Thank you Gary, that is very useful advice. I'm definitely going to be watching out for rust. I was first thinking to get one a little run down and cheaper, but have since decided to spend a little more and get an easier start. And that only seems the smart thing to do since this will be my first one. If I get a good one to start with, I'll be able to learn more about them before diving into something way over my head.
It sounds like I might be better off in trying to find one without the molding to begin with. Might save a little work, but I probably shouldn't pass up a nice one just because of the molding. Thanks for all of the info!
Hey guys, I'm new to the classic Z forum and I'm currently researching to find a good condition early 70's Z. One thing I've decided is that I really like the one's without the side door protector molding. As I've never had one of these cars, I'm not too familiar with which models did and didn't have this molding. Is the molding something that can be easily removed? And if so, how hard is it to make it look like it was never there? I would appreciate any advice someone might have. Jonathan
Thanks twsutt & BRE-240Z, I was actually born in Texas, but grew up just across the border in Arkansas. Moved to Japan for a few years and then to Georgia. We've just opened a new warehouse in Texas, so I've moved back to this area. I hope to get to know some people on here.
Hello to all, Just signed up to the site and am quite a newbie to the classic Z's. I've got two 90 model 300ZX's that I've done some work on, and I'm looking to possibly get a classic to add to my collection. Right now I'm looking at the early 70's models. As for the 90 model 300ZX's, one is a 2+2 that's been converted to twin turbo with a few Japanese spec body parts. The other is a 2 seater that we've converted to right hand drive. I'm still working on getting the twin turbo engine into the 2 seater. Hopefully I can get a classic and start learning more about them. Jonathan