thing no more oil leak. Now why did the the side seals leak? We rebuilt the motor a little over four years ago and I am quite sure they were not replaced then and the old ones were left in somehow. This is just a guess do to the condition of the seals when removed, a little hard and appeared to be much older than they should have looked. It can be done......
  4. Bruce, Is there any problem using SU Zennith Damper oil? Mike
  5. I may have what you need but will have to check when I get home. Let me know if you want, and I will look tonight and let you know tuesday. Mike
  6. I had the same dilemma. I removed the clutch fan and went with twin electric fans. For me it was the best thing I could of done.
  7. found both pieces, NOS...
  8. I believe those go on each end of the bearing cap where the rear main seal sits to keep oil from leaking around the rms. I am geting ready do the same. Also where did you get your seal and what brand? Thanks, Mike
  9. I am looking for a much better rear view mirror and a 260 choke knob for my car . If anyone has either one and would conisder letting it go I would be a buyer. Thanks for any help... Mike
  10. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    No doubt antenna switch.....
  11. That would be your sending unit for your fuel gauge.
  12. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in GARAGE BUSINESS
    I just recieved my clock back from Ron @ ZClocks and I must say what a wonderful job he did. Looks great, fast turn around and another very happy customer. Now I get to install my NOS dash I bought for the 260. Thanks Ron.....
  13. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    100% plastic
  14. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Try ebay thats where I found mine. On my early model 260 the drivers side has 3 and pass. has 2 wires. Good luck.
  15. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Steve, Yep no matter how you look at it, its still a 30+ year old dash. The car stays in a garage and I havea windshield cover when we are out. Mike
  16. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    After 3 years of looking I found a nos dash for my car in Texas. It came saturday and I am very happy, no more dash cap. Assembly over the holiday. Clayton 260
  17. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    First welcome and congrats on your car. I also have a 260 early build 8/73 and have many times wondered its value. The car has been in the family for 36 years and has been truley enjoyed by my father, myself and soon my son. The car was bought by my dad and he drove it for 32 years and 300,000 miles. He gave me the the car and I went to town with a complete rebuild and spent a total of over $26,000.00. So what I am getting at is the value is with the owner, its worth what its worth to you. Is my car worth $26,000.00 dollars probley not but I have that much and more in it and it was worth every penny. The joy of doing it, seeing my dads face when I showed it to him, the driving and the fun with other Z owners makes it to me worth it. Have fun enjoy the ride don't worry about cost if you can and enjoy this time in your life...................
  18. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Torker Yes the the car is mine. It has been in my family the past 36 years. The body kit is a MSA type ll. The turn signals are hidden in the grill area and are actually 1 inch pvc pipe with the bulb inserted into the end. Thanks for the compliments and good luck with yours. Mike
  19. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The early 260 had the front valence turn signal just like the 240, it was changed over to the 280 grill style in the late version of the 260. That would be for the American version the European version of the 260 I am not sure of, it was produced for many years longer. FWIW
  20. I agree with spotty. Check your fusable links...
  21. IBZINYA, I have a 260 that I run with a Holly electric pump installed at the tank that feeds my SU's. On the return line I have a fuel pressure regulator set @ 3. I have had no problems with mine.... Mike
  22. hearsay says the N36 intake should flow beter but as Arne says there is no documented proff of that. Mike
  23. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    No... 74-78 will all fit (interchangable) but nothing will fit a 240 but a 240 because of the center dash connection. Mike
  24. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Found them at Z Barn from Roger..........
  25. clayton 260z posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I am looking for both driver and passenger side regulators for my 74 260 they have to be from a 74-76 year date. Thanks for the help. Mike

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